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Gate Fit Club

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    Gate Fit Club

    Any "big" people here want to lose weight together and use the forum to support one another to get fit and healthy?

    I weigh 298 lbs. I really wanna lose weight and when I tried keeping track of my calories and fat, I found it so frustrating that I couldn't eat what I like. I mean, I don't mind veggies and low-fat stuff but I prefer pizza and steak and regular soda not to mention the portions. I still feel sooo hungry when I eat portions instead of eating what I want, how much I want, when I want.

    I've already tried twice without success. My girlfriend gets frustrated with me when I want to get a pizza and put my diet at risk.

    Anyone wanna lose wight with me? See who can lose 20 pounds first?


      really the best thing to do is Regularly exercise diets are good but you still have to work out and stuff. In College I took Nutrition classes and eating right coupled with exercise is way more effective then dieting alone
      Duct tape is like the Force. It has a light side and a dark side and it holds the universe together


        i'll join you Babaganoosh, i used to weigh 220lbs but i lost 2 stone in a month-24lbs by dieting and exercising, i'm planning to lose a lot more weight than that


          well if it meant that much to you i mean if you feel bad about being overweight then it does require support, i had support and lost 4 stone in about 5 months it was very hard but i got there, i wont go on about how much i weight but lets just say i have alot of excess skin which i cant seem to shake off. not to mention the horrid stretch marks that wont go away but it was all worth it and i feel so much better.
          of course i think people should be happy with their bodies and the fact that being over weight is a much talked about subject in todays world it has made alot of people feel very bad indeed, think of it this way if everybody was the same slim attractive people the world would be a boring place indeed, variety is good and i treat people the same no matter how big they are because i dont believe that the weight problem at least in the UK is as bad as the pathetic television documentaries and fashion programs say it is, big is bad they say but nearly all of the people i have met who other people would consider "fat" are the best people i've know, they are not concerned about trivival matters like looks and being jelous of other people like many of the so called slim people who are vein and pretty sad.
          For all the pollution woes on Earth, will the Human race end up taking those problems into space in the future?

          We can all call our ships Sports Utility Ships to curtail the carbon emissions and hypersleep at night

