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    3 Cs! Thats low!
    I needed 2 Bs and a C to get into the UEA (which I would never recommend anyone to attend because it is dire), although the course I wanted to do (Computer Science with a year in North America) wanted 3 Bs (one in Maths - which I decided to not take lol)
    James Lafazanos - Good for a Laf


      they don't have many applicants and so gave me low grades to get in


        it is dangerous to ask me to think and to show what i have in my head. this poor lecturer will learn that very soon



          Originally posted by Bloodthirsteve
          it is dangerous to ask me to think and to show what i have in my head
          Is that cos its full of fluffy pink bunny rabbits and rainbows?
          James Lafazanos - Good for a Laf


            errrrrr... not exactly! ROFL

            i managed to cite Lovecraft ("That night something of youth and beauty died in the elder world") while the exam was about Asterix, the comic, don't know if you see what it is)


              yay Asterix! lol
              When we went to France last year (the first time, not the con time) we were going to see the Eiffel Tower and some boat thing but I wanted to go to that park Asterix instead lol

              How did you relate the two?
              James Lafazanos - Good for a Laf


                the lecturer wanted us to say what we were thinking about two draws from Asterix: one with the village and the forest around and another with the village but with a roman city instead of a forest. then i said that the landscape (the course was history of the landscape) reflects the civilisation that belongs to this landscape, and so that Roman civilisation represents science and advancement, and their desire to conquer and dominate as we can see with their construction based on geometry etc, as opposed to the celtic civilisation that lives in osmosis with nature, as we can see with their village, built with very natural things. Nature represents the world of myths, magic and dreams, and then i said that Romans were just like us today. In the name of science, advancement, and above all money, we destroy nature, and with it, the magic, the mysteries and the dreams. That's here that Lovecraft comes lol. i concluded saying that one day there'll be no more nature at all, and that we'll have to say, as Lovecraft: "That night something of youth and beauty died in the elder world"
                that's what happened when you ask me to think lol


                  An exam on Asterix! No fair.....


                    this lecturer is the only one to do that sort of things if that can comfort you!


                      Wow you're smart!
                      *blinks again*

                      James Lafazanos - Good for a Laf


                        Originally posted by Bloodthirsteve
                        this lecturer is the only one to do that sort of things if that can comfort you!
              , it doesn't actually.

                        But actually it's cool that a lecturer would include popular culture like that.


                          lol oh no i don't think so! i've written what i thought of that piccies!

                          at a moment i said that celtic civilisation could be assimilated to life and roman civilisation to death. i swear it's not because of the sun on my head
                          no i really wrote that???



                            sorry Blood, didn't really understand what you posted there. You mean to say you equated Celtic civilisation to death and Roman civilisation to death?


                              Originally posted by Happy_Gate
                              sorry Blood, didn't really understand what you posted there. You mean to say you equated Celtic civilisation to death and Roman civilisation to death?
                              yep! sorry i'm french so my english is rotten!
                              celtic civilisation is life and roman is death


                                Originally posted by Bloodthirsteve
                                yep! sorry i'm french so my english is rotten!
                                celtic civilisation is life and roman is death
                                Oh! I can see how that's a bit embarassing.

                                Oh, well. Maybe your lecturer won't realise.....

