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Community (NBC) Discussion and Appreciation .(Spoilers)

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    Who else but koogler?

    Koogler, it's koogler, giggity, giggity.... Gooo
    Last Movie Watched
    X-men - First Class

    Last Video Game Played
    Life is Strange


      I totally Fat Dog Koogler!


        FAT DOG THAT WAS A GOOD EPISODE ! ! ! Only Koogler could have made it better.

        My only complaint . . .

        I really didn't feel there was a resolution just because they started playing the game together. I guess there was and there wasn't.

        I love that Dungeons and Dragons returned. It wasn't as great as the first time they did it, but it was still pretty good.

        The addition of the Dean was great.

        Why wasn't Duncan in this episode, other than the fact they didn't want to pay John Oliver?

        I don't think they used Chang enough, but that kiss on the hand was priceless.

        So does anyone else get the feeling that they might be a little lost with what to do with Chang? Don't get me wrong he has been funny, but he has also been directionless and it seems that he is just there to deliver something funny every now and again.


          I really enjoyed the G.I. Joe episode, but Part One of the Season Finale was Fat Dog.


            So as far as season and/or possibly series enders go the last Community was a little weak. It was decent, but not great. I really hope it is NOT the end of the series.



              (inspector space time movie i hope, )
              Last Movie Watched
              X-men - First Class

              Last Video Game Played
              Life is Strange


                So this was weird. I was watching an episode of Animal Practice on Hulu and there was Danny Pudi sitting on a bench in one of the scenes. It wasn't a cameo. It is like he was just meant to be a background player. He didn't do anything, but sit on the bench and kind of react as an on looker. I wonder if there was some cross-promotion back in 2012 that viewers were supposed to spot people in NBC shows who were from other NBC shows. It was very strange because it was so obviously not obvious.


                  CANCELED ! ! ! !

                  Last edited by Looney; 09 May 2014, 10:55 AM.


                    Community, I bid thee farewell.

                    You were too good for this sinful Earth.

                    "BRITTA? WHAT KIND OF LAME NAME IS THAT?"


                      I can't stand it. I watch 3 network sitcoms and 2 of them got canceled on the same day, Neighbors and Community. I just can't believe Community is really gone. Harmon has to find some way, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, something else, to keep it going. They have too! I want it back! ! !


                        Yeah, NBC well and truly britta'd it . I really hope they find a new home for it but it does seem pretty unlikely.

                        Stranger things have happened though.

                        "BRITTA? WHAT KIND OF LAME NAME IS THAT?"


                          it got a pretty good run really, 5 seasons, and a solid series finale, with a pretty solid final season to boot, i'm ok with how it ended for a bubble show and with all the problems it had backstage it done really we'll imo
                          Last Movie Watched
                          X-men - First Class

                          Last Video Game Played
                          Life is Strange


                            This is the real dark timeline; where we cancel shows I love. NBC just eliminated their reality. Greendale has just been destroyed in that timeline.

                            Are we going to stand for this Human Beings?!?!?!?! Or are we going to Fat Dog this puppy and get the show brought back?!?!?!?!?! For Koogler's sake.


                              I chose to do nothing and to go to Dennys
                              Originally posted by aretood2
                              Jelgate is right


                                Yes, that does sound like an excellent strategy.

