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The Samanda Whinge nuts

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    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
    Hey Regan? You're really good with numbers. Just for fun (because I know you're good enough at this for it to be fun for you ), do you think you could put the other percentages up, please? I'm a bit curious, and I can help you with the eps that certain actors/characters weren't in, if you need it.
    Okay, assuming all regulars appear in each of the first six eps of the season but that none of the other characters do and unless I've over or underestimated any character's episode count, the results are as follows

    Teal'c - 99.5%
    Sam - 97.5%
    Daniel - 91%
    Jack - 87%
    Hammond - 75%
    Janet - 35.5%
    Jonas - 13%
    Mitchell - 13%
    Landry - 12%
    Vala - 7.5%

    If anyone wants to see it in chart form, there's a rough one here.

    Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


      Originally posted by ReganX
      Okay, assuming all regulars appear in each of the first six eps of the season but that none of the other characters do and unless I've over or underestimated any character's episode count, the results are as follows

      Teal'c - 99.5%
      Sam - 97.5%
      Daniel - 91%
      Jack - 87%
      Hammond - 75%
      Janet - 35.5%
      Jonas - 13%
      Mitchell - 13%
      Landry - 12%
      Vala - 7.5%

      If anyone wants to see it in chart form, there's a rough one here.

      Geek!Astro Applauds Geek!Regan!
      Gotta Love Those Numbers, Stats and Graphs!

      (and I'm serious here! )


        Originally posted by astrogeologist

        Geek!Astro Applauds Geek!Regan!
        Gotta Love Those Numbers, Stats and Graphs!

        (and I'm serious here! )
        Thanks. Of course, I'll probably remember something I've overlooked tomorrow and need to change it but even as estimates, the numbers make my point.

        Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


          Originally posted by astrogeologist

          Geek!Astro Applauds Geek!Regan!
          Gotta Love Those Numbers, Stats and Graphs!

          (and I'm serious here! )
          I second that. Very nice, Regan. Very nice.


            Originally posted by ReganX
            Okay, assuming all regulars appear in each of the first six eps of the season but that none of the other characters do and unless I've over or underestimated any character's episode count, the results are as follows

            Teal'c - 99.5%
            Sam - 97.5%
            Daniel - 91%
            Jack - 87%
            Hammond - 75%
            Janet - 35.5%
            Jonas - 13%
            Mitchell - 13%
            Landry - 12%
            Vala - 7.5%

            If anyone wants to see it in chart form, there's a rough one here.

            Geeks. You just gotta love 'em.


              This is from the SaGC Thread, but my response was a bit too snarky to post there... so I brought it over here (where snark is welcome! )

              Spoilers and comments about Season 10's Flesh and Blood
              Originally posted by Mandysg1, post #46314 on the Sam's A Great Character Thread
              I know many of you already commented on the new episode of s10, so I thought I'd take a stab at it

              Did anyone find it odd, that on the Russian Ship they know they were going into battle but for some reason the F302 pilots were not 'at battle stations' which I believe would mean they would be in their ships But no, I guess the writers thought they were in the mess hall getting their shot of vodka before the battle So this must be how the scene went: we all saw Cam running from the bridge (must be closer to the hanger bay than the mess hall) As he got closer to the bay (with all the electical thingies popping all around him, he ran up behind the Russian Commander of the F302 pilots Lt. Col. Svetlana Cartofsky, not wanting to take orders from a woman Russian, he pulled ahead of her, pushing her back a bit, getting to the ship first and thus being the only pilot to escape

              Now another thing that bothered me, like many of you stated, was why did Cam pilot the Odyssey, I mean come on when did he learn to do that! He was only known as a GREAT F302 pilot, I'm pretty sure they handle differently No wonder Sam was scared sh**less
              And why on earth (or space) would Emmerson allow him to take control of his ship, he had much better ane EXPERIENCED pilots at hand

              But hey, I'm not saying the writers are LAZY or anything
              And my snark: I guess we should consider ourselves lucky that Mitchell didn't pop a wheelie with the
              Odyssey ... either before, or after, saving Sam! [/snark]


                Originally posted by astrogeologist
                This is from the SaGC Thread, but my response was a bit too snarky to post there... so I brought it over here (where snark is welcome! )

                Spoilers and comments about Season 10's Flesh and Blood

                And my snark: I guess we should consider ourselves lucky that Mitchell didn't pop a wheelie with the
                Odyssey ... either before, or after, saving Sam! [/snark]
                It sounds like Mitchell was extremely lucky that he didn't kill Sam when trying to save her. If the manuever was as half as tricky as it sounds, then they needed the person most familiar with and accustomed to the Odyssey at the helm - and I doubt very much that Mitchell was this person.

                Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                  Originally posted by Skydiver
                  actually i don't expect there to be any dialogue. It'll be like jacob's 'in the past four years'....the writers have screwed up, didn't do any research and will simply gloss it over,c ause you know, we'll be too distracted by the comedic greatness that is eps 200 to notice little things like glaring continuity errors
                  There's going to be comedic greatness?????

                  They're just going to show Monty Python and the Holy Grail instead of ep 200? (Keep it in the serious Arthurian theme and so on. ) I could get behind that! Love the sociologist peasants and coconut horses and the duck / witch weigh-in and the shrubbery and the swallows and the cow catapult and the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch...

                  Sigh. Thanks for the smile, Sky!
                  ...a very cranky blog:


                    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                    Yep. Teal'c is the only one who's been in all 200 eps, but evidently he's always been great for wallpaper, so it doesn't matter.

                    When I think of S10, I do have to chuckle at the fact that Tapping and Judge are the only ones in the entire series who've been credited for every episode. Heh heh. People keep saying that AT was gone for a large amount of the season (which is, of course, true to some extent), and that CJ is now the only one who has been there the whole time. However, if Judge had actually given birth to the children he's had since the series began... Well, I just think it would've been a more even comparison.
                    Just had a flash of a very pregnant Teal'c. must be getting tired.


                      Originally posted by astrogeologist
                      OK, so not counting missions, but counting every time through the gate... Which means that the Heroes '1000' needs more clarification?I agree Regan! It's SG-1's 200th episode, not Mitchell's. Actually, would Teal'c be the only one who has been in all of those 200 eps?
                      Ah! But he hasn't. Prometheus Unbound, anyone?

                      ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                        i have one more day of meds to take, and then i'm hoping my moods won't be swinging so bad. so, with that in mind....

                        i'm freakin' bored!!!!!!!!

                        i can't find anything to talk about. samanda is quiet because we really don't have great sam scenes/eps to talk about (and i'm talking new ones). the shipper thread is living off old eps and spoilers. i read the season premier thread (didn't even post in it out of lack of interest), so what else is there???

                        this show is boring now. fandom's getting there. *i'm* boring.

                        thus ends whine number 15.5.




                          you know, in regards to cam and the odyssey
                          i think it's yet another example of our fine writers not looking at the big picture. they needed to get from point A to point B and didn't stop to think that cam piloting that ship was along the line of daniel hopping into a X302 and taking it for a spin.

                          all they wanted to do was save sam and bonus points that cam got to do it.

                          so i don't think it's a grand conspriacy or diss towards anyone, i think it's yet another example of a lack of planning and forethought on behalf of the writers.

                          still more tunnel vision
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Skydiver
                            so i don't think it's a grand conspriacy or diss towards anyone, i think it's yet another example of a lack of planning and forethought on behalf of the writers.

                            still more tunnel vision
                            It wasn't a diss, but it was
                            A clear case of them giving Cameron something difficult and important to do (though not heroic on this occasion - it wasn't his tush on the line) when there was someone far more qualified sitting right there.

                            Which is something I would be embarrassed to write.


                              if i wrote something like that in a fic, i'd explain it. like i posted in anther thread, i'd have had marks hurt, or have marks question the plan, or feel unable to do it, or be afraid of having sam's demise on his conscience or something to give cam a good reason to step out of his comfort zone to pilot the ship

                              the issue isn't necessarily that he did it, it's that his departure from his character's limits wasn't explained.
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Skydiver
                                i'd have had marks hurt, or have marks question the plan, or feel unable to do it, or be afraid of having sam's demise on his conscience
                                I agree, Sky!

