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24 Discussion and Appreciation Thread (Spoilers for all seasons up to now)

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    Originally posted by Vyse View Post
    I think the radiation thing will be a plot hole for the show, just like moving through LA in 15 minutes, the never ending cell phone batteries, and neve having to eat or go to the bathroom in a day.

    Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this show but there are holes in the story at times. Like the time Jack finds a wire on the airplane in the baggage area that controls it, yeah right!
    Well, I could do without having all the characters running off to the bathrooms in turn. Maybe they go during the commercial breaks like us?


      Originally posted by keshou View Post
      I agree, Jack IS the show, so I hope Kiefer - who looks as good now as he did in S1 - is taking good care of himself. And good thing those evil torturers never touch his face.
      They were so very considerate weren't they.

      I figured out- from hints I'd seen elsewhere - what was going to happen to Curtis but it was still gut-wrenching. Poor Jack - how many friends has he had to take down now?
      I was stupid enough to read a comment thread elsewhere talking about 24 several days ago and then some idiot goes "I can't believe he shot Curtis!" So I was expecting it.

      The ending of hour 4 was intense. I just sat there staring at the screen. When this show first started I thought the premise would only hold up for 2 or 3 seasons at the most but somehow they keep managing to pull it off.

      Wish I'd managed to see all of the last two seasons. I keep thinking I'm going to go back and pick them up on DVD and watch what I missed but then I think of the hours involved!
      But they are hours well worth it! And there is very little Kim which is always a plus though she got replaced by Audrey.

      Yeah they keep managing to pull off a great show, imo. Sure it has hours that drag and some really stupid side stories and characters, but the action stuff rarely fails to disappoint.

      On Dave Barry's site, he does live blogging of 24. Though his commenters are just as funny to read. This guy Steve does recaps of every episode.
      IMO always implied.


        Originally posted by keshou View Post
        Well I missed parts of the first four hours, but what I saw was great, nail-biting television.

        And good thing those evil torturers never touch his face.
        yup ... i had to leave part way through the ep and when i returned he was on the subway and looking totally untouched and i said to the person i was watching it with ... wait, what happened ... when i left he was being tortured??? his face looks perfect ... the response was ... he had time to go clean up during commercials!!...

        Originally posted by Callista View Post
        My husband and I are wondering if California auto insurance companies sell an optional "Jack Bauer" coverage. I would totally buy that if I lived in L.A. I think chances are pretty good that if you live in L.A., at some point, Jack is going to hijack your car. That poor guy is probably being arrested and charged with a hit-and-run even now.

        All that being said....I CAN'T WAIT FOR NEXT MONDAY!!!!
        hahaha!!! loving the JB insurance ... can't imagine the cost!!!!

        but overall it was pretty good!!

        The Babe's Fave Song Tourney ~ Super Sonic Sixties 66/67 ~ Clickie!!


          OMG!!! That had to be one of the greatest episodes ever! One of my fav parts had to be
          when Jack smashed the jeep he was driving into that terrorist guys car as a ploy to follow him.
          That was great, cant wait till next monday.
          Mentally unstable like a fox!!


            go to, where I clicked on the red logo, used the hotkeys SHIFT F G, and typed in the code je3s7m, I was eventually treated to the first 8 minutes of the new stuff indeed. season 6 spoilers
            Last edited by Adria; 16 January 2007, 06:24 PM.


              when Jack had his 'snack' in the 2nd wife and I immediately wasted a couple minutes on Lost Boys quotes.

              my page
              My LJ
              From now on, our name will be 'Tenac'.


                24 gets 15.million viewers


                  Lonestar, that Dave Barry blog is absolutely hilarious! My husband thinks I've gone insane because of the maniacal laughter!


                    Has anyone bought the 24 Season 1 and 2 official companion book?

                    Just wondering as I would like to know if its similar to the SG-1 books and is it any good.


                      Originally posted by TheWarrior View Post
                      Has anyone bought the 24 Season 1 and 2 official companion book?

                      Just wondering as I would like to know if its similar to the SG-1 books and is it any good.
                      I have got season 2 and i also have all the sg1 and atlantis companions and it is simler same basic consept episodes guide and behind the sceasns info just in a diffrent format
                      24 sunday YEY
                      Leeds Rhinos - 1961, 1969, 1972, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012 and 2015 champions!
                      Metal gear fan


                        SUNDAY! YEY!!! I 've been waiting for it for ages! I'm gonna miss the fourth episode as well as i'm away I'll have to find the repeats!

                        But 24 Is Back!!!! *happy dance*


                          Originally posted by Callista View Post
                          Lonestar, that Dave Barry blog is absolutely hilarious! My husband thinks I've gone insane because of the maniacal laughter!
                          Yeah, I noticed he was into 24 sometime last year. Even after last season ended, he still did a post every Monday to keep everyone "updated" on what was happening (I'm guessing you scrolled down to see those).

                          Plus someone on there did motivational posters. He's even got a new one for this season that mentions SG-1.
                          IMO always implied.


                            Originally posted by LoneStar1836 View Post
                            That is so funny! I was thinking that guy looked like someone from Stargate when I was watching that episode! (In fact, has he been on Stargate? He looked really familiar.) *runs off to figure out who that guy was*

                            It wasn't Pharin, was it? (You know, the guy from "Lifeboat")
                            Oh, and I'm talking about the guard, not the detainee.
                            Last edited by Callista; 19 January 2007, 09:48 AM.


                              Originally posted by LoneStar1836 View Post
                              Yeah, I noticed he was into 24 sometime last year. Even after last season ended, he still did a post every Monday to keep everyone "updated" on what was happening (I'm guessing you scrolled down to see those).

                              Plus someone on there did motivational posters. He's even got a new one for this season that mentions SG-1.
                              LOVE the posters.


                                Originally posted by LoneStar1836 View Post
                                Yeah, I noticed he was into 24 sometime last year. Even after last season ended, he still did a post every Monday to keep everyone "updated" on what was happening (I'm guessing you scrolled down to see those).

                                Plus someone on there did motivational posters. He's even got a new one for this season that mentions SG-1.
                                There such great posters Loving tham all!

