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Person of Interest - Discussion/Spoilers/Speculation

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    Waaaaah! Well that was certainly intense.

    Given the earlier conversation between Finch and Root about giving the machine it's own personality and voice, I had a feeling it was going to be Root, and then confirmed when she was critically wounded. Besides that I was kind of bummed that Elias got killed; though I suppose it was to be expected.

    Also, when Harold decides to give in and let the machine do what he/it really wanted, he/it didn't mess around.

    I wouldn't say I was actually on the edge of my seat throughout this episode, but ... I was actually on the edge of my seat during this episode.

    I can hardly wait for the next couple of episodes.


      It is certainly going to go out with a bang
      Yeah, quite the roller coaster ride. Elias buying it, that wasn't a total shock. LIke they said on Twitter - one of the few characters they liked so much they killed him off twice - so I'm guessing when he was 'dead' before they originally planned for him to stay that way until they had to wrap up the show.
      Then Root. I really wasn't surprised by the machine's choice of a voice. HOnestly she's been its biggest supporter since day one. She's followed and you might say worshipped it while Harold was afraid of it and tried to control and contain it. SHe trusted the machine when he didn't. Of course he had the experience of 40 other incarnations trying to kill him so he was certainly justified in his caution.
      She's was, in one way, a Samaritan proxy, just following the machine instead.
      Oddly enough I wasn't too upset about the deaths simply because, as ruthless as Samaritan is, it would have been very unrealistic for Team Machine to make it out untouched.

      One thing is for certain, it will be one heck of a final 3 episodes. About the only good thing about CBS burning them off so quickly is that there's no long wait between episodes.

      And I did get a certain bit of satisfaction that the s5 premiere of PoI got better ratings than the season finale of Limitless.
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Are they spoilers for episode 10? Im hoping to watch it tonight! Youve got me excited!


          I think yeah, episode 10, since there are only 3 more left for us.

          Don't click on those spoiler links. Major things happen and you want to see them unspoiled.
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Holy Schmoly!

            Glad I avoided spoilers.

            That ramped things up quickly, I was just wondering how they would wrap it up with 4 episodes left...


              Yeah, really crossed the point of no return didn't they?

              It'll be interesting how it all shakes down.
              only 3 episodes left for the machine to take down Samaritan....and there have been how many unsuccessful simulations runs?
              I'm wondering, however, if Finch closing the system back up and giving it some free will - choose your own voice - is the key. The Machine has changed its own programming before. And it will need to again to beat Samaritan. But how does it balance changing its programming with keeping its conscience and respect for free will that Samaritan lacks?

              One possible outcome I see is the machine finding the ruthless streak to take down Samaritan....then shutting itself down. Recognizing its own doomed future and ending itself to prevent it from becoming another Samaritan.
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                Yeah, really crossed the point of no return didn't they?

                It'll be interesting how it all shakes down.
                only 3 episodes left for the machine to take down Samaritan....and there have been how many unsuccessful simulations runs?
                I'm wondering, however, if Finch closing the system back up and giving it some free will - choose your own voice - is the key. The Machine has changed its own programming before. And it will need to again to beat Samaritan. But how does it balance changing its programming with keeping its conscience and respect for free will that Samaritan lacks?

                One possible outcome I see is the machine finding the ruthless streak to take down Samaritan....then shutting itself down. Recognizing its own doomed future and ending itself to prevent it from becoming another Samaritan.
                That's an interesting thought.

                Wonder who's going to make it out alive... Elias was kinda obvious to take a hit, but I thought he might survive to the end and retake his place in the crime world.
                Root was a surprise but the conversation that took place between Finch and Root kinda hinted that one of the wouldn't make it to the end... I thought they might have taken Finch out of the picture and Harold's death kick-starting the fight back from the machine, Harold using his final words to activate the programming Root installed.

                I'm glad they've only made it 13 episodes this season airing twice a week, its flowed a lot better. But looking online, we are only getting one episode a week for the final 3 episodes


                  OH MY GOD.... that scene at the start, where there all talking with Elias and Fusco enters hilarious haven't laughed that hard in awhile

                  RIP - Root
                  RIP - Elias

                  Sad to think there's only 3 episodes left.... Person of Interest I will MISS YOU
                  Last edited by mr_kennedy; 03 June 2016, 01:06 AM.
                  Last Movie Watched
                  X-men - First Class

                  Last Video Game Played
                  Life is Strange


                    The smartest show on TV, yes I will miss it.
                    On the upside, I have the DVDs so I can go back and relive it.
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by mr_kennedy View Post
                      OH MY GOD.... that scene at the start, where there all talking with Elias and Fusco enters hilarious haven't laughed that hard in awhile

                      Yeah, that bit cracked me up too!


                        It was nice to see...
                        the fact that people who Finch and Reese had saved teaming up to create their own mini team in another state...


                          And like Michael Emerson said on Twitter
                          are we seeing PoI 2.0?

                          I missed the first couple of minutes but this seemed to be a breather for the non-stop which I'm sure the ending will be.
                          We did get to see a new side of Finch
                          the 'whatever it takes' ruthlessness side.
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            And like Michael Emerson said on Twitter
                            are we seeing PoI 2.0?

                            I missed the first couple of minutes but this seemed to be a breather for the non-stop which I'm sure the ending will be.
                            We did get to see a new side of Finch
                            the 'whatever it takes' ruthlessness side.
                            Point one:
                            Yeah, maybe thats how the show will continue, is this definately its final season?

                            Point two
                            Yeah, I like this more ruthless side to him too, especially that ending with the guys kid...

                            Two more episodes to go!


                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              And like Michael Emerson said on Twitter
                              are we seeing PoI 2.0?

                              I don't understand why POI1 would get cancelled, only to start a POI 2 to replace it. Why not just mix the two together so we see more "teams" doing good?



                                Is why
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


