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Admiral's Multi-Thunker Lounge

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    Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s View Post
    Okay, Question.. Who is that?? Second picture..
    I know the first pic is the young guy Lee from Battlestar Galactica..

    But the second guy!! DANG!! He looks familiar!! But I can't place him!!

    and um.. I guess I am joining the Multi-Thunker Crowd since I have the new sigline now!!

    CONGRATS Ben Browder Fans.. you got a new one!!
    When its comes to EYES (well Ben's on FarScape) did I just type that!!

    *looks around* Oh my ONTLLJC is not gonna like me tonight!!
    Still in shock, please for give me *tries to close mouth*....OK, I think I can speak now, Welcome to the yummieness that is Ben! Take if from me, his pictures, however great they are, don't do his handsome self justice sorry, snark is just a bad habit But giving people a hard time is just fun
    Lord have mercy! I've seen him on something long before One Tree, I didn't even watch that. It will come to me....
    Originally posted by CKO View Post
    for your viewing pleasure... the WP... enjoy and thunk away... free for the snurchin as well


    *Gasps for air* OMG, CKO, that is just too pretty! Great job *licks* thank you thank you from my hormones
    Last edited by purpletoo1; 28 January 2007, 09:37 PM.


      Originally posted by CKO View Post
      stand by for ANDERS pics

      just clicky for full size versions


      cowabunga! Nice collection CKO! *pick self up off the floor*
      Originally posted by cajnjirl View Post
      Good NIGHT!
      CKO, you gonna get me in sooo much trouble. *explodes*
      *wipes goo off face* LOL ...a little warning next time love
      Originally posted by cajnjirl View Post
      Oh good Lord, you too, purple.
      I might as well quit fighting and give myself over. lol
      you're so easy lately jirl! Not getting any?
      Originally posted by ShippyChick View Post
      Hello Sam!!! YOWZA!
      Heee, exactly!

      Great sig twoLLs!


        I am happy to anounce that today it's Mayo's birthday....
        You can find the cake on your right, and the booze on the left...enjoy the party....


          My boys wanted to sing to you Mayo
          And Coffee even shaved for the occasion



            Good morning Lounge!

            I woke this morning to snow on the ground, very rare around here. And Boy did I have good dreams! I'll put it in spoilers if you want to know more. . .

            I was at a convention at something like a cocktail social with everyone milling around just chatting. Michael Shanks was there and I got the last hug and photo with him before everyone left. He and I walked out together. We were walking down the hall in the direction of my room and he said he didn't know where he was supposed to go to kill time before the next function. I told him he was welcome to come to my room. He asked if I was sure that was ok. DUH! Then he asked if some of his friends came too. He made a call and told someone my room number. We get to the room and he asked if he could use my laptop. While he is using it there is a knock at the door and Amanda Tapping and Chris Judge come in. Michael found a funny and embaressing video of Ben on-line and they decide to call him and tease him about it. Next thing you know he comes over to defend himself. The dream gets fuzzy there. Then somehow I end up in the convention for the final "act" which is a musical production with all of them and RDA. Michael is running late and none of the others have a cell phone to call him, so they give me his number and tell me to call and find out where he is. He answers as he is walking in the theater. Then it all gets fuzzy again and my cat woke me up! Pretty good though.

            I figure this pic is appropriate after my dream . . .


              Originally posted by CKO View Post
              for your viewing pleasure... the WP... enjoy and thunk away... free for the snurchin as well


              Originally posted by purpletoo1 View Post
              *Gasps for air* OMG, CKO, that is just too pretty! Great job *licks* thank you thank you from my hormones

              you're so easy lately jirl! Not getting any?
              OMG, I'm laughin so hard! *kisses purple*
              Naw, its Spring Fever.
              Happens to me every year usually from Feb. to about mid-May.
              Now you know why all my kids were born in Dec. LMAO!!

              Originally posted by hastiekido View Post
              I am happy to anounce that today it's Mayo's birthday....
              You can find the cake on your right, and the booze on the left...enjoy the party....
              Hey Walter my man! How they hangin? *sacks*
              think I'll just have cake. learned my lesson last time.

              HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Mayo!


                LOL! Shippy!
                that was a great dream!
                but why it has to get fuzzy right at the good parts?


                  Originally posted by purpletoo1 View Post
                  OMG Addy! you changed your sig!
                  Yep, fallout from the clone reorganization.

                  Good morning, everyone!


                    Originally posted by Morgania View Post
                    Evening, folks!

                    Congrats on 30,000 posts, Addy!!!

                    Remind me later (Tuesday) , I got you a present.
                    Thanks! *notes calendar*


                      Congrats on 1,600 posts, Jules!


                        Congrats on 300 posts, Iffy!


                          Congrats on 700 posts, mayo!


                            Thanks for all the BSG pics, purple and CKO! Very nice of you to share!


                              Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s View Post
                              Okay, Question.. Who is that?? Second picture..
                              I know the first pic is the young guy Lee from Battlestar Galactica..

                              But the second guy!! DANG!! He looks familiar!! But I can't place him!!

                              and um.. I guess I am joining the Multi-Thunker Crowd since I have the new sigline now!!

                              CONGRATS Ben Browder Fans.. you got a new one!!
                              When its comes to EYES (well Ben's on FarScape) did I just type that!!

                              *looks around* Oh my ONTLLJC is not gonna like me tonight!!

                              Welcome, Snow Bunny. How's school coming along?

                              Welcome. Uh, you go to school?


                                Goodmornin Admiral
                                nice new siggy
                                Mornin' Jack-bear *takes off Jack's cap, smells of it, puts it back on* Ahhhh!

