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    Originally posted by TechnoWraith
    Inattentive means I have a short attention span and can jump subjects frequently. The Basal Ganglia Hyperactivity has something to do with low motivation.
    Cogito ergo dubito.

    "How happy are the astrologers if they tell one truth to a hundred lies, while other people lose all credibility if they tell one lie to a hundred truths." - Francesco Guicciardini

    An escalator can never be broken, it can only become stairs. You never see "Escalator temporarily out of service." It's "Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience." - Mitch Hedberg


      Originally posted by uknesvuinng
      Inattentive means I have a short attention span and can jump subjects frequently. The Basal Ganglia Hyperactivity has something to do with low motivation.
      I have the same problem. It was a lot worse when i was a kid. (I had ADD back then, but it seems to have disappeared several years ago).


        Originally posted by TechnoWraith
        I have the same problem. It was a lot worse when i was a kid. (I had ADD back then, but it seems to have disappeared several years ago).
        I don't think mine has changed any since I was diagnosed as a kid. I do think I've gotten a little better at keeping up with the various trains of thought set off by my inattention, but I can still trail off at a moments notice. I should probably be on meds, but I really don't like the idea of the stims, and straterra is expensive. I also had a bad experience with straterra once, but that may have been because the doctor tried with the demo pills, which were somewhat higher than the suggested starting dose.
        Cogito ergo dubito.

        "How happy are the astrologers if they tell one truth to a hundred lies, while other people lose all credibility if they tell one lie to a hundred truths." - Francesco Guicciardini

        An escalator can never be broken, it can only become stairs. You never see "Escalator temporarily out of service." It's "Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience." - Mitch Hedberg


          I wouldn't say I have a short attention span. But I'm incredibly lazy and procrastinate with everything.


            Originally posted by Vee
            I wouldn't say I have a short attention span. But I'm incredibly lazy and procrastinate with everything.
            I think that's called being an average American.
            Cogito ergo dubito.

            "How happy are the astrologers if they tell one truth to a hundred lies, while other people lose all credibility if they tell one lie to a hundred truths." - Francesco Guicciardini

            An escalator can never be broken, it can only become stairs. You never see "Escalator temporarily out of service." It's "Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience." - Mitch Hedberg


              Originally posted by uknesvuinng
              I think that's called being an average American.
              Well, not so much. I essentially don't worry about anything. Which sounds good in theory. I never get stressed out. But it also means I'm not concerned about things I should be. You know, blowing things off then not caring that I blew them off... Not good. I wasn't exactly a model student in college.


                Originally posted by Vee
                Well, not so much. I essentially don't worry about anything. Which sounds good in theory. I never get stressed out. But it also means I'm not concerned about things I should be. You know, blowing things off then not caring that I blew them off... Not good. I wasn't exactly a model student in college.
                Sounds like me. Unless I'm involved in something I'm really interested in, I just can't get motivated to put forth my best effort. My music theory instructor used me as an example of how not doing homework can screw up your grades no matter how well you know the subject. It's nice to see that I'm famous though, I suppose.
                Cogito ergo dubito.

                "How happy are the astrologers if they tell one truth to a hundred lies, while other people lose all credibility if they tell one lie to a hundred truths." - Francesco Guicciardini

                An escalator can never be broken, it can only become stairs. You never see "Escalator temporarily out of service." It's "Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience." - Mitch Hedberg


                  Originally posted by uknesvuinng
                  Sounds like me. Unless I'm involved in something I'm really interested in, I just can't get motivated to put forth my best effort. My music theory instructor used me as an example of how not doing homework can screw up your grades no matter how well you know the subject. It's nice to see that I'm famous though, I suppose.
                  That was part of my problem. I never had much of an interest in what I was studying. I loved political science and history. I wanted to work for the government or go to law school. It just didn't work out that way.


                    Originally posted by Vee
                    That was part of my problem. I never had much of an interest in what I was studying. I loved political science and history. I wanted to work for the government or go to law school. It just didn't work out that way.
                    Hmm... See a doctor, get some pills, strike back and succeed.

                    My problem is deciding what I want to do. I spent 4-years in a 2-year community college because After doing 2 years of Computer Science, I decided I wanted to switch to Music. And now I'm probably going to change to Criminal Psychology.
                    Cogito ergo dubito.

                    "How happy are the astrologers if they tell one truth to a hundred lies, while other people lose all credibility if they tell one lie to a hundred truths." - Francesco Guicciardini

                    An escalator can never be broken, it can only become stairs. You never see "Escalator temporarily out of service." It's "Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience." - Mitch Hedberg


                      Originally posted by uknesvuinng
                      Hmm... See a doctor, get some pills, strike back and succeed.

                      My problem is deciding what I want to do. I spent 4-years in a 2-year community college because After doing 2 years of Computer Science, I decided I wanted to switch to Music. And now I'm probably going to change to Criminal Psychology.
                      I spent two and a half years in a community college, went to a state university for two years, then went back to the community college and ended up with an associates. So you're not the only one. I changed my major three times. I was computer science, then I was liberal arts, then I was history, then I was liberal arts again. My poor parents probably consider it a miracle I got any kind of degree at all.

                      I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do either. I still don't know what I want to do. But I'm not bothered by it anymore.


                        Originally posted by Vee
                        I spent two and a half years in a community college, went to a state university for two years, then went back to the community college and ended up with an associates. So you're not the only one. I changed my major three times. I was computer science, then I was liberal arts, then I was history, then I was liberal arts again. My poor parents probably consider it a miracle I got any kind of degree at all.

                        I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do either. I still don't know what I want to do. But I'm not bothered by it anymore.
                        At least you got a degree out of it. I never could make myself complete English Comp. I can't write silly fluff about how something in my childhood changed my life. Everything in my childhood changed my life, considering I had no prior life experience before being born... Maybe I should have wrote a paper on how the childhood brain is wired to learn from everything, thus no specific event can be chosen for exposition, because all events had some effect.

                        I suppose when I get myself into university (stupid car), I'll have to complete it eventually.

                        Wait... at what age did you start college?
                        Cogito ergo dubito.

                        "How happy are the astrologers if they tell one truth to a hundred lies, while other people lose all credibility if they tell one lie to a hundred truths." - Francesco Guicciardini

                        An escalator can never be broken, it can only become stairs. You never see "Escalator temporarily out of service." It's "Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience." - Mitch Hedberg


                          Originally posted by uknesvuinng
                          At least you got a degree out of it. I never could make myself complete English Comp. I can't write silly fluff about how something in my childhood changed my life. Everything in my childhood changed my life, considering I had no prior life experience before being born... Maybe I should have wrote a paper on how the childhood brain is wired to learn from everything, thus no specific event can be chosen for exposition, because all events had some effect.

                          I suppose when I get myself into university (stupid car), I'll have to complete it eventually.

                          Wait... at what age did you start college?
                          I was seventeen when I started.


                            Originally posted by Vee
                            I was seventeen when I started.
                            Makes sense. I was trying to work out how you did 5 years of college being slightly younger than me. It seems like I just finished up at college a few weeks ago, and it's almost been a year...
                            Cogito ergo dubito.

                            "How happy are the astrologers if they tell one truth to a hundred lies, while other people lose all credibility if they tell one lie to a hundred truths." - Francesco Guicciardini

                            An escalator can never be broken, it can only become stairs. You never see "Escalator temporarily out of service." It's "Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience." - Mitch Hedberg


                              Originally posted by uknesvuinng
                              Makes sense. I was trying to work out how you did 5 years of college being slightly younger than me. It seems like I just finished up at college a few weeks ago, and it's almost been a year...
                              Time flies when you're getting old. And it was actually five and a half years. All that to get a two year degree. Ah well, I've come to terms with being the biggest slacker of the decade.


                                Originally posted by Vee
                                Time flies when you're getting old. And it was actually five and a half years. All that to get a two year degree. Ah well, I've come to terms with being the biggest slacker of the decade.
                                I have a friend who's about to finish his 7th year of college. At least he's pulling a bachelor's degree out of it.
                                Cogito ergo dubito.

                                "How happy are the astrologers if they tell one truth to a hundred lies, while other people lose all credibility if they tell one lie to a hundred truths." - Francesco Guicciardini

                                An escalator can never be broken, it can only become stairs. You never see "Escalator temporarily out of service." It's "Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience." - Mitch Hedberg

