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    you're ASStralian that's why


      Originally posted by somethinghuman
      First you mention ass and video in the same sentence that makes me, knowing you, get suspicious and then you forget the whole 'other' video saga!!

      I just never get the respect I deserve!!!
      Oh, I'm sorry! I respect a degree
      Just kidding!

      I still have no idea what you mean about me previously asking for a video, I don't think I ever did..


        It was hidden

        And as for the Asstralian comment....Ha, friggin Ha!!


          I'm sorry if i offended you


            The basis of Australian humor is taking the p**s out of people. We don't get offended


              SH doesn't get offended easily. Believe me, I've tried!


                Gotta take it easy. I hate being stressed. Some people thrive on it, me I go for a surf


                  Yeah, I don't like getting worked up about things either.
                  When that happens I like to just go and get something to 'eat'.


                    LOL!! Comfort food is a point

                    I swim or skateboard or dance madly around the room, eat chocolate, cake, pie ice cream, not before the others of course.....


                      I sometimes dance madly too, especially if I'm stuck indoors coz of a heavy storm and there's no one around. Just put something loud to drown the thunder and dance like an idiot

                      Also as you know I play video games. It's such a serene experience to blow people to bits.


                        I know that is why I love shoot 'em up games. Strategy and RPG are great, I love them. But there is nothing like blowing the crap out of something to put you at ease


                          Yup! There's this very zen-like feeling when you've succeeded in bring down a whole building!


                            Panzer at Tank is also good for meditation. It's like herbal tea
                            I have a punching bag which is good fun. A literal one not a metaphorical one


                              Originally posted by somethinghuman
                              Panzer at Tank is also good for meditation. It's like herbal tea
                              I have a punching bag which is good fun. A literal one not a metaphorical one
                              Wow! that's cool. I bet that's a real stress reliever.

                              I've been playing Godfather the game and there's this thing you can do where you get close to a guy, push him down to his knees, put a gun to his head and blow his brains out! Heeheeeeheeee.....
                              Damn! I am sadist!

                              Oh well.......

                              Ok, I got to go. Get yourself well for goodness sake!!
                              Adios, senorita!


                                Farewell. It is movie time now anywho!! Just gotta pick on we all agree on *sigh*

