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    Originally posted by Salamas View Post
    Sal's Room...

    *sits up* Okay!
    Kyan: *smiles, slips shirt onto her, snuggles her to his chest, lies down on the bed* Good night, Kaunis. *kisses her head* I love you.
    Sal: I love you, too. *snuggles close*


      Originally posted by Iffy View Post
      Fox: Thank you, Addy. Oh don't worry no kidnappings today. *grins*
      Lucky: *snorts*
      Addy: *grabs a beer, settles in* What are you guys up to?


        Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
        Addy: *grabs a beer, settles in* What are you guys up to?
        Lucky: Attempting to make Iffy less cranky.
        Iffy: YOu would be cranky too if you had to deal with two brunches in a week.
        Fox: Here latte. *hands Iffy coffee* she hates brunch.


          Originally posted by Iffy View Post
          Lucky: Attempting to make Iffy less cranky.
          Iffy: YOu would be cranky too if you had to deal with two brunches in a week.
          Fox: Here latte. *hands Iffy coffee* she hates brunch.
          Addy: I can understand that. *swigs beer* I have the big move tomorrow...getting all the stuff from the office to storage.



            To: Alpha Squadron
            From: Gen. C. Mitchell

            You will report to Col. ECam Mitchell at the Maui Boot Camp on Tuesday, January 5, 2010, 07:00 - 15:00PT for weapons and explosives qualifications.


              Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
              Addy: I can understand that. *swigs beer* I have the big move tomorrow...getting all the stuff from the office to storage.
              Lucky: Sounds like a lot of work.
              Fox: Sounds like you need some help. *eyes MJack*
              Iffy: *sips latte* Ugh... We need to deal with the Christmas tree but that's about it at home. This week is just crazy at work.



                Dulce (the SLorne clone) has been officially adopted into Iffy's Clan.



                  To: Gate Security Task Force Personnel
                  From: Col. ECam Mitchell

                  Re: Security Duty Schedule January 4 - 10, 2010

                  On scheduled leave:
                  Murray, Remy

                  All times listed are Pacific.

                  Monday, January 4

                  Chatter Analysis: Mrs. RCWendy Mitchell

                  Control Room: 07:00-16:00 Ginger

                  Boot Camp:
                  07:00-15:00 Team David (ECam, Kyan, RDarling)
                  Assist Duty Officer with military recruits

                  15:00-23:00 Team Baker
                  Assist Duty Officer with military recruits (Dexie, Kevin, Skye)

                  23:00-07:00 Team Edward (Reynolds, RGunny, Liz)
                  Assist Duty Officer with military recruits

                  Tuesday, January 5

                  Chatter Analysis: Mrs. RCWendy Mitchell

                  Control Room: 07:00-16:00 Bunny

                  Boot Camp:
                  07:00-10:30 Team David (ECam, Kyan, RDarling)
                  Weapons qualifications for Alpha Squadron

                  12:00-15:00 Team David (ECam, Kyan, RDarling)
                  Explosives qualifications for Alpha Squadron

                  15:00-23:00 Team Edward (Reynolds, RGunny, Liz)
                  Assist Duty Officer with military recruits

                  23:00-07:00 Team Charlie (Fox, Powerhouse, Aurora)
                  Assist Duty Officer with night time weapons training

                  Wednesday, January 6:

                  Chatter Analysis: Dr. M. Rod McKay

                  Control Room: 07:00-16:00 RDAddy

                  Boot Camp:
                  07:00-15:00 Team Adam (Barrett, Giovanni, Eli)
                  Assist Duty Officer of the Day with military recruits

                  15:00-23:00 Team Edward (Reynolds, RGunny, Liz)
                  Assist Duty Officer with military recruits

                  23:00-07:00 Team Charlie (Fox, Powerhouse, Aurora)
                  Assist Duty Officer with night time weapons training

                  Thursday, January 7

                  Chatter Analysis: Dr. M. Rod McKay

                  Control Room: 07:00-16:00 Evie (in training w/Danny)

                  Boot Camp:
                  07:00-15:00 Team Adam (Barrett, Giovanni, Eli)
                  Assist Duty Officer of the Day with military recruits

                  15:00-23:00 Team Baker (Dexie, Kevin, Skye)
                  Assist Duty Officer with military recruits

                  23:00-07:00 Team Charlie (Fox, Powerhouse, Aurora)
                  Assist Duty Officer with night time weapons training

                  Friday, January 8

                  Chatter Analysis: Dr. M. Rod McKay

                  Control Room: 07:00-16:00 Jonas

                  Boot Camp:
                  07:00-15:00 Team Adam (Barrett, Giovanni, Eli)
                  Assist Duty Officer of the Day with military recruits

                  15:00-23:00 Team Baker (Dexie, Kevin, Skye)
                  Assist Duty Officer with military recruits

                  23:00-07:00 Team Charlie (Fox, Powerhouse, Aurora)

                  Saturday, January 9

                  Chatter Analysis: Dr. M. Rod McKay

                  Boot Camp:
                  07:00-15:00 Team Adam (Barrett, Giovanni, Eli)
                  Assist Duty Officer of the Day with military recruits

                  15:00-23:00 Team Baker (Dexie, Kevin, Skye)
                  Assist Duty Officer with military recruits

                  23:00-07:00 Team Charlie (Fox, Powerhouse, Aurora)

                  Sunday, January 10

                  Chatter Analysis: Dr. M. Rod McKay

                  Control Room: Walter

                  Boot Camp:
                  07:00-15:00 Team Adam (Barrett, Giovanni, Eli)
                  Assist Duty Officer of the Day with military recruits

                  15:00-23:00 Team Baker
                  Assist Duty Officer with military recruits (Dexie, Kevin, Skye)

                  23:00-07:00 Team Edward (Reynolds, RGunny, Liz)
                  Assist Duty Officer with military recruits



                    To: All fight personnel
                    From: Gen. C. Mitchell

                    Re: Patrol Schedule January 4 - 10, 2010

                    On Scheduled Leave:
                    Bubbles, RCupcake, RMJack, RMer

                    All times listed are Pacific.

                    Monday, January 4
                    00:00-05:00 Prometheus Redux on orbital patrol (RShep, RJC)
                    05:00-08:30 Alpha 1 - CamSyn (Squadron Leader), RCam
                    08:30-12:00 Alpha 2 - Sam (2IC), RScruffy
                    12:00-15:30 Alpha 3 - Cub (Shift Leader), RECam
                    15:30-19:30 Zephyr (Cupcake, RFruitie) on orbital patrol
                    19:30-24:00 O'Neill II on orbital patrol (Gen. Hottie commanding)
                    Gamma Station: Methos (Station Head), V. Teal'c (Crew Chief)

                    Tuesday, January 5
                    07:00-15:00 Periodic Training at Maui Alpha Base Boot Camp - Alpha Squadron - Weapons & Explosives Qualifications

                    00:00-05:00 Prometheus Redux on orbital patrol (REDan, RJonas)
                    05:00-08:30 Beta 1 - Johnny (Squadron Leader), Mitchie
                    08:30-12:00 Beta 2 - Jay (2IC), Vala
                    12:00-15:30 Beta 3 - Ace (Shift Leader), Aeryn
                    15:30-19:30 Malduran (Alpha, EDSam) on orbital patrol
                    19:30-24:00 O'Neill II on orbital patrol (Gen. Hottie commanding)
                    Gamma Station: Beefcake (Station Head), V. Teal'c (Crew Chief)

                    Wednesday, January 6
                    00:00-05:00 Prometheus Redux on orbital patrol (REDan, RJonas)
                    05:00-08:30 Gamma 1 - Imp (Squadron Leader), EDaniel
                    08:30-12:00 Gamma 2 - RVal (2IC), Bella
                    12:00-15:30 Gamma 3 - RGH (Shift Leader), RCS
                    15:30-19:30 Zephyr (Cupcake, RFruitie) on orbital patrol
                    19:30-24:00 O'Neill II on orbital patrol (Master Jack commanding)
                    Gamma Station: Beefcake (Station Head), V. Teal'c (Crew Chief)

                    Thursday, January 7
                    00:00-05:00 Odyssey II on orbital patrol (Cammie, SpiceCake)
                    05:00-08:30 Delta 1 - Sweet Pea (Squadron Leader), Amaretti
                    08:30-12:00 Delta 2 - Lucky (2IC), Sami
                    12:00-15:30 Delta 3 - WCam (Shift Leader), Darling
                    15:30-19:30 Malduran (Alpha, EDSam) on orbital patrol
                    19:30-24:00 O'Neill II on orbital patrol (Master Jack commanding)
                    Gamma Station: Methos (Station Head), Rya'c (Crew Chief)

                    Friday, January 8
                    00:00-05:00 Odyssey II on orbital patrol (Cammie, SpiceCake)
                    05:00-08:30 Alpha 1 - CamSyn (Squadron Leader), RCam
                    08:30-12:00 Alpha 2 - Sam (2IC), RScruffy
                    12:00-15:30 Alpha 3 - Cub (Shift Leader), RECam
                    15:30-19:30 Mitchell on orbital patrol (Scruffy, Mer)
                    19:30-24:00 Daedelus II on orbital patrol (Caldwell, DevilsFoodCake)
                    Gamma Station: Methos (Station Head), Rya'c (Crew Chief)

                    Saturday, January 9
                    00:00-05:00 Prometheus Redux on orbital patrol (RShep, RJC)
                    05:00-19:30 O'Neill II on orbital patrol (Braga commanding)
                    19:30-24:00 Daedelus II on orbital patrol (Caldwell, DevilsFoodCake)
                    Gamma Station: Closed

                    Sunday, January 10
                    00:00-05:00 Prometheus Redux on orbital patrol (RShep, RJC)
                    05:00-08:30 Beta 1 - Johnny (Squadron Leader), Mitchie
                    08:30-12:00 Beta 2 - Jay (2IC), Vala
                    12:00-15:30 Beta 3 - Ace (Shift Leader), Aeryn
                    15:30-19:30 Mitchell on orbital patrol (Scruffy, Mer)
                    19:30-24:00 Daedelus II on orbital patrol (Caldwell, DevilsFoodCake)
                    Gamma Station: Methos (Station Head), V. Teal'c (Crew Chief)


                      Originally posted by Iffy View Post
                      Lucky: Sounds like a lot of work.
                      Fox: Sounds like you need some help. *eyes MJack*
                      Iffy: *sips latte* Ugh... We need to deal with the Christmas tree but that's about it at home. This week is just crazy at work.
                      Addy: I know what you mean. The tree comes down on the 1st so the boy scouts can pick it up on the 2nd.

                      MJack: We should go soon to get ready for the dinner guests.

                      Addy: Yeah...give me ten more minutes. *kisses MJack, snuggles Lucky*


                        Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                        Addy: I know what you mean. The tree comes down on the 1st so the boy scouts can pick it up on the 2nd.

                        MJack: We should go soon to get ready for the dinner guests.

                        Addy: Yeah...give me ten more minutes. *kisses MJack, snuggles Lucky*
                        Fox: *looks at time* Oops, gotta run * kisses Addy and winks at MJack. See you later Iffs *kisses and beams out*

                        Lucky: *holds her close*
                        Iffy: He is very nice to snuggle with. *smiles at MJack*


                          Originally posted by Iffy View Post
                          Fox: *looks at time* Oops, gotta run * kisses Addy and winks at MJack. See you later Iffs *kisses and beams out*

                          Iffy: He is very nice to snuggle with. *smiles at MJack*
                          Addy: Hmm...yes...*holds him tighter*
                          Master Jack: We have to go.
                          Addy: *kisses Lucky* Meet me in the entertainment room in four hours and we'll snuggle more if you want. *smiles, waves to Iffy* Later.
                          Master Jack: *kisses Iffy* Take care. *beams out with Addy*


                            Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                            Addy: Hmm...yes...*holds him tighter*
                            Master Jack: We have to go.
                            Addy: *kisses Lucky* Meet me in the entertainment room in four hours and we'll snuggle more if you want. *smiles, waves to Iffy* Later.
                            Master Jack: *kisses Iffy* Take care. *beams out with Addy*
                            Lucky: I'll see you in four hours than. Should I put pants on?

                            Iffy: *giggles * bye


                              Iffy's Place....

                              Lucky: You sure you don't mind taking Iffy duty?

                              Dulce: It is no problem. I don't think I'm going to lose her like Fox did. *chuckles*
                              *both look at Iffy*
                              Lucky: Somehow I think you are right. Gotta go get purty,
                              Dulce: *snuggles up to Iffy*


                                Originally posted by Iffy View Post

                                Dulce (the SLorne clone) has been officially adopted into Iffy's Clan.
                                Poor boy... he has a girl's name.

                                Iffy's place....

                                *a note and gift basket are beamed in*

                                For Dulce:
                                Congrats on becoming OFFICIAL in Iffy's clan! We look forward to getting to know you.
                                Neelan & Co.

