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The Allergy Thread: What are YOU allergic to?

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    I'm allergic to fire ant stings, which is unfortunate because I live in Houston and fire ants are everywhere Before I moved here, I had been stung a couple of times before- hubby is from Texas and we came to visit often. But they were only a couple of stings at a time. 4th of July weekend we went to see fireworks, and we must have been sitting near an anthill, I felt the stings but didn't think anything of it and didn't even realize how many times I had been stung. By the next day my foot had swollen up so badly, I looked like an old woman with severe edema

    Fire ants are all over our yard. Hubby constantly treats the yard, but the hills just keep coming. I've learned to love closed shoes (even in the heat) and never go anywhere without my Epi-Pen and some Benadryl! Thank goodness I wasn't stung in an area closer to my heart
    Sig by Camy


      Well, officially I'm not allergic to anything..
      but I think I am allregic to antibiotics. After taking antiviotics, my skin develops acne-like bumps everywhere, especially on my face. Don't know why... I don't even know if that's a real allergy. I hope not


        Ragweed, Certain Pollens, Dust, and I have a pretty high intolerance for any perfume/cologne.
        Condemnant quod non intellegunt.



          1. Chronic pessimism
          2. Vala
          3. Psychotic CB fans (Qas, you're a genius! )
          4. Gerbils on Daniel (ah-ah-ah-ah-AH-ACHOO!!!)
          5. Sam in relationships with lowly government officials (anyone have an inhaler?)
          6. Saliva from anything not me.
          7. Intense sex scenes on TV (seriously, I get all feverish and I can't see clearly, I start to hypervintilate which is why I never get to the clicker in time )
          8. Over used Cliches...

          And on a more serious note...

          1. Processed sugar (apparantly, I become slightly schitzophrenic? I dunno, I never remember...)
          2. ... that's about it... yep.
          TEAM SG1 LIVES


            Originally posted by Osiris-RA
            4. Gerbils on Daniel (ah-ah-ah-ah-AH-ACHOO!!!)
            ROFL!! Forgot about that! That's a reason to carry an epipen.

            lj here if you're interested.


              Originally posted by captain keys
              Ooh me too, and Pollen and red food colouring but only the stuff made from beetles. Yes Beetles.


                Sometime in the last two weeks I've developed an allergy to *something* but I don't know what. I've been getting itchy red wheals on various parts of my anatomy that disappear then come up again somewhere else. I've been informed by someone on the net who's a nurse that its an allergic reaction but I can't figure out what to.

                My throat got a bit swollen & sore last week too. Not like when you've got a cold though. I think its connected to the allergy.

                Can doctors test for what exactly I'm allergic to?
                Oh honey. You say potato, I say vodka!



                  Originally posted by Spaceminx
                  Sometime in the last two weeks I've developed an allergy to *something* but I don't know what. I've been getting itchy red wheals on various parts of my anatomy that disappear then come up again somewhere else. I've been informed by someone on the net who's a nurse that its an allergic reaction but I can't figure out what to.

                  My throat got a bit swollen & sore last week too. Not like when you've got a cold though. I think its connected to the allergy.

                  Can doctors test for what exactly I'm allergic to?
                  Yes they can. They can do blood and skin tests. My friend is allergic to so many things that they hospitalised her and did all these skin tests. They put a graph on her back and placed things she might be allergic to in the squares and waited for a reaction. That kind of sounds like torture to me but they found she was allergic to 10 different foods and 3 environmental things like dust mites. Cost her a fortune however.
                  Last edited by Willow'sCat; 03 September 2005, 12:10 PM.


                    Originally posted by Osiris-RA

                    2. Vala


                      My seasonal allergies begin in early March and end sometime around the end of October. (Tree and grass pollen and ragweed are the worst ones.) The funny thing is that I never had allergies of any kind until I became pregnant with my son..... Now I never leave home without my Puffs in some form or another.

                      Like another person in an earlier post, I can't tolerate penicillin and Cipro at all. (The only antibiotic I handle well is Zithromax.)

                      (And, like many others have already stated, I'm also allergic to psychotic CB fans----thank you, Qasim! )

