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    To: Gate Security Task Force Personnel
    From: Col. ECam Mitchell

    Re: Security Duty Schedule June 7 - 13, 2010

    On Scheduled Leave:
    ECam, EDSam

    All times listed are Pacific.

    Monday, June 7 & Tuesday, June 8

    Chatter Analysis: Mrs. RCWendy Mitchell

    Control Room: 07:00-16:00 Ginger (Monday); Bunny (Tuesday)

    Boot Camp:
    05:00-11:00 Team David (BSamantha, Kyan, Kevin)
    Assist with military recruits

    11:00-17:00 Team Foxtrot (John, RVal, BabyFace)
    Assist with military recruits

    17:00-23:00 Team Edward (Reynolds, CamSyn, Eli)
    Assist with military recruits

    Wednesday, June 9, Thursday, June 10 & Friday, June 11:

    Chatter Analysis: Dr. Bairn McKay

    Control Room: 07:00-16:00 KAddy (Wednesday); Evie (Thursday); Jonas (Friday)

    05:00-11:00 Team Adam (Fox, Giovanni, Remy)
    Assist with military recruits

    11:00-17:00 Team Baker (Dexie, Murray, Skye)
    Assist with military recruits

    17:00-23:00 Team Charlie (Barrett, Powerhouse, RSamantha)
    Assist with military recruits

    Saturday, June 12 & Sunday, June 13

    Chatter Analysis: Mr. RMal Barrett

    Control Room: Walter

    Boot Camp:
    05:00-11:00 Team Adam (Fox, Giovanni, Remy)
    Assist with military recruits

    11:00-17:00 Team Baker (Dexie, Murray, Skye)
    Assist with military recruits

    17:00-23:00 Team Charlie (Barrett, Powerhouse, RSamantha)
    Assist with military recruits



      To: All fight personnel
      From: Gen. Cammie Mitchell

      Re: Patrol Schedule June 7 - 13, 2010

      On Scheduled Leave:
      Danny, Sweet Pea, Cub, EDaniel

      All times listed are Pacific.

      Monday, June 7
      00:00-05:00 Prometheus Redux on orbital patrol (RSam, RJC)
      05:00-08:30 Alpha 1 - Johnny (Squadron Leader), RCam
      08:30-12:00 Alpha 2 - RMJack (2IC), RECam
      12:00-15:30 Alpha 3 - Aeryn (Shift Leader), Mitchie
      15:30-19:30 Odyssesy II on orbital patrol (Cammie, Dulce)
      19:30-24:00 O'Neill II on orbital patrol (Alpha commanding)
      Gamma Station: Methos (Station Head), V. Teal'c (Crew Chief)

      Tuesday, June 8
      00:00-05:00 Prometheus Redux on orbital patrol (RSam, RJC)
      05:00-08:30 Beta 1 - Imp (Squadron Leader), Vala
      08:30-12:00 Beta 2 - Jay (2IC), Bubbles
      12:00-15:30 Beta 3 - Ace (Shift Leader), Bella
      15:30-19:30 Odyssesy II on orbital patrol (Cammie, Dulce)
      19:30-24:00 O'Neill II on orbital patrol (Alpha commanding)
      Gamma Station: Methos (Station Head), V. Teal'c (Crew Chief)

      Wednesday, June 9
      00:00-05:00 Prometheus Redux on orbital patrol (RSam, RJC)
      05:00-08:30 Gamma 1 - Sweet Pea (Squadron Leader), WCam
      08:30-12:00 Gamma 2 - Lucky (2IC), Amaretti
      12:00-15:30 Gamma 3 - RCS (Shift Leader), Sami
      15:30-19:30 Odyssesy II on orbital patrol (Cammie, Dulce)
      19:30-24:00 O'Neill II on orbital patrol (Master Jack commanding)
      Gamma Station: Methos (Station Head), V. Teal'c (Crew Chief)

      Thursday, June 10
      00:00-05:00 Prometheus Redux on orbital patrol (RShep, REDan)
      05:00-08:30 Alpha 1 - Johnny (Squadron Leader), RCam
      08:30-12:00 Alpha 2 - RMJack (2IC), RECam
      12:00-15:30 Alpha 3 - Aeryn (Shift Leader), Mitchie
      15:30-19:30 Daedelus II on orbital patrol (Caldwell, RJonas)
      19:30-24:00 O'Neill II on orbital patrol (Master Jack commanding)
      Gamma Station: Beefcake (Station Head), Rya'c (Crew Chief)

      Friday, June 11
      00:00-05:00 Prometheus Redux on orbital patrol (RShep, REDan)
      05:00-08:30 Beta 1 - Imp (Squadron Leader), Vala
      08:30-12:00 Beta 2 - Jay (2IC), Bubbles
      12:00-15:30 Beta 3 - Ace (Shift Leader), Bella
      15:30-19:30 Daedelus II on orbital patrol (Caldwelll, RJonas)
      19:30-24:00 O'Neill II on orbital patrol (Master Jack commanding)
      Gamma Station: Beefcake (Station Head), Rya'c (Crew Chief)

      Saturday, June 12
      00:00-24:00 O'Neill II on orbital patrol (Braga commanding)
      Gamma Station: Closed

      Sunday, June 13
      00:00-05:00 Prometheus Redux on orbital patrol (RShep, REDan)
      05:00-08:30 Gamma 1 - Sweet Pea (Squadron Leader), WCam
      08:30-12:00 Gamma 2 - Cub (acting 2IC), Amaretti
      12:00-15:30 Gamma 3 - RCS (Shift Leader), Sami
      15:30-24:00 Daedelus II on orbital patrol (Caldwelll, RJonas)
      Gamma Station: Methos (Station Head) V. Teal'c (Crew Chief)



        To: Iffy
        From: Master Jack

        I'll be officiating the wedding on Monday. Would you like to sit with me at the reception and we can spend time alone afterward? xx


          Originally posted by Salamas View Post

          To: RMJack
          From: Serat

          I'd definitely like that. Thank you for asking.

          To: Serat
          From: RMJack

          I'll make the arrangements.



            To: Skye
            From: Cammie

            Would you be my date for the wedding on Monday? We can sit together at the reception. xx



              To: Kitty
              From: Sheppy

              Would you like to attend the wedding on Monday with me? We can meet at the ceremony...lakeside. xx



                To: Zane
                From: Kali

                Will you be my date to the wedding on Monday? I love you. xoxox



                  To: Bubbles
                  From: Vala

                  Do you plan to attend the wedding on Monday? I thought we could sit together if you are there. xoxo



                    To: ONTLCC
                    From: Sami

                    Would you want to be my date to the wedding on Monday? xx


                      Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

                      To: ONTLCC
                      From: Sami

                      Would you want to be my date to the wedding on Monday? xx
                      @ONTLL's house...

                      *snuggled on the couch, watching FarScape, Sweetie and Crichton.. Alarm goes off!*

                      ONTLLCC: What the Frell is that?
                      ONTLL: Sounds like your computer alarm, Mac must has changed the sound!
                      ONTLLCC: Very funny! *gets up and checks the computer* Oh my.. *sits down* WOW!! Um.. Sweetie! I am gonna be busy on Monday!

                      To: Sami
                      From: John Crichton (ONTLLCC)

                      Yes, I would be honored to join you! Thank you for the invite!
                      Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!



                        To: Valeryn
                        From: Remy

                        We are having a wedding in the lounge on Monday. Plan to attend it with me and we can have our private date after. You do not have to bring a gift unless you want to. xx


                          Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s View Post
                          @ONTLL's house...

                          *snuggled on the couch, watching FarScape, Sweetie and Crichton.. Alarm goes off!*

                          ONTLLCC: What the Frell is that?
                          ONTLL: Sounds like your computer alarm, Mac must has changed the sound!
                          ONTLLCC: Very funny! *gets up and checks the computer* Oh my.. *sits down* WOW!! Um.. Sweetie! I am gonna be busy on Monday!

                          To: Sami
                          From: John Crichton (ONTLLCC)

                          Yes, I would be honored to join you! Thank you for the invite!

                          To: John C.
                          From: Sami

                          I'll be arriving some time between 10:00 and 11:00PT. The ceremony will be out at Master Jack's lake and the reception in the lounge. Have a great weekend! xoxo



                            To: Dexie
                            From: Valerie

                            Would you be my date for the wedding on Monday? They have a different cleaning crew tending to it so that I have the day off. xx



                              To: IffyD
                              From: Bairn

                              Will you do me the honor of accompanying me to the wedding on Monday? You could come over the night before, if you want. xoxo


                                Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

                                To: Valeryn
                                From: Remy

                                We are having a wedding in the lounge on Monday. Plan to attend it with me and we can have our private date after. You do not have to bring a gift unless you want to. xx

                                @ONTLL's house..

                                ONTLLJC: Um Sweetie, Valeryn is invited to a wedding
                                ONTLL: What? With whom?
                                ONTLLJC: Remy!
                                ONTLL: Oh, okay, then she will be fine, I trust him
                                ONTLLJC: I don't he's a copy of me! Sorta!
                                ONTLL: Exactly, now when do we tell her!
                                ONTLLJC: I think Remy is looking for a response!
                                ONTLL: Oh this is gonna be a long weekend!
                                ONTLLJC: You can say that again!
                                ONTLL: Valeryn, you got a message from Remy!
                                Valerny: Really, me a message *reads message* Oh my.. Squee!! A wedding!! *Jumps up and down* Shopping, lots of shopping!
                                ONTLL: Not on your own, with Mitchell!
                                Valeryn: But.. he is no fun!
                                ONTLL: Sorry, that's the rules, remember last time!
                                Valeryn: Yes Ma'am! *sits down at desk and starts typing*

                                To: Remy
                                From: Valeryn

                                I would love to accompany you to the wedding. Thank you for the invite, and be prepared for later!
                                Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!

