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"Castle" starring Nathan Fillion

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    Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
    I missed the episodes that's why I asked...... So why did she get killed?

    Oh and I think it was just before the new captain took over I'm pretty sure she got a phone call telling her to keep an eye on Kate and to stop her nosing too much...... I am pretty sure she's part of the uber conspiracy..... I generally hate them in shows because they're not that well developed, or explained.
    Honestly, I don't remember off the top of my head. It's been a long night of trick or treating with my friends and their son, then celebrating her birthday.

    And I'm just not remembering what you seem to be...Maybe I missed something, but I'm almost positive Gates isn't in on anything concerning Kate's mom, at least not based on anything we've been shown. Maybe you could tell me which episode she got that call in, so I can go back and watch? Because if that's true, it changes a lot of things in my head-canon lol. The old captain was connected with it, Castle technically got connected with it and kept it all hush-hush from Kate, but I'm just not remembering Gates ever being shown as possibly connected. I actually like Gates now. I didn't at first, and part of that was because I figured they'd play her as a lot of shows play IA or former IA officers, but they haven't really shown her that way yet, and she's growing on me. She hasn't kicked Castle out of the precinct, she had Kate come back after she resigned, and did I mention she hasn't kicked Castle out yet lol? And after the newest episode, I like her even better.
    Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


      Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
      Honestly, I don't remember off the top of my head. It's been a long night of trick or treating with my friends and their son, then celebrating her birthday.

      And I'm just not remembering what you seem to be...Maybe I missed something, but I'm almost positive Gates isn't in on anything concerning Kate's mom, at least not based on anything we've been shown. Maybe you could tell me which episode she got that call in, so I can go back and watch? Because if that's true, it changes a lot of things in my head-canon lol. The old captain was connected with it, Castle technically got connected with it and kept it all hush-hush from Kate, but I'm just not remembering Gates ever being shown as possibly connected. I actually like Gates now. I didn't at first, and part of that was because I figured they'd play her as a lot of shows play IA or former IA officers, but they haven't really shown her that way yet, and she's growing on me. She hasn't kicked Castle out of the precinct, she had Kate come back after she resigned, and did I mention she hasn't kicked Castle out yet lol? And after the newest episode, I like her even better.

      I think that phone call happened in either the very last episode we saw the old captain, just before the end, just before she took the office in her first episode.
      Go home aliens, go home!!!!


        Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
        I think that phone call happened in either the very last episode we saw the old captain, just before the end, just before she took the office in her first episode.
        The only person I remember having any sort of phone calls involving Kate's mom is Castle. When Montgomery was gone, Castle started talking to the "protector" on the phone. I don't remember seeing or hearing of Gates until her first episode. When I get that season back from my friend I'll go back and watch, but I'm just not remembering it.
        Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


          The more I watch Castle, the more I realise how much I love the beautiful cinematography that's in there. The combination of colours, the angle of the shots of the characters...all of it - just....beautiful.

          (Also makes great pictures for artwork really)
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            Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
            I think that phone call happened in either the very last episode we saw the old captain, just before the end, just before she took the office in her first episode.
            Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
            The only person I remember having any sort of phone calls involving Kate's mom is Castle. When Montgomery was gone, Castle started talking to the "protector" on the phone. I don't remember seeing or hearing of Gates until her first episode. When I get that season back from my friend I'll go back and watch, but I'm just not remembering it.
            I think I know what Coco is referring to.. Now, it's possible that this is all in a fanfic because I seem to have trouble keeping what goes on in fanfic and what goes on in TV separate, but I seem to remember Gates telling Beckett that she knew about Roy's involvement and what was going on or something like that; it had to be like the last ep of season 4, maybe, or the first ep of season 5, possibly? Or somewhere around that time when they really got into Kate's mom's murder.. But I'm not positive; I just, I do remember a conversation like that taking place between Gates and Kate.

            I like Gates, I always have! I liked her because she didn't like Castle; she seemed to be the only one and I thought that would help keep the show alive a bit more since they seemed to be focusing all on Kate and her past. I still like her; especially now that she's showing a slightly softer side towards "her" people and even Castle a little. I'm glad they brought Penny on because, honestly, all I see when I see her is Sherry from 24

            Coming January 2017


              Originally posted by m&mnm317 View Post
              I think I know what Coco is referring to.. Now, it's possible that this is all in a fanfic because I seem to have trouble keeping what goes on in fanfic and what goes on in TV separate, but I seem to remember Gates telling Beckett that she knew about Roy's involvement and what was going on or something like that; it had to be like the last ep of season 4, maybe, or the first ep of season 5, possibly? Or somewhere around that time when they really got into Kate's mom's murder.. But I'm not positive; I just, I do remember a conversation like that taking place between Gates and Kate.
              See, it isn't that I don't remember Gates having a conversation about that whole situation, but I don't remember the conversation Coco is refering to. I remember Gates finding out that they covered up Montgomery's involvement. I remember Gates having words with them about it. But I don't remember her having a coversation with anyone which could give the idea that Gates is involved in a negative way and is supposed to be "watching" Kate in any way besides that which a captain should watch her subordinate who has already danced with the line and possibly crossed it a few times in regards to a case. As with you, I tend to jumble up my fanfics with the shows, but that's just it. I don't remember a conversation like Coco is describing at all, which is odd to me since I normally would at least remember it if I'd read it in a fanfic or seen it on TV. I've usually got a good memory when it comes to things I read or watch, so all I can think is that I somehow missed the scene Coco is talking about (which I doubt simply because of how often I watched the episodes surrounding the end of Montgomery and the start of Gates), or it happened in a fanfic Coco read that I haven't.
              I like Gates, I always have! I liked her because she didn't like Castle; she seemed to be the only one and I thought that would help keep the show alive a bit more since they seemed to be focusing all on Kate and her past. I still like her; especially now that she's showing a slightly softer side towards "her" people and even Castle a little. I'm glad they brought Penny on because, honestly, all I see when I see her is Sherry from 24
              I never did like 24...My mom did, but I was too busy watching Alias when 24 started, and then I never felt like catching up with 24 after Alias ended. But I agree; part of why I liked Gates was because Castle had to work at her. Now that things with him and Kate have mellowed, I feel like Gates is a new (platonic) challenge for him. Kate actually wants him around now, so he needs someone new to be antagonistic toward him and his presence at the precinct. And I'm really liking her more protective, softer side too.
              Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
                See, it isn't that I don't remember Gates having a conversation about that whole situation, but I don't remember the conversation Coco is refering to. I remember Gates finding out that they covered up Montgomery's involvement. I remember Gates having words with them about it. But I don't remember her having a coversation with anyone which could give the idea that Gates is involved in a negative way and is supposed to be "watching" Kate in any way besides that which a captain should watch her subordinate who has already danced with the line and possibly crossed it a few times in regards to a case. As with you, I tend to jumble up my fanfics with the shows, but that's just it. I don't remember a conversation like Coco is describing at all, which is odd to me since I normally would at least remember it if I'd read it in a fanfic or seen it on TV. I've usually got a good memory when it comes to things I read or watch, so all I can think is that I somehow missed the scene Coco is talking about (which I doubt simply because of how often I watched the episodes surrounding the end of Montgomery and the start of Gates), or it happened in a fanfic Coco read that I haven't.
                Yeah, I don't remember her being directly involved either. I do remember reading something like that in a fanfic, but I don't remember which one. The only thing I remember is her knowing about Montgomery and them all covering it up and that's it.

                Coming January 2017


                  I caught a trailer for a new season of 'Castle' which will be shown on Channel 5 here in the UK. But I am not sure which season is going to be shown.
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                  Team Starfist protects all. But having a fully loaded P-90 helps...
                  Reality is an illusion... Created by those who cannot handle Stargate...!
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                  To thy own self... Be true
                  May the odds.... Be ever in your favour..!


                    Originally posted by m&mnm317 View Post
                    Yeah, I don't remember her being directly involved either. I do remember reading something like that in a fanfic, but I don't remember which one. The only thing I remember is her knowing about Montgomery and them all covering it up and that's it.
                    I’m sure that there is nothing that hints that Gates is in any way involved in the Johanna Beckett conspiracy. The phone call that was mentioned must be part of a fanfic, or something that was cut out, as it definitely never happened on screen. There were only two conversations with Gates concerning the case. The first in 4x01 “Rise”:
                    And what about my case? What did reg say about that?

                    Three months with no leads and every day more homicides coming through that door. How long did you expect me to let those folks tread water? There were good people on this case. There just isn’t anything out there.

                    I’m sorry, sir, but will all due respect, those people aren’t me.

                    Excuse me?

                    The people you had working this case. They’re not me.

                    Look, I don’t know what kind of shop Montgomery was running here but it’ll be a cold day in hell when I let a cop, any cop, investigate their own shooting. My precinct is no place for vendettas.

                    Do we understand each other?

                    The second took place in 5x01 “After the Storm”:
                    Your resignation has been accepted. The matter is settled.

                    Sir, I have the top case closure rate in the precinct. And now that the man that shot me is dead that particular case will no longer be an issue.

                    Really? Because it seems to be the gift that keeps on giving.

                    I’m told we put a Michael Smith under guard at the hospital. What was his role in this?

                    I – I don’t know.

                    I don’t believe you. You’re covering for someone and I know who it is. But I don’t intend to dig up the past and tarnish Roy Montgomery’s reputation. The fact is, I admire your loyalty. I hope you feel that for me someday.

                    Apart from that there is only the conversation at the end of 4x23 “Always”, but that’s not really about the case itself but the way they tried to cover up Montgomery’s involvement.
                    Withholding evidence, lying to a superior officer? What you did dishonors this city and dishonors the badge. Not only are you off this investigation, I’m putting you both on administrative leave effective immediately.

                    Sir –

                    Don’t you sir me. You don’t deserve to wear the uniform. Now, hand over your badges and guns.

                    Detective Beckett?

                    Keep it. I resign.


                      Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post
                      I’m sure that there is nothing that hints that Gates is in any way involved in the Johanna Beckett conspiracy. The phone call that was mentioned must be part of a fanfic, or something that was cut out, as it definitely never happened on screen. There were only two conversations with Gates concerning the case. The first in 4x01 “Rise”:
                      And what about my case? What did reg say about that?

                      Three months with no leads and every day more homicides coming through that door. How long did you expect me to let those folks tread water? There were good people on this case. There just isn’t anything out there.

                      I’m sorry, sir, but will all due respect, those people aren’t me.

                      Excuse me?

                      The people you had working this case. They’re not me.

                      Look, I don’t know what kind of shop Montgomery was running here but it’ll be a cold day in hell when I let a cop, any cop, investigate their own shooting. My precinct is no place for vendettas.

                      Do we understand each other?

                      The second took place in 5x01 “After the Storm”:
                      Your resignation has been accepted. The matter is settled.

                      Sir, I have the top case closure rate in the precinct. And now that the man that shot me is dead that particular case will no longer be an issue.

                      Really? Because it seems to be the gift that keeps on giving.

                      I’m told we put a Michael Smith under guard at the hospital. What was his role in this?

                      I – I don’t know.

                      I don’t believe you. You’re covering for someone and I know who it is. But I don’t intend to dig up the past and tarnish Roy Montgomery’s reputation. The fact is, I admire your loyalty. I hope you feel that for me someday.

                      Apart from that there is only the conversation at the end of 4x23 “Always”, but that’s not really about the case itself but the way they tried to cover up Montgomery’s involvement.
                      Withholding evidence, lying to a superior officer? What you did dishonors this city and dishonors the badge. Not only are you off this investigation, I’m putting you both on administrative leave effective immediately.

                      Sir –

                      Don’t you sir me. You don’t deserve to wear the uniform. Now, hand over your badges and guns.

                      Detective Beckett?

                      Keep it. I resign.
                      And that's all I'm remembering as well. Thank you for telling me I'm not insane!!!
                      Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                        OK OK!!!!!!!! My bad I made a mistake ...
                        Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                          Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                          OK OK!!!!!!!! My bad I made a mistake ...
                          It's okay On one hand I can picture Gates saying that she was involved, but I also think I remember that being in a fic or something like that.. *shrugs* It is what it is.

                          Is there a new ep on Monday?

                          Coming January 2017


                            Yes! New ep tomorrow!

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                              Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                              OK OK!!!!!!!! My bad I made a mistake ...
                              LOL, confusing fanfic with things that actually happened... I do it all the time. More so with Stargate, though. I have my own personal headcanon concerning Jack, Sam and Jacob and it's now nearly impossible for me to tell apart what was really in the show and what I adopted from the hundreds of fanfics I read.


                                Oh that happens fairly often with me too! Confusing 'reality' with 'fantasy'...whatever they really are in my head.
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