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    Originally posted by Vee
    Heh, sleep well loser.

    I win! Finally.
    The things people say when they think you aren't listening...

    I will probably go to bed in the next few mins. EDIT: Ok, I'm out. Go ahead and strike me down. I'll come back more powerful than... err, nevermind.
    Cogito ergo dubito.

    "How happy are the astrologers if they tell one truth to a hundred lies, while other people lose all credibility if they tell one lie to a hundred truths." - Francesco Guicciardini

    An escalator can never be broken, it can only become stairs. You never see "Escalator temporarily out of service." It's "Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience." - Mitch Hedberg


      Originally posted by uknesvuinng
      The things people say when they think you aren't listening...

      I will probably go to bed in the next few mins. EDIT: Ok, I'm out. Go ahead and strike me down. I'll come back more powerful than... err, nevermind.
      I won't strike you down, but i will wraith you.


        Night, uk.



          Wowsers! I've left the Stargate Dialing sim open for almost 12 hours straight.
          They need to tell jonas to visit a few more planets. He's visited mine close to 70 times today!


            I feel the urge to quit GW again....
            WA: Wraith Anonymous!
            See if you can spot the elusive Dissie
            FA: Furlings Anonymous!


              Originally posted by dissie
              I feel the urge to quit GW again....
              Might I inquire as to why?


                Originally posted by dissie
                I feel the urge to quit GW again....
                Again? Why don't you like hanging out with us?


                  Actually, I've been having the same urge lately.


                    Originally posted by Vee
                    Actually, I've been having the same urge lately.
                    I will grant that the GW community has changed since i joined more than a year ago. People are more willing to nit-pick and argue. It just seems that someone posts thinking they know it all, and then before you know it, you have arguments. For the most part, it's not a big deal to me. It's not such a bother that i've considered leaving.


                      I generally don't let much of anything bother me, so I'll probably get over it. And if not, C'est la Vie.

                      Oh, to be able to really wraith people that annoy you.


                        would you really want the life force of a moron inside u?

                        hey guys im back!

                        miss me?
                        The Advertisements MGM never wants you to see!!


                          Woot, I can win again.

                          Save Stargate SG-1!


                            dont be stupid im going to win this game
                            The Advertisements MGM never wants you to see!!


                              Originally posted by Maltrancko
                              dont be stupid im going to win this game
                              you wish!

                              Save Stargate SG-1!


                                subject of my every waking thought and every nightly dream to reign supreme over the wraith...

                                imagine a highlander immortal defeating what the alterans could not!
                                The Advertisements MGM never wants you to see!!

