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    Originally posted by uknesvuinng
    Uhh sure. Granted, with my current income it'd have to be a used Yugo.

    *begins formulating a devestating ducky-killing plague*
    **Plans on building a 4th ducky temple.**


      Originally posted by TechnoWraith
      When i do take you hostage, the duckies will come in first. Once the duckies have you, then you'll be transported to the ducky shrine and surrounded by duckies until i decide to let you go, wraith you, or have you duckified.
      When you do take me hostage? This is something you're planning on doing?


        Originally posted by Vee
        When you do take me hostage? This is something you're planning on doing?
        When the time is right, you will find out.


          Originally posted by TechnoWraith
          When the time is right, you will find out.
          I'm bored, take me too.


            Originally posted by TechnoWraith
            **Plans on building a 4th ducky temple.**
            *worries about the abundance of duckies..senses the need
            for another hive*

            Feel like slackin', read some fan fic.
            "It's actually safe to create a universe in your basement."
            Alan Guth, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, On M Theory


              Originally posted by T'saria
              *worries about the abundance of duckies..senses the need
              for another hive*
              I say we stick this hive full of duckies into a black hole. Who's with me?


                Originally posted by T'saria
                *worries about the abundance of duckies..senses the need
                for another hive*
                Well, the duckies asked for another temple, so i'm planning another one.

                And for those who are interested in being duckified, please let me know.


                  Originally posted by TechnoWraith
                  Well, the duckies asked for another temple, so i'm planning another one.

                  And for those who are interested in being duckified, please let me know.


                    Originally posted by TechnoWraith
                    Well, the duckies asked for another temple, so i'm planning another one.

                    And for those who are interested in being duckified, please let me know.
                    ?????? I'm supposed to be wraithified but looks like the person who promised it is quite busy lately.


                      Originally posted by TechnoWraith
                      When the time is right, you will find out.

                      *backs away*


                        Originally posted by Vee

                        *backs away*
                        *unleashes Ducky-doom 1.0 to thin out the ducky population for a bit*
                        Cogito ergo dubito.

                        "How happy are the astrologers if they tell one truth to a hundred lies, while other people lose all credibility if they tell one lie to a hundred truths." - Francesco Guicciardini

                        An escalator can never be broken, it can only become stairs. You never see "Escalator temporarily out of service." It's "Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience." - Mitch Hedberg


                          Originally posted by Dr Weir
                          ?????? I'm supposed to be wraithified but looks like the person who promised it is quite busy lately.
                          duckification is when i take your likeness and render it into a ducky. In other words, i carve a giant ducky, and place your likeness onto the ducky. (Think having someone make a bust of yourself, then place it on a ducky). your likeness is then placed in among the duck effigies in the ducky temple. You'll get worshipped by the hundred os millions of duckies throughout the universe.


                            Originally posted by TechnoWraith
                            duckification is when i take your likeness and render it into a ducky. In other words, i carve a giant ducky, and place your likeness onto the ducky. (Think having someone make a bust of yourself, then place it on a ducky). your likeness is then placed in among the duck effigies in the ducky temple. You'll get worshipped by the hundred os millions of duckies throughout the universe.
                            Doesn't an effigy require burning?
                            Cogito ergo dubito.

                            "How happy are the astrologers if they tell one truth to a hundred lies, while other people lose all credibility if they tell one lie to a hundred truths." - Francesco Guicciardini

                            An escalator can never be broken, it can only become stairs. You never see "Escalator temporarily out of service." It's "Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience." - Mitch Hedberg


                              Incase no one saw in the wraith thunk thread:

                              Actual wraithification.

                              She promised me that she'll do my pic. *Is waiting impatiently.*

                              Someone she wraithified.


                                Originally posted by TechnoWraith
                                duckification is when i take your likeness and render it into a ducky. In other words, i carve a giant ducky, and place your likeness onto the ducky. (Think having someone make a bust of yourself, then place it on a ducky). your likeness is then placed in among the duck effigies in the ducky temple. You'll get worshipped by the hundred os millions of duckies throughout the universe.
                                a great horror! er, honor!

