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A World Gone Mad: Rant Here!

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    True, life for me is about a month into pregnancy. By saying that my first memory was at age 5 I meant that I wasnt self-aware until years into life.

    Abortion is a grey area for me, my sister is adopted but if defax hadnt taken her away from her parents she would have been better off not living. For me if the parent doesnt want the kid he/she should be given away or aborted. Life sucks as it is, no reason 2 make it any harder on someone.


      I think abortion should have some sort of 'morality cost'. After the proceure is done, you owe an adoption agency (or other organization, like UNICEF) X dollars to be paid over an long period, without interest.
      Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering-Yoda
      The more bizzare a thing, the less mysterious it proves to be-Sherlock Holmes
      I reject your reality and substitute my own-Adam Savage
      A person is smart. People are stupid, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it-Agent Kay
      That is the exploration that awaits you�not mapping stars and studying nebulae, but charting the unknown possibilities of existence-Q
      Church: I learned a very valuable lesson in my travels, Tucker. No matter how bad things might seem...
      Caboose: They could be worse?
      Church: Nope, no matter how bad they seem, they can't be any better, and they can't be any worse, because that's the way things f***ing are, and you better get used to it Nancy. Quit-yer-b****ing.

      If you smoke, you choke. If you choke, you're dead. 'Nuff said.


        I doubt that would happen, because some might not be able 2 pay the "morality cost" 2 have an abortion.


          Originally posted by buckner
          I doubt that would happen, because some might not be able 2 pay the "morality cost" 2 have an abortion.
          It would be like a long-term (5-10 years) bond.
          Now for an abortion issue that I hope we can all agree on: the 3rd trimester abortions. Whether it's your body or not shouldn't be the issue by then. You should have had your mind made up long before.
          Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering-Yoda
          The more bizzare a thing, the less mysterious it proves to be-Sherlock Holmes
          I reject your reality and substitute my own-Adam Savage
          A person is smart. People are stupid, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it-Agent Kay
          That is the exploration that awaits you�not mapping stars and studying nebulae, but charting the unknown possibilities of existence-Q
          Church: I learned a very valuable lesson in my travels, Tucker. No matter how bad things might seem...
          Caboose: They could be worse?
          Church: Nope, no matter how bad they seem, they can't be any better, and they can't be any worse, because that's the way things f***ing are, and you better get used to it Nancy. Quit-yer-b****ing.

          If you smoke, you choke. If you choke, you're dead. 'Nuff said.


            Originally posted by spg_1983
            Party affiliation means next to nothing when looking back to before Reconstruction because the political ideals of the parties today are more or less polar opposites of what they were back then. Lincoln was a liberal. The fact that you don't understand this or purposefully try to spread misinformation to support you postion speaks volumes about your intelligence and credibility.
            Lincoln was a republican who believed in the rights of all people. Affiliation does count when you look at history. Senator Byrd is proof or that. How many ex-clansmen are in the republican party? Liberals are in the party of "forgiveness" just take a look at the record. The word 'liar' was never in their lexicon when Clinton was in offfice, but now it says if INT was wrong they are all about calling the president a liar and and bent upon impeachment. All of the things the NSA are doing to fight the war on terrorism is just using the laws that Clinton's administration already approved of in 1994.

            "We'll keep the light on for you."


              Originally posted by Exiled Master
              It would be like a long-term (5-10 years) bond.
              Now for an abortion issue that I hope we can all agree on: the 3rd trimester abortions. Whether it's your body or not shouldn't be the issue by then. You should have had your mind made up long before.

              The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


                Originally posted by buckner
                I doubt that would happen, because some might not be able 2 pay the "morality cost" 2 have an abortion.
                If a woman has an abortion she should be saddled with the feelings of terminating a potential life. That's just common sense, isn't it?

                "We'll keep the light on for you."


                  Originally posted by Ancient 1
                  Lincoln was a republican who believed in the rights of all people. Affiliation does count when you look at history. Senator Byrd is proof or that. How many ex-clansmen are in the republican party? Liberals are in the party of "forgiveness" just take a look at the record. The word 'liar' was never in their lexicon when Clinton was in offfice, but now it says if INT was wrong they are all about calling the president a liar and and bent upon impeachment. All of the things the NSA are doing to fight the war on terrorism is just using the laws that Clinton's administration already approved of in 1994.
                  Laws Clinton used to spy on opponents and, "threats"....

                  The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


                    Originally posted by Ancient 1
                    If a woman has an abortion she should be saddled with the feelings of terminating a potential life. That's just common sense, isn't it?
                    I know the aforementioned is a hot subject; hence the replies. I've tried o steer things elswhere, and I will once more:
                    Immigration: Democrats think they are breeding potential voters while big business is getting cheap labor. I have written my congessman & senators fighting this new amensty bill. Laws on teh books aleady prevent what has been happening thse last 20 years. It didn't work under Reagan. Why do people think this new bill willl be any different?

                    "We'll keep the light on for you."


                      Originally posted by Ancient 1
                      If a woman has an abortion she should be saddled with the feelings of terminating a potential life. That's just common sense, isn't it?
                      While that is common sense, it is in short supply. People are too selfish to support their own soldiers, let alone their own offspring. (I'm not picking a political bone, but looking at the way Vietnam vets were treated is an example). I'm not equivocating this to disaster relief charity, because the news media can't easily manipulate you emotionally with it and there is no rebuilding effort for a fetus.
                      Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering-Yoda
                      The more bizzare a thing, the less mysterious it proves to be-Sherlock Holmes
                      I reject your reality and substitute my own-Adam Savage
                      A person is smart. People are stupid, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it-Agent Kay
                      That is the exploration that awaits you�not mapping stars and studying nebulae, but charting the unknown possibilities of existence-Q
                      Church: I learned a very valuable lesson in my travels, Tucker. No matter how bad things might seem...
                      Caboose: They could be worse?
                      Church: Nope, no matter how bad they seem, they can't be any better, and they can't be any worse, because that's the way things f***ing are, and you better get used to it Nancy. Quit-yer-b****ing.

                      If you smoke, you choke. If you choke, you're dead. 'Nuff said.


                        One thing that drives me through the roof is that Vicente Fox has the audacity to complain about the U.S. wanting to put up a wall , and yet have a massive wall on his southern border? The man should STFU.

                        The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


                          Originally posted by Exiled Master
                          While that is common sense, it is in short supply. People are too selfish to support their own soldiers, let alone their own offspring. (I'm not picking a political bone, but looking at the way Vietnam vets were treated is an example). I'm not equivocating this to disaster relief charity, because the news media can't easily manipulate you emotionally with it and there is no rebuilding effort for a fetus.
                          It didn't help that there were supposedly "mass slaughterings" of Vietnamese. The truth is, U.S. soldiers fighting in Vietnam may have been doing drugs, dying, and unable to "launch offensives", they sure as hell weren't mass murderers. Has anyone found it odd that Kerry testified to committing war crimes, became a senator (people actually elected a war criminal? ), then led the Winter Soldier investigation? Our government was incompetent throughout the whole thing, LBJ should have done what needed to be done. March to frakking Hanoi.

                          EDIT: Other than a few isolated incidents (including one major incident), there were no war crimes committed (that are known of). Each soldier/officer was dealt with.....fiercely.

                          The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


                            Originally posted by spg_1983
                            As someone that works with Planned Parenthood I can tell you quite definatively that you are full of ****. Planned Parenthood is not about encouraging risky behavior. Planned Parenthood is for people that are already engaged in risky behavior to try to help minimize the danger and consequences. Telling people "Don't do that!" just makes them tune you out and do it anyway with out any protection or thought to consequences. Planned Parenthood knows it can not stopped the people from the risky behavior so it gives them another option to minimize the risk and prevent unwanted children that would suffer most in the long run.

                            Ah yes, the classic consrvative purposeful misunderstanding of "pro-choice" to villify the "enemy" and sanctify themselves. Because as everyone knows, every single person that is pro-choice is actually pro-abortion! We want everyone everywhere to "kill the babies"! It has nothing to do with a belief in the fundemental right of every woman to make her own decisions! we just want to kill everyone! And drink their blood too!

                            Let me go serious here for a minute and actually explain something to you, and hopefully to some others that may be comfused. Everyone looks at the abortion issue as having two sides that are polar opposites, pro-life and pro-choice. This is not true. Pro-choice is about more than just abortion. Abortion is just the vangaurd issue, but the pro-choice stance has nothing to do with being for or against abortion. It has to do with the womans right to make that choice for herself. Most of the people that are pro-choice are also anti-abortion! I know I am, and I have met hundreds more! We would never get an abortion or encourage our girlfriends/wives/whatever to get one. If I got my girlfriend pregnant I wouldnt want an abortion, and if one of my friends was pregnant and wanted an abortion I would try to help her find other alternatives before resorting to that option. But none of that changes the fact that it is every womans fundemental right to have the choice, yes or no, to have an abortion. Pro-lifers arent anti-abortion! They are anti-choice! They are anti-free will! They want to impose their way of life on everyone else, regardless of that persons choices!
                            WOW! AC was right. Confront a liberal with facts and they come unglued and start trash talking and bashing, distorting the facts all the while. There are many choices besides 'death to the baby.' As for me being pro life, it only means that if one is mature enough to engage in sex, then that person should be mature enough to deal with the consequences; not just abort for the sake of convenience, as is the norm.

                            "We'll keep the light on for you."


                              Originally posted by Ancient 1
                              WOW! AC was right. Confront a liberal with facts and they come unglued and start trash talking and bashing, distorting the facts all the while. There are many choices besides 'death to the baby.' As for me being pro life, it only means that if one is mature enough to engage in sex, then that person should be mature enough to deal with the consequences; not just abort for the sake of convenience, as is the norm.
                              "Distorting the facts"? I challenge you to show me one fact I distored. The facts are that abstinence education does not work. This has been proven again and again and again. Anytime an area institutes a policy of teaching abstinence exclusively the rates of pregnancies and STD transmission skyrockets. Where as when they engage in policies of teaching safe sex, which have inherint in them the suggestion that people should wait to have sex, show marked declines in the rates.

                              And what "trash talking" exactly? Is pointing out the gaping holes and predjudices in your philosophy "trash talking"? All Im doing is using what you say, if that bothers you maybe you should re-think your arguments?

                              So an abortion is only of convienance? Lets say most of the people that have them don't. The child that will result is unwanted and unprepared for. That child will suffer the most in the long run. Do you really hate children that much that you are willing to have them be created to suffer just to teach the parents some lesson that is none of your business to teach in the first place? Why not prevent the child from being created? Is that what pro-life means? Hating children and wanting them to suffer?


                                Originally posted by Ancient 1
                                More on (moron ) our Left leaning Senate
                                Ah yes, an article from one of the most biased, farthest right publication in existence. One that has been known to completely make up "facts" and statements from people on the left to villify them. Kudos! Great source! It really makes it easy to take you seriously!

