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    Well, in an hour (here anyway) it's gonna be Halloween. My question to you people out there, what you doing? Guising, out on the town etc. etc. And the main one, what are you going as?!

    Me, i had a bad experience last year, so i'm not participating. Lets just say, going to the "Halloween Disco" in the packed school gym in a giant tom cat suit (complete with animal head and red nose!) wasn't the best idea i ever had. a) couldn't see b) couldn't breathe c) almost passed out from the heat/lack of fluid etc! Now if i'd got that alligator suit, im sure it would've been different (As a sidenote, my friend went as a giant vulcher...that was quality... )

    Anyway, i digress. What's Gateworld's plans for Halloween?!

    The center of Khlysty surrounds me

    i went to a halloween party on friday as an angel from hell, i'm gonna get the pictures developed soon and post them
    tomorrow, i was going to the london dungons, but i cant go any more!


      Originally posted by hidden_envy
      i went to a halloween party on friday as an angel from hell
      that should be interesting

      I'm studying for numerous tests in one day for halloween



        I don't really bother with Halloween. Where my house is it's dark so we don't get annoying "trick or treat" kids (annoying custom).

        Save Stargate SG-1!


          Originally posted by srg
          we don't get annoying "trick or treat" kids (annoying custom).
          lucky you!

          maybe I should turn off all the lights around of my house

          but I doubt it will work

          we don't have any candies
          mom said that we should turn off all the lights then


            They had a stupid school dance on Friday, didn't go...

            Tomorrow night I'm just staying home to hand out candy to anyone who comes by.

            Maybe we can beat last year's record of zero! We've lived here since... 1998, and I think the most people we've ever actually had here was... four... max

            Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
            Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


              I'm going to school for Halloween. I'd stay out late, but I have to be up at like 5 am the next morning to register for classes for spring semester. Grr!

              I did "Halloween" a couple of weeks ago, though. Disneyland (well, California Adventure, at least) has had Halloween parties on the weekends, so I went to one of those. I made my Sorcerer Mickey costume completely from scratch... and finished my costume with about 20 minutes to spare!

              Me being a total dork at the party:
              "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
              My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                Ahaha! That's so cool! I wish I had a costume...

                Last year I found this old mask that has glowy red eyes...

                I have a pic here somewhere...



                The Candy We Ended Up Eating

                Pumpkin My Sister Carved

                A Pumpkin That I Carved

                The Other Pumpkin I Carved

                I had fun

                Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                  Originally posted by xfkirsten
                  I'm going to school for Halloween. I'd stay out late, but I have to be up at like 5 am the next morning to register for classes for spring semester. Grr!

                  you have to register at 5 am and that's it? Why so early? Can't you register any time until like 2-3 weeks before semester?

                  MartoufMarty, that's so cool! You should cut something Stargate out of a pumpkin this time


                    We only had one pumpkin grow this year... My dad might buy a couple more pumpkins tomorrow, but... I dunno

                    Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                    Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                      I used my regular wraith costume and went out with the kids around the neighborhood. Got tons of candy, though. (And just in time, since i needed chocolate. ). Did that for an hour, then went to another friend's house and did the haunted house with him and the gang for a while. Had much fun scaring the bejeezes outta kids (and parents).


                        I liked this years halloween.

                        We stayed inside and turned out all the lights so people would think there was no one home. That way, you can eat all the candy your bought yourself! Muahahahahahaaha!!!

                        Then I had to go to this dumb haunted house thing that I helped do. I. Hate. Haunted. Houses. I'd rather vacation in the The Bates House. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....
                        TEAM SG1 LIVES


                          Originally posted by Osiris-RA
                          I liked this years halloween.

                          We stayed inside and turned out all the lights so people would think there was no one home. That way, you can eat all the candy your bought yourself! Muahahahahahaaha!!!

                          Then I had to go to this dumb haunted house thing that I helped do. I. Hate. Haunted. Houses. I'd rather vacation in the The Bates House. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....
                          ... But... it's not Halloween until tomorrow

                          Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                          Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                            We do everything early over here. Ugghhh. Yes, it sounds weird but we do. It's like having everything twice.

                            Help me...
                            TEAM SG1 LIVES


                              Originally posted by Osiris-RA
                              We do everything early over here. Ugghhh. Yes, it sounds weird but we do. It's like having everything twice.

                              Help me...
                              ... *backs away slowly*

                              ... You're weird

                              Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                              Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)

