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Admiral's Multi-Thunker Lounge

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      Good night, lounge.


        Helllo lounge, Waves still housesitting. Addy, Just want to say thanks for looking after V_S
        that saying about teaching old dogs new tricks you have proven that to be
        so wrong V_S has been choc full of ideas since he got back I'm shattered.


          Originally posted by Verona View Post
          Helllo lounge, Waves still housesitting. Addy, Just want to say thanks for looking after V_S
          that saying about teaching old dogs new tricks you have proven that to be
          so wrong V_S has been choc full of ideas since he got back I'm shattered.
          He's not old.


            Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

            Oh, heck, just take the windbag. He's not worth all this trouble.
            Since no one else has claimed the windbag *Beams Snuggly Wuggly to Bran Haven*

            Took you long enough.
            Shh *stops his mouth with a kiss*
            thanks Stef

            Thanks Wendy



              I believe they are from Company of Thieves
              Sig made by me


                oooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh *pounces*


                  morning lounge!

                  Wake up master Jack, its nearly 10.30am!
                  Whoo that late already?...I guess we didn't sleep much last night did we?
                  You don't remember?
                  Barely...I remember the wine, and then boys stripping disurbing....
                  aah its ok MJ...I'll get you an asperine and wait for Addy to beam you back...


                    Sorry Snuggly Wuggly, but I have to go to bed and I know Addy will be wanting you returned before I get up. So Can you find your way home from the Lounge?
                    Of course *kisses Maeve and beams to the Lounge*
                    thanks Stef

                    Thanks Wendy



                        Originally posted by GottaLoveDaniel View Post
                        Good morning Lounge!!!

                        Dr.J, a net usually helps when trying to catch a crichton clone!

                        Here you go..I'll leave him in here for you to check out! If he doesn't meet your approval, then just release him back into the wild!!!
                        Thanks GLD, he checked out fine. Well, I checked him out after he regained consciousness. The boys zatted him. I know, boys will be boys. *shakes head* They're getting on well now and they named him too - Racer. They say he rans fast and they had to race after him. So Racer. Not that I'm complaining, it kind of suites him.

                        Racer: I'm feeling much better now. The effects of the Zat have worn off, Doc. Can I get out of bed now?
                        Dr.J: No, hon, you have to stay in there a little longer.

                        CJ: You realize what this means, don't you?
                        DJ: Yeah, we have to share.

                        Mac: You can join me in the Puddlejumper.

                        DJ: It's only one night.
                        CJ: Fine, but if he snores we're beaming him home.
                        DJ: Deal. *beams them both away*

                        Well with the boys gone, I guess, it's just Racer and I. Mmmm, the possibilites....



                          Originally posted by Dr.J View Post
                          Thanks GLD, he checked out fine. Well, I checked him out after he regained consciousness. The boys zatted him. I know, boys will be boys. *shakes head* They're getting on well now and they named him too - Racer. They say he rans fast and they had to race after him. So Racer. Not that I'm complaining, it kind of suites him.

                          Racer: I'm feeling much better now. The effects of the Zat have worn off, Doc. Can I get out of bed now?
                          Dr.J: No, hon, you have to stay in there a little longer.

                          CJ: You realize what this means, don't you?
                          DJ: Yeah, we have to share.

                          Mac: You can join me in the Puddlejumper.

                          DJ: It's only one night.
                          CJ: Fine, but if he snores we're beaming him home.
                          DJ: Deal. *beams them both away*

                          Well with the boys gone, I guess, it's just Racer and I. Mmmm, the possibilites....

                          Welcome Racer!! After the break in period you will have to stop over sometime *blows kiss*

                          Cupcake: Good Morning Lounge.
                          Sig made by me


                            Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                            Welcome Racer!! After the break in period you will have to stop over sometime *blows kiss*

                            Cupcake: Good Morning Lounge.
                            Morning Cupcake *blows kiss*, though in my case it's night here. And I'm off to bed, Racer needs some attention. Poor boy, being chaced by CJ and DJ took a lot out of him. Not to mention being in that net. So I'm off to take care of him.

                            Night all. Be good Cupcake. If you can't be good. Enjoy it.



                              how is everyone?

                              i is on my hollidays

                              hello from england


                                Originally posted by DJgirl View Post

                                I believe they are from Company of Thieves
                                Thanks. I missed the question. It must have been Lorne and Beckett distracting me.

