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Calling All Texans!

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    Originally posted by LoneStar1836 View Post
    RE: #19 Heh. Not always. Our cells quite working two days later because the government must have commandeered our T-Mobile cell service for their use and you could then only use them for emergency calls only. Worked perfectly the day after Ike but then nadda.
    Everyones cell phone around here was practically useless, regardless which service they were on. The day after Ike and for about 5 days, it was hard to get or receive calls, and any connections that were made were dropped within the first 30 seconds of the conversation.

    Oddly enough, texting worked best, but it was spotty too.


      We had to go over to a friend's to borough their cell to try to cancel an appointment. They did have cell service from Verizon I think.

      Yeah they kept scrolling across the tv at the bottom that people should text. I hate text messaging cuz you get spam texts that you have to pay for.... I'm not going to pay extra to use a phone that I'm already paying for.

      Listening to the local news tonight is still pissing me off about the state/fed response. There is practically no one searching the debris in Chambers County for missing people...a couple of game wardens and like two search dog teams who were forced away by mosquitoes.

      Texas is soon being forgotten just like Mississippi was after Katrina. There needs to be more of an outcry because after the people of High Island spoke out about how the gov was trying to essentially starve them out to make them leave when there was no need for those people to go, the gov quickly dropped the blockades that were preventing people who were leaving to go out to get food, etc. from returning.
      IMO always implied.

