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    GLOBAL WARNING/G8 MEETING your thoughts

    here is a place where you can place all your thoughts on what the goverments should do about global warning.

    I beleive the fusion reactors are our only solution to altrenative energy source i also believe that global warming is more important than anything else as this is something you can only ignore for a certain amount of time until its too late.

    And what are your thoughts on the outcome of th G8 meeting.
    i just love to give and recieve GREENS

    I think Bush was being a total idiot by ignoring the concept of reducing emissions. yes hes right that new tech is the way to FIX the problem, but theres no sense in making the problem worse whilst we work on it.

    "Five Rounds Rapid"



      Well america is the biggest problem when its comes to that - and i am starting the feeling and no offence intended to anyone but isn't it just but its Britain that is trying the most to make the world a better place.
      i just love to give and recieve GREENS


        Originally posted by oragans
        Well america is the biggest problem when its comes to that - and i am starting the feeling and no offence intended to anyone but isn't it just but its Britain that is trying the most to make the world a better place.

        Hey, I'man American and you're right! The US is the biggest offender when it comes to global pollution. We use more resources than anybody else (although China is rapidly catching up, alas, so they'll pollute as bad or worse than us).

        Unfortunately Bush doesn't want to acknowledge global warming. He wants to drill in the arctic to make more money in oil, but hasn't done a thing to tell people to REDUCE their wasteful use of oil. I mean, WHO needs a massive Suburban SUV to drive to work? Well, those that carry coffins, yes, as that's what the Suburban was originally designed for. America has this stupid "I'm entitled if I have the money" concept and doesn't seem to care that we're wasting resources.

        Bush doesn't want to do anything to upset the apple cart (aka business, who voted for him and gives him all the donations). But alas, less and less Americans seem to think about the long-term, just that hey, I need a new cool cellphone and who cares what landfill the old one ends up in or what kind of stripmining is required to get certain minerals to make cellphone circuits.

        Sigh. I think bush will do zip at the G8 summit.


          I figured this thread would be filled with a lot of retarted a$$ statements.
          Bush this, Bush that. Nevermind what all the past presidents, BOTH dem and rep have done, or actually, failed to do.

          To say we are the worst is stupid too. Mexico is a huge polluter. Thousands of Mexican companies spew toxic chemicals and wast into the Rio Grande river. The river delta is now super nutrient rich and polluted. The water at South Padre Island is dark and disgusting. The US used to pollute the river too, but now they have tried VERY hard to bring it from 8th dirtiest river in the world to 20th. It may be even higher now.

          Mexico has huge mining/natural resource extraction programs that also pollute. There is no care from the environment. Well.. that's not true. Popular places like Cancun, Acapulco, Cozumel, Veracruz, etc are very clean. (Thanks to American $$)

          Most south american/central american countries also are huge contributers to the problem. Their governments also don't really care. Who is gonna stop them? UN, WTO....

          On another note, I am a student of Anthropology. My focus is first american studies. I have learned a lot about the last 4 ice ages and the subsequent warmings. Geologically, we just exited the last ice age in the late Holocene.
          It does appear that it humans have perhaps been a catalyst for the warming, but its still a natural process.

          Also, don't think I am pro bush. I am libertarian. I just get tired of 15-25 year old retards that are getting into 'popular politics' and start bashing Bush because of all the propaganda they read and hear. Usually they are clueless about anything political outside of their programmed information.
          Last edited by TheObiJuan; 09 July 2005, 03:30 PM.
          Daniel: You..stupid son of a *****
          Jack: Hey, you're welcome...


            Hmm…..looks like New Zealand is having fun with Kyoto……….

            Kyoto bill creates $1 billion deficit

            Kyoto botch-up could cost $1.2b

            Business slams Kyoto bill

            Foresters slam govt over credits

            Foresters urge Kyoto rethink

            Error brings protocol into question

            Kyoto's price - $88 a year from each of us

            Getting to the roots of Kyoto problems

            Govt accused of deception over Kyoto cost

            Labour admits $1b Kyoto botch-up

            You know...that whole possibly damaging/wrecking the U.S. economy statement isn't looking so implausible...........The answer is not as simple as signing a piece of paper.

            Some other articles I've ran across.

            Warmer, wetter and better(or the good news that the climate change lobby doesn't want you to hear)

            Antarctic ice shelf retreats happened before

            An op-ed piece.

            This group obviously doesn't agree with carbon credit trading . Which even New Zealand thought it could turn a profit on when they signed on.........

            I can see why Russia is more than happy to sign Kyoto. They have the most to gain because they can sell their carbon credits to countries who go over their agreed emissions targets. Russia doesn't have to worry since their baseline was set when old communist factories were pumping out the pollution......communist factories which have now collapsed and no longer pump out that lovely CO2....

            Now I do think that measures need to be taken to improve the U.S.’s and the world environment (and measures are being taken), but I don’t believe that Kyoto is the savior it’s made out to be.

            And that is why Europe hates us.....because we refuse to sign that even though we are working on dealing with our own environmental issues just not on Europe's time table. Riding us about it is not stopping China (or even India) from eventually overtaking the U.S. as the top polluter........oh but it will hurt their economies so they don't have to participate.
            Last edited by LoneStar1836; 10 July 2005, 02:29 AM.
            IMO always implied.


              Originally posted by TheObiJuan
              I figured this thread would be filled with a lot of retarted a$$ statements.
              Bush this, Bush that. Nevermind what all the past presidents, BOTH dem and rep have done, or actually, failed to do.

              To say we are the worst is stupid too. Mexico is a huge polluter. Thousands of Mexican companies spew toxic chemicals and wast into the Rio Grande river. The river delta is now super nutrient rich and polluted. The water at South Padre Island is dark and disgusting. The US used to pollute the river too, but now they have tried VERY hard to bring it from 8th dirtiest river in the world to 20th. It may be even higher now.

              Mexico has huge mining/natural resource extraction programs that also pollute. There is no care from the environment. Well.. that's not true. Popular places like Cancun, Acapulco, Cozumel, Veracruz, etc are very clean. (Thanks to American $$)

              Most south american/central american countries also are huge contributers to the problem. Their governments also don't really care. Who is gonna stop them? UN, WTO....

              On another note, I am a student of Anthropology. My focus is first american studies. I have learned a lot about the last 4 ice ages and the subsequent warmings. Geologically, we just exited the last ice age in the late Holocene.
              It does appear that it humans have perhaps been a catalyst for the warming, but its still a natural process.

              Also, don't think I am pro bush. I am libertarian. I just get tired of 15-25 year old retards that are getting into 'popular politics' and start bashing Bush because of all the propaganda they read and hear. Usually they are clueless about anything political outside of their programmed information.

              But Bush is a big problem. He quite obviously does not want to acknowledge the problem, and frankly, as one of the largest countries in the world. If he doesn't do this, then it creates a BIG problem. I don't care about ex presidents. Bush is the president right now, and he's the one who can change things, but no. Sorry, but it also amazes me how a lot of US politicians and scientists have claimed that global warming was invented by Europeans to slow down US business!

              "Five Rounds Rapid"



                Its not just bush it Japan aswell and other countries do not want to aknowledge while there is still oil about - but for it too work we have to change a way of lives as while and learn from the past - that is not thinking about now but the future.
                i just love to give and recieve GREENS


                  China is becoming a major polluter too The only reason a lot of attention goes to the US is because they're the largest pollutants.

                  Their currently working on some electric cars atm, I know Japan already has some, but the ones currently in manufacture are very good. If anyone here is a regular watcher of Top Gear then you'll probably have seen it too.
                  They should help to reduce global warming a lot

                  Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                  Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                    I watch Top Gear and will be in 2 minutes - The best new cars that should be implemented iinto the common market is Hydrogen powered cars.
                    i just love to give and recieve GREENS


                      I'm not a big worrier about Global Warming. I strongly agree with TheObiJuan, that the current global warming is in fact a part of the natural long term cycles of our planet. The hurricanes, which are currently increasing in number and ferocity is actually just part of a natural 50 year cycle that meteorologist have marked over the years. (The Chief Meteorologist at our local TV news station, often comes to where I work, and I've discussed it with him.) It has little or nothing to do with global warming. Our problem is, that we see stuff happening around the world, that we haven't seen before and we immediately believe we are the sole cause of it. I agree that we have certainly contributed to global warming... but then so have all those cows in India. (and they put out a LOT of 'natural' pollution... nearly as much as some industrialized nations)

                      I remember reading an article not long ago, that theorized that we humans in fact caused the end of the last Ice Age because we started planting crops, which greatly increased the amount of green house gasses. Just by planting crops, on a primitive level..!!! *shakes head in wonder* In any case, I am all for doing what can be done to diminish, and eventually even wipe out poverty and hunger. I think it is best done by stabilizing local regions (where necessary), and then teaching the locals to improve their own situations. We can provide aid (as we are doing now, however slowly the job is) so that they can get there feet beneath them, but people have to do their own work.

                      I'm supportive of very limited communism on a purely local scale (like within a town, but no larger. Some charity institutions already work this way. Everyone works for the whole, but all reap the rewards of everyone else's labor as well.) The problem with communsim, is that it doesn't work well as a larger institution. Keeping them small however, like local community guilds, might work. Such communal guilds, could still work within the larger framework of national and international capitalsim. Of course, there would have to be safe-guards to keep such communes from turning into political institutions which would be very bad. There only purpose to exist should be to provide for the people who voluntarily live within them. Some people might thrive in such a system, but independent living should always be available.

                      A community guild might allow people to simply get their feet beneath them, so they can be successful in a more independent economic situation. I can't stress enough, however, that such guilds must remain small. They should never have any political influence beyond the borders of their respective towns and counties. That would be very bad. Mostly, as I said, they should be for the poor. Middle-class, and the wealthy should continue to live and work as they do now. They get paid, and worry about their own life-styles and futures. A communal guild could simply be a stepping stone out of poverty. I think it is a fairly decent idea. But, maybe there is a reason it wouldn't work, that I haven't thought of. What do you all think?
                      The success or failure of your deeds, does not add up to the sum of your life. Your spirit cannot be weighed! Judge yourself by the intentions of your actions, and by the strength with which you faced the challenges that have stood in your way. The Universe is so vast, and we are so small, there is only truly one thing we can control; whether we are good or evil... -Oma Desala

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                        i believe that Global Warning is not stoppable but we certainly can slow it down.
                        i just love to give and recieve GREENS

