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    Lucky: I still can't believe we have to save Kit. It is just wrong. Man will that stray ever shut up.

    Mitchie: Kit will be mad we didn't get there sooner. *chuckles* Basketball?
    Lucky: Yes, I need a break.


      BC House... Library...

      Serat: *browses shelf for appropriate book* Are you listening?

      I was listening in lecture already. I just wasn't looking at the visuals. We're not going to be tested on them.
      Serat: You weren't taking notes either.
      Because we won't be tested on them! *sinks deeper into arm chair* I took notes the first half, the second half was just to see what the style looked like. Stupid Hunter...Stupid job...Stupid brother... *grumbles* Can't I just Wikipedia them?
      Serat: Not this time.
      Awesome sig by Laura
      "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

      The randomess that is me
      Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty



        Dexie: We should just shoot them all. Wraith don't talk this much they just suck the life out of you quickly not slowly.
        Ginger: This one is especially blathery.

        SBa'al feeds...
        Kit: That man will cut you up into tiny bits and feed you to the fish. Aamretti uis going to give you a ship that is a trap.
        SBa'al: Shut up. Once I rule the world, they will bow down to me, temples will be raised in my name. Taur'i games do not worry me. I am eternal the Great God Ba'al.
        Kit: No, you are not. I am.
        Last edited by Iffy; 13 April 2010, 08:16 AM.


          O'Neill II.... MJack's quarters...

          Iffy: You are pinning me to the bed.
          MJack: I know. *starts nibbling*
          Iffy: But I was going.....oh.. check.... my mmm...


            Originally posted by Iffy View Post

            Dexie: We should just shoot them all. Wraith don't talk this much they just suck the life out of you quickly not slowly.
            Ginger: This one is especially blathery.

            SBa'al feeds...
            Kit: That man will cut you up into tiny bits and feed you to the fish. Aamretti uis going to give you a ship that is a trap.
            SBa'al: Shut up. Once I rule the world, they will bow down to me, temples will be raised in my name. Taur'i games do not worry me. I am eternal the Great God Ba'al.
            Kit: No, you are not. I am.

            I'm actually rooting for Kit this time around.


              random lunch bump...


                Gamma Station...Sheppy's office...

                Addy: *walks in, kisses* Hey, sexy. You wanted to see me?

                Sheppy: Yep. *smiles* I had ECam give my avatar self-awareness. He wants to join the clan.

                Addy: *blinks* Have you mentioned this to MJack?
                Sheppy: Nope. It just happened yesterday. And I know better than to bother him on his day off.
                Addy: Good point. *smiles* What name is he going to use?
                Sheppy: He's thinking John with a bold dark slate blue font.
                Addy: *giggles* We'll have Kyan set him up with a room tomorrow. He can join me for dinner this evening.
                Sheppy: Yes, ma'am. *kisses* Thank you.
                Addy: You're welcome.



                  Updated the guys. Sheppy's avatar is now his own clone, John. Also, Courtesan Jack finally pissed off MJack to the point that he has been kicked out of the clan. Don't ask. If they won't tell me what happened, I doubt they will tell you.


                    Through the Looking Glass...


                      Through the Looking Glass...


                        Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

                        Updated the guys. Sheppy's avatar is now his own clone, John. Also, Courtesan Jack finally pissed off MJack to the point that he has been kicked out of the clan. Don't ask. If they won't tell me what happened, I doubt they will tell you.
                        Not even if we ask nicely and offer treats?
                        Awesome sig by Laura
                        "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                        The randomess that is me
                        Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty



                          To: John
                          From: Kitty

                          Are you as adventurous as your original?
                          Awesome sig by Laura
                          "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                          The randomess that is me
                          Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                            Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

                            I'm actually rooting for Kit this time around.
                            Well that is a first


                              Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                              Not even if we ask nicely and offer treats?
                              You could try.


                                Originally posted by Salamas View Post

                                To: John
                                From: Kitty

                                Are you as adventurous as your original?
                                Automated Message

                                To: Sender
                                From: John

                                I am currently on duty and will receive your message once my shift is over. Thank you for taking time to contact me.

