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I hate bugs in my place!!! ahh!!

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    I hate bugs in my place!!! ahh!!

    do you know what happend to me just before?

    i was sat on my computer and a huge moth came flying across the moniter, it was fricking huge!!! i chased it with a (stargate magazine of all things no lies) and it flew into the kitchen so i got a deoderant can and sprayed it then it flew at me and landed on my head, im all shock up because i chased it with the magazine and it flew into the louge and towards the balcony where i stupidly chased it and i almost fell 12 floors !!!

    it flew off of course outside but i almost flew myself!, i braced my hands on the bars and glass and almost fell off Eek!!

    dont you just hate it in the evenings or night when flying bugs come into your palce and start flying around your lights and head when you sleep.

    tell us of your experiences if they were funny or stupid like mine?

    near death experience i saw my life flash before my very eyes not to mention the last 8 season of stargate, which i suppoosed was a good thing in a way, i need to go now and relax and calm down.
    For all the pollution woes on Earth, will the Human race end up taking those problems into space in the future?

    We can all call our ships Sports Utility Ships to curtail the carbon emissions and hypersleep at night

    Very funny - I hate the spiders that like to live in my kitchen

    I usually hoover them up
    gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
    so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
    love Torri


      It was a moth..... :-X

      I once woke up in the middle of the night, and I could feel something on my forehead, felt like a misquito, so I swiped my hand across it. It wasn't a misquito though, it was way too big and heavy, I figure it had to have been some big ass spider. So I get up and go to the bathroom, and as I walk through the door I can see myself in the mirror, a hideous, deformed version of me. My eyebrow was so swolen it completly covered my left eye, with little red bite marks everywhere. The weird part was I didn't even notice I was only looking out my right eye.

      I spent the next 4 hours hunting my room for that spider, even as I saw the dark blue light of the sun creeping through the window I was too freaked out to lay back down in that bed.


        *screams after reading previous post*
        gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
        so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
        love Torri


          Ahh I hate Moths! And Daddy Long Legs aswell! (Is that their real name?!) I actually don't mind spiders.


            Daddy long legs are the worst - their real name is crane fly
            gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
            so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
            love Torri


              Daddy long legs eat spiders and their mouths are so small they cant bite you.So overall i like them.
              Rimmer: "What's this? Learning drugs? They're illegal, matey! Where did you get them? I'm afraid you're in very serious, grave, deep trouble, Lister. Where did you get them? I want names, I want places, I want dates."
              Lister: "Arnold Rimmer, his locker, this morning."
              - Rimmer and Lister, Balance of Power from Red Dwarf

              Ambassador: I hate you English. With your boring trousers and your shiny toilet paper and your ridiculous preconceptions that Frenchmen are great lovers. I'm French and I'm hung like a baby carrot and a couple of petits pois.
              - Nob and Nobility from Blackadder


                I hate bugs! Especially, when they decide to come into my house. I don't mind them when they are outside, I just walk away from them, but when they are inside..

                Today, speaking of icky things..There was a scorpion inside my kitchen sink! Luckily, it was inside the sink, because I drenched it with water. It went down the drain, at least I saw it. But my husband as informed me that the scorpion is probably still alive since I didn't mashed it. If that is the case, then I just want to move back up to Jersey were there are no scorpions at all!! It just gives me the creeps. The whole time I was drenching it in water, I was screaming at the top of my lungs. My daughters kept asking if I was okay!!

                Then the other day, at my son's school, his teacher seen a black widow underneath the slide in the playground. Isn't that a great place for it? Anyway, his teacher caught it, and now its living in the classroom( of course inside a glass container). Also included in that container are three egg sacs! Plus there are other bugs (in containers of course) in the classroom. The teacher just loves all that stuff. I guess somebody has too!!

                Just sitting here at the computer..typing my life away!


                  Originally posted by nimitz
                  Daddy long legs eat spiders and their mouths are so small they cant bite you.So overall i like them.
                  Yep. I'm with nimitz. Daddy Long Legs are fine with me.
                  They're the closest thing to spiders that I would ever allow near me. They don't look so scary, either. I'll even pick them up to freak other people out, just because I know they can't hurt me, even if they wanted to. But every other type of spider, poisonous or not....must not come come within my personal space, or it will die.
                  There is only one thing we can ever truly control: whether we are good, or evil.


                    2 weeks ago i had a big spider run across my carpet, i did't see it first then in the corner of my eye it was there i can honestly say at that time i have never seen a spider run so fast, it gave shivers up my back of course it wasen't running at me but the very though of it near ny foot when im sat watching lost on the tv just makes me put my feet on the sofa.

                    of course i have no idea how these bugs get into the building where i live, im on the 12 floor and its not an old building either so im racking my brain to think how the hell could a spider or why would one come all the way upstairs its a hell of a jouney for me if i did that, maybe somebody may know is it possible they are so tiny when they are new that they float on the air and sometimes come into the windows?
                    For all the pollution woes on Earth, will the Human race end up taking those problems into space in the future?

                    We can all call our ships Sports Utility Ships to curtail the carbon emissions and hypersleep at night


                      Uck. Some of these posts are making me squirm.

                      I hate spiders. I have a rule that if the spider is in nature and not on my car or impeding me I will leave it alone, but if the spider comes into my house, it will die a bad death accompanied by the slamming of large objects and much screaming. I even had a cat that was scared of spiders.

                      The other day, a huge spider just raced across the basement floor. It was so big that I couldn't even move to kill the darned thing. Thankfully, it decided my house was not interesting and went on to harass someone else.

                      The only bugs I can tolerate/like are butterflies and ladybugs.

                      (Moths do not count and are can be quite gross.)
                      "Trust me. I'm a psychopath." Jekyll

                      "And I thought the end of the world couldn't get any worse" Ianto-Torchwood


                        Originally posted by MasySyma
                        The other day, a huge spider just raced across the basement floor. It was so big that I couldn't even move to kill the darned thing. Thankfully, it decided my house was not interesting and went on to harass someone else.
                        people get more spiders in the loft/attic of their homes, when i was younger an living at home i went up into the attic to get some old photos i opened the hatch and a bloody great big spider landed on my chin, i screemed like mad and it fell on the floor below me, i stood on the ladders for something like 40 minutes before i got the caurage to come down and stand on the floor again

                        another time was in the shower, it was like the movies i had water in my eye and i saw a glimps of a black shape on the curtain!!, i slowly moved to turn the shower off and oulled the curtain open carefully and it was this fricking spotted spider on the outside of the curtain, i stoped and it moved up to the rail and over the top and i was really shakin and of all the things it could have done it did this, it fell off the curtain becuse of the steam on it and into the bath with me!!, i shot out so quickly i hit my head on the towel rail and it was swimming on the water so i turned it on and the spider would not go down the plug hole, it was too big to go down so i got the plug and squished it down and it was under the grill and it was moving inside the hole so i put the plug in and filled the bath a little with water and then unleashed a huge torrent of cold water to force it down, it did go that time but i didt get back in the shower again that day!!
                        For all the pollution woes on Earth, will the Human race end up taking those problems into space in the future?

                        We can all call our ships Sports Utility Ships to curtail the carbon emissions and hypersleep at night


                          Darkstar stop being a woss.
                          Rimmer: "What's this? Learning drugs? They're illegal, matey! Where did you get them? I'm afraid you're in very serious, grave, deep trouble, Lister. Where did you get them? I want names, I want places, I want dates."
                          Lister: "Arnold Rimmer, his locker, this morning."
                          - Rimmer and Lister, Balance of Power from Red Dwarf

                          Ambassador: I hate you English. With your boring trousers and your shiny toilet paper and your ridiculous preconceptions that Frenchmen are great lovers. I'm French and I'm hung like a baby carrot and a couple of petits pois.
                          - Nob and Nobility from Blackadder


                            Ugh. Darkstar that just makes me cringe. Now all of my office mates are wondering why I'm cringing at the computer.
                            "Trust me. I'm a psychopath." Jekyll

                            "And I thought the end of the world couldn't get any worse" Ianto-Torchwood


                              Accept all things as natural. We all have our place.

                              Now with added lesbians.

