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    Duvet, comforter, quilt, big blankie!!


      Originally posted by somethinghuman

      Duvet, comforter, quilt, big blankie!!
      Oh's just that you said the chair was "augmented" with I thought.....err nevermind

 personality is augmented with vodka, my ipod is augmented with illegal songs.
        You must understand by now that I like to use big words when decribing basic things like sitting in a chair wrapped in a blanket.
        I don't get to use them in my day to day conversation. I have to use one of my Uni majors for something you know


          Right...just try not to confuse us reglah folks with ye big words and city ways.



            C'mon augment is such a scifi word. "I've augmented the shields with power from the rotating conglomorateratron" etc.


              Originally posted by somethinghuman
              C'mon augment is such a scifi word. "I've augmented the shields with power from the rotating conglomorateratron" etc.
              I'm just playing around, of course.
              You're talking to a guy who not only watches and reads sci-fi but plays a whole lotta games too. Augmented is definitely not an uncommon word.



                I can't wait for school holidays so I can become similarly scifi emersed. I have some gaming to catch up on!!


                  what type of games do you play?


                    Anything within reason. I have a PS2 so I head down to my local rental store and go crazy. I am terrible at motor racing and sport games!! I mean really bad!!!
                    So I stick to shoot 'em ups, RPGs, adventure, horror anything!! My favourite PC game at the mo is The Elder Scrolls Oblivion, but it has been so long I don't know what is out there.


                      Originally posted by somethinghuman
                      Anything within reason. I have a PS2 so I head down to my local rental store and go crazy. I am terrible at motor racing and sport games!! I mean really bad!!!
                      So I stick to shoot 'em ups, RPGs, adventure, horror anything!! My favourite PC game at the mo is The Elder Scrolls Oblivion, but it has been so long I don't know what is out there.
                      I just bought the Godfather and Tomb Raider : Legend (the new one)
                      Both very cool games...should check them out
                      I want to get Oblivion, how is it?
                      What's your pc specs, just wondering?


                        Sorry got distracted by....well never mind

                        AMD Athlon 64 FX-60+ Processor, 1GB Low Latency Dual Channel DDR, 250GB 7,200 RPM SATA II w/ 8MB Cache, Quad NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GTX 512MB DDR3. So my room mate just typed for me He has mentioned on many occasions that he would like to marry my computer

                        Oh and Oblivion is AWESOME!!


                          Originally posted by somethinghuman
                          Sorry got distracted by....well never mind

                          AMD Athlon 64 FX-60+ Processor, 1GB Low Latency Dual Channel DDR, 250GB 7,200 RPM SATA II w/ 8MB Cache, Quad NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GTX 512MB DDR3. So my room mate just typed for me He has mentioned on many occasions that he would like to marry my computer

                          Oh and Oblivion is AWESOME!!

                          I don't blame him.


                            It was a very expensive gift from my very rich Nanna. It's a very pretty thing, which is what really counts right?


                              Originally posted by somethinghuman
                              It was a very expensive gift from my very rich Nanna. It's a very pretty thing, which is what really counts right?
                              Yes, obviously......

                              *makes a voodoo doll in the form of somthinghuman and readies needles*


                                I needed something to type my essays on and she did offer!!
                                *starts flicking threw her "Voodoo for Dummies"*

