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A World Gone Mad: Rant Here!

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    Seems the troubles of the Middle East have taken our eyes off another problem. Remember the Senate voted for so many miles of fence for the southern border...well last week they wouldn't agree to a vote to fund it! Beauracracy at its best folks.

    If our own government won't protect us, who will?

    And finally a lower court ruling that makes sense:
    Joshua Breeding, 20, and 19-year-old Christopher Lyons were found guilty on Thursday of splattering up another man's vehicle with paintballs in May. They each got a sentence of 60 days in jail. Municipal Court Judge Michael Cicconetti gave them the option of shooting their own cars with paintballs and then cleaning up the mess. They also have to spend 40 hours painting at a Habitat for Humanity home. The judge also ordered the pair to apologize to their victim and pay court costs.

    But then there's another judge who agreed to an injunction to halt some wetlands project because a kayaker might have seen a woodpecker more than 2 years ago that other wise hasnt been seen in the last 6. Thanks to this judge the project will cost millions more for yet another impact survey based on one questionable reported "sighting."

    And as if the Dixie Chicks political rants hadn't proved anything, now Mellencamp/Couger/Mellecamp is getting into the act. I heard former VP Quayle walked out on his concert for trashing Bush "the first." I predict this already washed up performer's career will slide even further, unless he sticks to a Canadian market. But, hey...that's just one opinion.

    On a good note: Finally the "Bush bashers" and "blame Israel" crowd has quit chanting thier mantra on C-SPAN.

    "We'll keep the light on for you."


      Originally posted by Ancient 1
      Finally the "Bush bashers" and "blame Israel" crowd has quit chanting thier mantra on C-SPAN.
      How about Helen Thomas?

      The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


        Originally posted by rarocks24
        How about Helen Thomas?
        That old arab? (Sorry, I stole that phrase from AC) She's been around forever...I don't think she's ever liked or voted for any republican president; probably never will. I would have pulled her press pass for that question full of supposition that Bush wanted war in Iraq. Especially when she then tried several times to interrupt his answer because he was pointing out all the crap she was spouting as truth were not real facts at all. It does no good to have resolutions if you don't enforce them...all of them. Israel is just finding this out...and doing something about it. As stated earlier, I have no pity for people who vote terrorist organizations into political offices.

        The UN has boldly stated that war crimes are taking place in Lebanon. Yea, I agree. It is a crime for Hezbollah ‘soldiers’ to fight using the civilian populace as human shields while blaming Israel for causing excessive collateral damage and seeking “collective punishment.” I believe that if Israel wants to destroy all the missiles being fired at them that they should target every mosque in Beirut. At least that would be a good start. It is after all a "holy war" in the eyes of the terrorists. Hit ‘em where it will really hurt, ruin moral, and take out the weapon stockpiles hidden therein. War is a brutal thing; but a thing that you play to win, or are willing to die trying.

        I see the ACLU is still up to their insane crap: "The American Civil Liberties Union has asked officials in a Detroit suburb to reject a proposal that would require businesses with foreign language signs to add English translations. "We write to strongly urge you to abandon the measure as unconstitutional, anti-immigrant and unnecessary," the ACLU wrote to the city Thursday in a letter that was also signed by officials with the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee of Michigan and Latin Americans for Social and Economic Development Inc. In May, Sterling Heights, Mich., Councilwoman Barbara Ziarko asked the city's attorney to prepare an ordinance requiring businesses with foreign language signs to have identifiers such as "bakery" included, the Detroit News reports. Fire Chief John Childs supported the move, arguing that people passing by the site of a fire or other emergency could inform dispatchers about the location more easily if they could read the signs. He maintained that the issue has nothing to do with race. "This is about response time," he said. The city issued a statement Thursday defending the proposed ordinance. "Any assertion that the city's public safety effort is intended as a restriction on the expression of cultural diversity is categorically denied," the statement said. According to the News, Michael J. Steinberg of the ACLU said the proposal is unconstitutional "because it singles out businesses with signs.”

        As for illegal aliens: they are not immigrants. Immigrants are the people who came into the country legally and earned their citizenship.

        "We'll keep the light on for you."


          Need I say more..?

          "We'll keep the light on for you."


            Only a week ago I was mocking Howard Dean to my liberal friends for claiming that the current Middle East crisis wouldn’t be happening under a Democrat’s leadership, but it looks like the competition for butthead of the month isn’t over yet. Former presidential candidate and senator from Massachusetts John Kerry has named himself the Psychic of the Senate, and made the same odd and unverifiable hypothetical reading of tea leaves.
            The Detroit News
            U.S. Sen. John Kerry, D- Mass., who was in town Sunday to help Gov. Jennifer Granholm campaign for her re-election bid, took time to take a jab at the Bush administration for its lack of leadership in the Israeli-Lebanon conflict.
            “If I was president, this wouldn’t have happened,” said Kerry during a noon stop at Honest John’s bar and grill in Detroit’s Cass Corridor.
            Kerry actually went further than Dean who said that if the party in power had a “D” next to their name that it wouldn’t have happened, but war hero Kerry claims that if HE were President, the crisis could have been averted. I think his botox seeped in too far, and his brain has gone dead.

            Unbelievable Illegal immigrants clog the legal system but a judge gets dismissed for pointing out that they shouldn't be here in the first place. While no one should have to suffer abuse of any kind, it's amazing illegals have the guts to enter our courtrooms at all. It just goes to show that they don't fear us holding them accountable to the laws of the land -- because we don't.

            "We'll keep the light on for you."


              Originally posted by Ancient 1
              Only a week ago I was mocking Howard Dean to my liberal friends for claiming that the current Middle East crisis wouldn’t be happening under a Democrat’s leadership, but it looks like the competition for butthead of the month isn’t over yet. Former presidential candidate and senator from Massachusetts John Kerry has named himself the Psychic of the Senate, and made the same odd and unverifiable hypothetical reading of tea leaves.
              The Detroit News
              U.S. Sen. John Kerry, D- Mass., who was in town Sunday to help Gov. Jennifer Granholm campaign for her re-election bid, took time to take a jab at the Bush administration for its lack of leadership in the Israeli-Lebanon conflict.
              “If I was president, this wouldn’t have happened,” said Kerry during a noon stop at Honest John’s bar and grill in Detroit’s Cass Corridor.
              Kerry actually went further than Dean who said that if the party in power had a “D” next to their name that it wouldn’t have happened, but war hero Kerry claims that if HE were President, the crisis could have been averted. I think his botox seeped in too far, and his brain has gone dead.

              Unbelievable Illegal immigrants clog the legal system but a judge gets dismissed for pointing out that they shouldn't be here in the first place. While no one should have to suffer abuse of any kind, it's amazing illegals have the guts to enter our courtrooms at all. It just goes to show that they don't fear us holding them accountable to the laws of the land -- because we don't.
              I care what sKerry thinks?

              The only reason Kerry got as many votes as he did was not because many people liked him, it was because they were voting against Bush. This idiot needs to really rethink himself, whiny loser.

              The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


                Originally posted by rarocks24
                I care what sKerry thinks?

                The only reason Kerry got as many votes as he did was not because many people liked him, it was because they were voting against Bush. This idiot needs to really rethink himself, whiny loser.
                I can't believe anyone will give the man a mike or any air time, because he continues to have problems getting his foot from his mouth, but to his credit, it must be especially difficult to get that foot out when his head's up his butt.

                Said of Ann Coulter.
                "Her blonde main and feral eyes give her an uncanny resemblance to all four horses of the Apocalypse"
                This is how liberals treat people with whom they cannot win an argument based on facts.

                Has anyone else received this email?
                How To Answer A Phone:
                Press "1" for English.
                Press "2" to disconnect until you have learned to speak English.

                Makes perfect sense to me….

                I see Koffi Annon (sp) has his head where the sun doesn't shine too. Yea, I'm sure Israel purposely bombed UN personnel. They would have every right to, considering the job the UN did of securing the area so the Jews wouldn't need to keep with their occupation of Lebanon. The UN shouldn't make resolutions they don't intend to inforce. Let the UN officials whine. None of them deserve a paycheck, especially from american taxpayers. I'm ready to classify the UN as just another terrorist organization!

                "We'll keep the light on for you."


                  Still on the case of the UN: They are proposing a policy change that gives them the right to tax countries for revenue. Didn't they swindle enough money from the Oil for Food Program? These people are off their rocker if they think they are going to tax the US who already pays 22% of the current budget, getting little or nothing in return. I say kick the bums out entirely. They do nothing for world peace, and when they do try it ends in utter failure and corruption! They should bulldoze or implode the place and only start again when common sense is adhered to. One doesn't assign terrorist countries to Human Rights commissions. France doesn't belong on the permenant membership council after their clear cut case of corruption with Saddam. Countries should pay stiff penalties for their EVIL behavior, and taking money from the mouths of those in need to sell off oil shares for pure profit IS EVIL!

                  On another note: Hillary cited the most extreme case of a father impregnating his daughters as a reason to vote against legislation that forbids a minor being taken to another state for an abortion to hide the fact from her parents and avoid parent notification laws. Thank goodeness the vote still failed to those who are not beholding to NOW or other abortion rights advocates. Citing these extreme cases to avoid doing what is right for the greater good is just one more tactic of the party "Choice." That's contrary to their doctrine of citing and blaming the extremists in the so-called "religion of peace." With this logic, shouldn't they cite the extreme fundamentalists as a way to treat all muslims? Think about it....on that note:
                  Thanks to the mainstream media’s constant carping about alleged U.S. or Israeli “brutality,” the hands of the American military in Iraq and the Israeli’s in Lebanon are tied up in all sorts of politically correct handicaps that prevent them from taking decisive action when that’s what is required to win. America's war with Islamic fanaticism didn't start on 9/11, but it's going to end with 9/11 -- as long as Americans aren't foolish enough ever to put a Democrat in the White House. What ever happened to fight ing wars to win them. Political correcness doesn't win wars!

                  "We'll keep the light on for you."


                    Originally posted by Ancient 1
                    Said of Ann Coulter.
                    "Her blonde main and feral eyes give her an uncanny resemblance to all four horses of the Apocalypse"
                    This is how liberals treat people with whom they cannot win an argument based on facts.
                    A monkey can win based on facts against Ann Coulter. It's ironic really, all the whining conservatives do about liberals being too politically correct, yet the second we drop the PC and speak the down right honest truth about a person, suddenly they want us to be nice again .


                      Speaking of Coulter, on Letterman tonight they had a fake "response" from Bill Clinton on Coulter's remarks about his sexuality. In it they claimed Bill only told her he was gay because he didn't want to have a relationship with her. Then it ended in the rather humorous tagline "Bill Clinton: Only gay when it comes to evil, crazy b****es".


                        Originally posted by walterIsTheMan
                        Speaking of Coulter, on Letterman tonight they had a fake "response" from Bill Clinton on Coulter's remarks about his sexuality. In it they claimed Bill only told her he was gay because he didn't want to have a relationship with her. Then it ended in the rather humorous tagline "Bill Clinton: Only gay when it comes to evil, crazy b****es".
                        I saw that too, lol! Kind of a slap to both sides.
                        What if the hokey-pokey really is what it's all about?

                        I made a big decision a little while ago.
                        I don't remember what it was, which prob'ly goes to show
                        That many times a simple choice can prove to be essential
                        Even though it often might appear inconsequential.

                        I must have been distracted when I left my home because
                        Left or right I'm sure I went. (I wonder which it was!)
                        Anyway, I never veered: I walked in that direction
                        Utterly absorbed, it seems, in quiet introspection.

                        For no reason I can think of, I've wandered far astray.
                        And that is how I got to where I find myself today.

                        Bill Waterson, "The indispensable Calvin and Hobbes"


                          Originally posted by walterIsTheMan
                          A monkey can win based on facts against Ann Coulter. It's ironic really, all the whining conservatives do about liberals being too politically correct, yet the second we drop the PC and speak the down right honest truth about a person, suddenly they want us to be nice again .
                          Liberals never "drop their PC" when all they do is preach it to begin with. It's not something they practice. That's just more hype and hypocresy just as it is when a few of the so-called environmentalists will go out of their way to get recognition for driving a hybrid but never mention the fact that they took their own private jet to go on vacation...somehow they are oblivious to connecting that behavior with waste.

                          That tag line could just as well have read: Bill Clinton Gay: Especially when it comes to sleeping with his own wife.

                          Why do Dems claim they want to move things in a "new direction" without ever pointing to one? Since when does a "new direction" mean dragging out their favorite sex offender, adulterer and perjuror in Bubba? There's nothing new about that guy...although I do give him some small amount of credit for endorsing Lieberman who publicly denounced his behavior with Monica and any number of women he was currently harrassing, even if he was only hedging bets for the DNC.

                          I noticed Kerry stepping in it again: On one hand Iraq didn't attack us. It's the wrong war at the wrong time. Bush "dropped the ball" and "where's Osama?" Yet he wants us to believe that the current dust up in the middle east would never have happened on his watch, (if he had been elected). Is he trying to make us believe that he would have attacked Hezbollah, or just recognized it as a real state and entered into a political dialog that would have prevented war?

                          "We'll keep the light on for you."


                            I often wondered whether it was just me or Does Kieth Olberman especially hate or is jealous of FOX and Especially The O’Reilly Factor until I cam across this:

                            “Lets establish one thing about this trash-talk enabling. Olbermann\'s constant, stalker-like obsession with O\'Reilly, who normally has about eight times his ratings, lacks all sense of proportion. How do you explain that Olbermann named O\'Reilly his "Worst Person in the World" 42 times in the last year? (Saddam drew the brickbat only twice, and Osama bin Laden? Not once.) He named O\'Reilly the world\'s worst human seven times just in the month of April.”

                            He’s also no fan of Ann Coulter as he names her right up ther with O’Reilly while his picture has her sportig an eye patch reminiscent of that of a pirate….Chandler, of Friends, would ask: "Could he be anymore obvious?"

                            While I hinted at liberal hypocrisy earlier, here's a book that goes far to inform you that what I said earlier about what they do in practice is pretty much the truth:

                            Another Book that Reveals the hypocrisy of star-studded liberals: Members of the liberal left exude an air of moral certitude. They pride themselves on being selflessly committed to the highest ideas and seem particularly confident of the purity of their motives and the evil nature of their opponents. To correct economic and social injustice, liberals support a whole litany of policies and principles: progressive taxes, affirmative action, greater regulation of corporations, raising the inheritance tax, strict environmental regulations, children’s rights, consumer rights, and much, much more. But do they actually live by these beliefs? Peter Schweizer decided to investigate in depth the private lives of some prominent liberals: Politicians like Ted Kennedy and other Kennedys, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Ralph Nader; commentators like Michael Moore, Al Franken, Noam Chomsky, and Cornel West: entertainers and philanthropists like Barbara Streisand and George Soros. Using everything from real estate transactions, IRS records, court depositions, and their own public statements, he sought to examine whether they really live by the principles they so confidently advocate. What he found was a long list of glaring contradictions. Michael Moore denounces oil and defense contractors as war profiteers. He also claims to have no stock portfolio, yet he owns shares in Halliburton, Boeing, and Honeywell and does his postproduction work in Canada to avoid paying union wages in the United States. Ted Kennedy's closets are chock full of hyprocrisy. For example, Schweizer reveals how Ted and the Kennedy clan have protected their assets from estate taxes – as Kennedy fights to keep this tax on other Americans! Kennedy also has fought an environmental program near his Cape Cod home. Noam Chomsky opposes the very concept of private property and calls the Pentagon “the worst institution in human history,” yet he and his wife have made millions of dollars in contract work for the Department of Defense and own two luxurious homes. Barbra Streisand prides herself as an environmental activist, yet she owns shares in a notorious strip-mining company. Hillary Clinton supports the right of thirteen-year-old girls to have abortions without parental consent, yet she forbade thirteen-year-old Chelsea to pierce her ears and enrolled her in a school that would not distribute condoms to minors. Nancy Pelosi received the 2002 Cesar Chavez Award from the United Farm Workers, yet she and her husband own a Napa Valley vineyard that uses nonunion labor. Schweizer’s conclusion is simple: liberalism in the end forces its adherents to become hypocrites. They adopt one pose in public, but when it comes to what matters most in their own lives-their property, their privacy, and their children-they jettison their liberal principles and embrace conservative ones. Schweizer thus exposes the contradiction at the core of liberalism: if these ideas don’t work for the very individuals who promote them, how can they work for the rest of us?

                            Good question: Answers? Anyone?

                            "We'll keep the light on for you."


                              Originally posted by Ancient 1
                              While I hinted at liberal hypocrisy earlier, here's a book that goes far to inform you that what I said earlier about what they do in practice is pretty much the truth:

                              Another Book that Reveals the hypocrisy of star-studded liberals: Members of the liberal left exude an air of moral certitude. They pride themselves on being selflessly committed to the highest ideas and seem particularly confident of the purity of their motives and the evil nature of their opponents. To correct economic and social injustice, liberals support a whole litany of policies and principles: progressive taxes, affirmative action, greater regulation of corporations, raising the inheritance tax, strict environmental regulations, children’s rights, consumer rights, and much, much more. But do they actually live by these beliefs? Peter Schweizer decided to investigate in depth the private lives of some prominent liberals: Politicians like Ted Kennedy and other Kennedys, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Ralph Nader; commentators like Michael Moore, Al Franken, Noam Chomsky, and Cornel West: entertainers and philanthropists like Barbara Streisand and George Soros. Using everything from real estate transactions, IRS records, court depositions, and their own public statements, he sought to examine whether they really live by the principles they so confidently advocate. What he found was a long list of glaring contradictions. Michael Moore denounces oil and defense contractors as war profiteers. He also claims to have no stock portfolio, yet he owns shares in Halliburton, Boeing, and Honeywell and does his postproduction work in Canada to avoid paying union wages in the United States. Ted Kennedy's closets are chock full of hyprocrisy. For example, Schweizer reveals how Ted and the Kennedy clan have protected their assets from estate taxes – as Kennedy fights to keep this tax on other Americans! Kennedy also has fought an environmental program near his Cape Cod home. Noam Chomsky opposes the very concept of private property and calls the Pentagon “the worst institution in human history,” yet he and his wife have made millions of dollars in contract work for the Department of Defense and own two luxurious homes. Barbra Streisand prides herself as an environmental activist, yet she owns shares in a notorious strip-mining company. Hillary Clinton supports the right of thirteen-year-old girls to have abortions without parental consent, yet she forbade thirteen-year-old Chelsea to pierce her ears and enrolled her in a school that would not distribute condoms to minors. Nancy Pelosi received the 2002 Cesar Chavez Award from the United Farm Workers, yet she and her husband own a Napa Valley vineyard that uses nonunion labor. Schweizer’s conclusion is simple: liberalism in the end forces its adherents to become hypocrites. They adopt one pose in public, but when it comes to what matters most in their own lives-their property, their privacy, and their children-they jettison their liberal principles and embrace conservative ones. Schweizer thus exposes the contradiction at the core of liberalism: if these ideas don’t work for the very individuals who promote them, how can they work for the rest of us?

                              Good question: Answers? Anyone?
                              Well lets give a round of applause to you, for using decadent, currupt individuals as examples of hypocrisy. Duh. What about all the conservatives who practice hypocritical things? If I brought out a few of those examples, I'm sure you would be quick to remind me that all conservatives are not like that. So why do you stereotype liberals? Oh that's right, because that's what conservatives do. The second a liberal does something they don't like, they attribute it to all liberals. "These few individuals are hypocrits so all liberals are hypocrits." Nice logic there, then again logic is not a strong suit of many conservatives.


                                The problem is is that most of these liberals are nuts, and sadly, because they are the most vocal on the liberal side, other people would take their words without even thinking for themselves, and because of that, there can be no compromise. Things would be a lot better off if both liberals and conservatives knew how to compromise on stuff...sadly, neither do.

                                The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.

