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Bones - Starring David Boreanaz

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    Originally posted by aAnubiSs
    Then you're happy NCIS has already got an order for a 4th season and Bones for a second one?=)
    2nd Season!!!! Woooohoooo!

    Box set in August?? Hubby will be rolling his eyes excessively if I get that as well as all my SG ones


      Originally posted by TheWarrior
      We have to see the car again - maybe in a chase next season when Booths car is in for repairs!

      Loved the scene at the house when Booth was dancing. Now we know that Adam Baldwin character was the one who put the bomb in the fridge, but did he expect Booth to go to her house and look out for her and open the fridge or was he hoping the blast would get Brennan.

      I thought he knew Booth would protect Brennan at home and possibly go for the fridge to get drinks etc, so he got the bomb to take out Booth, as he then knew Booth would ask him to look after Brennan.

      What are you thoughts.
      I think the bomb at Brennan's place (nice place btw) was opportunistic. Baldwin's character knew that Booth would be there watching out for her so whichever one got caught in the blast didn't really matter. If it took out Brennan, great, job done. If it took out Booth it would make it easier to get to Brennan.

      Having said that though, if it'd taken out Brennan at that point, Booth would have been like a rotweiller on the case until he caught Baldwin, cos like Jenaya said, it's obvious that Booth and Brennan care for each other. So maybe Baldwin was hoping more to take out Booth so that he could cover his tracks with the copy cat mo at the end.

      I loved Booth's protectiveness in this ep! The scene with David in the interview room was priceless It's great to see the way the relationship between Booth and Brennan has been built upon in each ep. So different from most shows where its just the occasional glimpse. The previous episode showed Booth was willing to take on the Gangs to protect her and in this ep it translated into him not being able to let her out of his sight.

      I think its great the way the characters have been developed over the season and have enhanced the storylines and added a real fun dimension to the seriousness of catching murderers. IMO it shows that tptb don't take themselves too seriously and enjoy having fun with their characters. Other crime dramas (like CSI for example) don't have as much of a fun element in them. (Don't take that as a criticism of CSI cos I love that show too.)

      Can't wait to see what the next few eps bring.


        Yes, yes! There is a God! There is a thread!


        Anyway, i loved that ep, the bomb one, cant remeber name.

        The most annoying thing is that its on as the same time as HOUSE! Grrrr!
        Tappity-tap. Tappity-tap.
        LOVE HIM-> DT
        ~Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team~


          Je-ha more people to talk to! *does a happy dance*

          I don't think we need another thread, just say/write everything you want to!

          Em, question: how do we handle the spoilers? I've already seen ep 19. Shall I wait until you've seen these eps so we can discuss it or may I tell you if sth great happens in a later ep?

          The official site is this one
          There are some fics already. Check out 'Boards' on the site.

          PS: Please don't pay too much attention to my English


            Re: Spoilers In the 24 discussion thread the title of the thread includes spoilers so anyone visiting will know they are entering a spoiler zone.

            Wheras this one doesn't include any mention of spoilers, we could use spoiler tags but that's just an option.

            Best way around it is to vote:

            Question 1: Should the usage of spoiler tags be used in this thread?

            Yes or No

            Question 2: If Yes should spoiler tags be used for all episodes or for episodes that have aired in the States but not in the UK or elsewhere?


              I wouldn't mind using spoiler tags if you don't wanna be spoiled.
              Imo it would be a good idea to use them for the eps which haven't aired in the UK yet. (here in Germany no-one knows this show, we don't have it - yet)

              Really like this guy. He always knows what's best for his guests. Loved the scene with Hodgins and his soup.


                thanks oma for leading me to this site.

                I love this programme i think it's witty,funny,sad and the sexual chemistry between booth and temperance is amazing.At least they show attraction to each other straight away instead of leaving it for years.Even though they aren't together i think it's great cause you know it's gonna happen one day.

                I love temperance's team soo funny.

                Good show keep the good work coming.




                  Hey welcome!
                  You're right, the team is funny. Really like Angela. They share a great friendship.

                  Does anybody know the books? Imo it would be interesting to compare the two Brennans.



                    My mother has read one of the books that the series is based on. She said once that in the book Brennan doesn't get on with the FBI man, wheras in the series as you can see they get on very well.


                      I've read them all (and loved them!).
                      In the books her partner Ryan is not with the FBI, he's a police officer. And they definitely get on and together (they are a couple now).
                      There are many similarities between Booth and Ryan. Same sense of humor.
                      But the Brennan from the books is very different from 'Bones'.



                        Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
                        I've read them all (and loved them!).
                        In the books her partner Ryan is not with the FBI, he's a police officer. And they definitely get on and together (they are a couple now).
                        There are many similarities between Booth and Ryan. Same sense of humor.
                        But the Brennan from the books is very different from 'Bones'.

                        I wonder then if my mother has read the correct book then.


                          Maybe she ment another guy. I was talking about the man she gets involved with but there are some more police officers and one of them really is an ***


                            Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
                            Hey welcome!
                            You're right, the team is funny. Really like Angela. They share a great friendship.

                            Does anybody know the books? Imo it would be interesting to compare the two Brennans.

                            I've not read the books - yet. I only realised they were Kathy Reichs a few days ago. But the kids go back to school tomorrow and I'll be heading to the library

                            Re spoilers, my vote would be for spoiler tags for the current season. It works well for Stargate, so there's no reason it shouldn't work here for us. It depends on my mood as to how spoilered I like to be


                              I'm just getting into the show and have only seen a handful of eps, but so far, I'm loving it.

                              I confess, I watched the premier, and decided I didn't care for it. Not just because the show was bad, but because I found it a blatant ripoff of XF. But - and those of you who know me will understand this - the recent episode that showed Booth in the hospital after taking an explosion meant for Bones drew me back to try again, and I found it delightful. (I'm a h/c junkie.) Good stories, fantastic secondary characters, and a ship that nobody seems to be trying to deny except the two characters involved. <g> (And last week, I even saw
                              the hint of a second ship between the curly haired guy and the girl. (Sorry, I don't have the names down yet.)

                              David is a hometown boy for those here in Buffalo. He was born here, and his father hosted a children's morning show for many years before he moved the family to Philly. I definitely see the resemblance, but David is much taller than his father, who used to go by the name Dave Thomas when he lived here. (No, not the hamburger guy from Wendy's. <g>)

                              Anyway, thank you to Oma for leading me here, where people talk about the show. Now let's just hope they don't take ten years getting them together like a certain other pair I know. <g>
                              - Mary
                              SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                              Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                                Originally posted by Buc252
                                I'm just getting into the show and have only seen a handful of eps, but so far, I'm loving it.

                                I confess, I watched the premier, and decided I didn't care for it. Not just because the show was bad, but because I found it a blatant ripoff of XF. But - and those of you who know me will understand this - the recent episode that showed Booth in the hospital after taking an explosion meant for Bones drew me back to try again, and I found it delightful. (I'm a h/c junkie.) Good stories, fantastic secondary characters, and a ship that nobody seems to be trying to deny except the two characters involved. <g> (And last week, I even saw
                                the hint of a second ship between the curly haired guy and the girl. (Sorry, I don't have the names down yet.)

                                David is a hometown boy for those here in Buffalo. He was born here, and his father hosted a children's morning show for many years before he moved the family to Philly. I definitely see the resemblance, but David is much taller than his father, who used to go by the name Dave Thomas when he lived here. (No, not the hamburger guy from Wendy's. <g>)

                                Anyway, thank you to Oma for leading me here, where people talk about the show. Now let's just hope they don't take ten years getting them together like a certain other pair I know. <g>
                                Hi Mary *waves*

                                I have to admit to being hooked from the first ep initially by the overt ship - soooo what I am not used to seeing The hint of a past relationship - albeit a working one - to me obviously included a lot of attraction on Booth's part, and (I suspect) complete oblivion from Tempe's I love a few hints of what that entailed.

                                I love the way the show has developed the other characters in Tempe's team over the season. The Christmas ep was fab although I remember thinking that a part of that story remained untold in the ep, just wish I could remember what it was It'll come back to me when I either get the box set or Sky repeats the season - whichever comes first

                                I also loved the ep where that woman was investigating them all - except Jack (that's the curly haired one ) That was a neat way of fleshing out the characters.

                                I'm gonna go check out the Bones site (thanks for the link Jenova ) and I'm sure I'll have loads of questions when I come back

                                (In case you haven't noticed yet, I'm kinda gobby )

