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Bones - Starring David Boreanaz

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    Originally posted by Shipperahoy
    IMO, one of the major flaws with serialized t.v. that trys to have a romantic relationship with it's two main characters is that they always follow the same pattern. They always draw out the UST until it's at the point where people start to not even care any more and then they finally get them together only to keep throwing hurdles in their way to try to "keep it interesting". It's so unecessary. They need to give their viewers more credit. We're not 3 years olds who need constant drama to keep us interested. I think that if they did a show where they just got the two characters together naturally in a reasonable time frame and just let the relationship develop as it may, with the normal pitfalls that come with a relationship, that people would still be interested. In Boothe and Bones case, as has already been said, there is enough to keep any relationship they would have interesting without the cliche of another love interest.

    What tends to happen, I think, is that people do lose interest, and by the time the couple is together-especially if the will they/won't they has been a main focus of the show-they've lost much of their audience.

    Then they blame it on the actual 'getting together' of the main couple, and not their silly song and dance that drags on for years. So it affirms the foolish "Moonlighting" Hollywood stereotype that 'getting them together' ruins the show. And the cycle starts all over. Self-fulfilling prophecy.


      Sky One are showing "Best Of Bones" next Thursday and Friday night on Sky One and rumours on the Sky One Forum are that Season Two starts on Sky One at 9pm on the 16th November 2006


        I just got an email from showing the newly-released cover art for the S1 DVD set. Here it is:

        Pretty cool, I must admit. <g>
        - Mary
        SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
        Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


          That is pretty damn cool. I don't think I've ever seen a white box set before. I like it!

          Lovebar made by natz099
          My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


            Spooks has a nice white box too...

            After reading about Cam here, I'm almost too terrified to bother with S2...
            "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


              Originally posted by Easter Lily View Post
              Spooks has a nice white box too...

              After reading about Cam here, I'm almost too terrified to bother with S2...
              You should still watch it, if only for the Booth/Brennan scenes (and Parker!) and the interesting cases. Especially the Howard Eps one.

              I think they've done too much with Cam. They should have just left the character being antagonistic towards Brennan, and not have so much involvement with Booth. Maybe it's just the shipper in me, but I think if they had just kept the animosity between Brennan and Cam, it would have made it much better.

              Lovebar made by natz099
              My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen View Post
                You should still watch it, if only for the Booth/Brennan scenes (and Parker!) and the interesting cases. Especially the Howard Eps one.

                I think they've done too much with Cam. They should have just left the character being antagonistic towards Brennan, and not have so much involvement with Booth. Maybe it's just the shipper in me, but I think if they had just kept the animosity between Brennan and Cam, it would have made it much better.
                I agree. I didn't care for Cam when she first was introduced, but I liked the animosity between Brennan and Cam. I wanted to see more of how those two worked together (or not together as the case may be). A former relationship with Booth was a mark against her, but the mark wasn't too big for me be completely turned off by the character. A current relationship equals a big no-no. I'm a shipper, but I know non-shippers who hate the whole Booth/Cam relationship and wish it had never happened.

                And Easter Lily: just gave S2 a try. You might like Cam, some people do (there has to be people out there who like her!). If you don't, watch for the cases and your favorite characters.


                  I've seen the first episode of Season 2 and wasn't terribly impressed with Cam as a viable character. She's basically a plot device... written to add a bit of tension.

                  While I wouldn't call myself a Bones/Booth shipper, I do like the chemistry between the leads. It's a lovely dualistic relationship of mind and heart with the masculine and feminine reversed. I'm not so adamant that they are the OTP that there's no room for anyone else to be involved with either romantically. But as far as first impressions are concerned, Cam doesn't impress me. She's trying to hard too be hard-assed and it comes across as being desperate. From the little that I've seen, she's like a twelve year old seeking approval... something I've never felt about Goodman. Even if he was slightly obnoxious... he was charming, debonair and knew he was in charge.
                  You'd think that after 50 years of television, writers and producers should give the audience a little more credit for having some degree of intelligence. Unless of course, they are trying to say that Booth has a habit of dating unlikeable women and is so dense that he can't see the good thing right in front of him.
                  "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                    Originally posted by Easter Lily View Post
                    I've seen the first episode of Season 2 and wasn't terribly impressed with Cam as a viable character. She's basically a plot device... written to add a bit of tension.

                    While I wouldn't call myself a Bones/Booth shipper, I do like the chemistry between the leads. It's a lovely dualistic relationship of mind and heart with the masculine and feminine reversed. I'm not so adamant that they are the OTP that there's no room for anyone else to be involved with either romantically. But as far as first impressions are concerned, Cam doesn't impress me. She's trying to hard too be hard-assed and it comes across as being desperate. From the little that I've seen, she's like a twelve year old seeking approval... something I've never felt about Goodman.
                    You'd think that after 50 years of television, writers and producers should give the audience a little more credit for having some degree of intelligence. Unless of course, they are trying to say that Booth has a habit of dating unlikeable women and is so dense that he can't see the good thing right in front of him.

                    I liked Goodman and would have liked to see him again in S2. When I heard that he was basically being replaced by Cam, I thought she would be as minor of a character as Goodman was, maybe with a little more involvement. It's becoming a shame that that isn't so.

                    I'm completely forgetting what I had plan to say. I blame it on the 3 hours of sleep I got last night. **sighs** Oh well. Maybe I'll remember later.


                      Originally posted by Easter Lily View Post
                      Spooks has a nice white box too...

                      After reading about Cam here, I'm almost too terrified to bother with S2...
                      Don't be afraid. She s*cks, but you'll miss some great bits if you skip it. I especially liked it when
                      Booth and the squibs closed forces around Temp when Cam threatened to fire her. Basically, they said that if Temp was gone, so were they.

                      On the other hand, why has it only just occurred to me that the name "Cam" is a very, very bad thing where *two* of my favorite shows are concerned? <g>
                      - Mary
                      SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                      Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                        Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
                        Don't be afraid. She s*cks, but you'll miss some great bits if you skip it. I especially liked it when
                        Booth and the squibs closed forces around Temp when Cam threatened to fire her. Basically, they said that if Temp was gone, so were they.

                        On the other hand, why has it only just occurred to me that the name "Cam" is a very, very bad thing where *two* of my favorite shows are concerned? <g>
                        **pats Buc** It's okay. I associate the name "Cam" with my five year old nephew. He's so cute! I would post a pic, but realized I don't have any on my comp. Anyway, just imagine a cute little kid when you hear the name Cam!


                          Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen View Post
                          You should still watch it, if only for the Booth/Brennan scenes (and Parker!) and the interesting cases. Especially the Howard Eps one.

                          I think they've done too much with Cam. They should have just left the character being antagonistic towards Brennan, and not have so much involvement with Booth. Maybe it's just the shipper in me, but I think if they had just kept the animosity between Brennan and Cam, it would have made it much better.
                          There is no Booth/Bones shipper in me, but I agree completely. It would have been far more interesting if they had kept it a professional jealousy that Cam has toward Bones, than mixing the "fighting" over Booth into the mix.

                          Originally posted by Easter Lily
                          While I wouldn't call myself a Bones/Booth shipper, I do like the chemistry between the leads. It's a lovely dualistic relationship of mind and heart with the masculine and feminine reversed. I'm not so adamant that they are the OTP that there's no room for anyone else to be involved with either romantically. But as far as first impressions are concerned, Cam doesn't impress me. She's trying to hard too be hard-assed and it comes across as being desperate. From the little that I've seen, she's like a twelve year old seeking approval... something I've never felt about Goodman. Even if he was slightly obnoxious... he was charming, debonair and knew he was in charge.
                          You'd think that after 50 years of television, writers and producers should give the audience a little more credit for having some degree of intelligence. Unless of course, they are trying to say that Booth has a habit of dating unlikeable women and is so dense that he can't see the good thing right in front of him.
                          Woah-very well said.

                          I like the chemistry between Booth and Bones too-I just don't want to see it become romantic. I like it just the way it is-it was a huge reason that I got hooked into the show in the first place.

                          And aside from your very criticism of Cam's level of maturity, which I agree with-to me her introduction just cheapens the relationship and chemistry established between the two leads. It takes it into the cliche "will they/won't they, let's add a rival for someone's affection to make it REALLy suspensful" predictible tv couple thing.

                          It really is insulting to my intelligence, and I believe, to many of the fans. Heck, as much as I don't want this to become a romance, I woudlnt' object to that happening half as much as I do to the whole way Cam has been written.

                          I just have to pretend she isn't there when she's on screen-because I still really like this show. And baseball is my nemisis for pre-empting it for so long!


                            Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
                            I just have to pretend she isn't there when she's on screen-because I still really like this show. And baseball is my nemisis for pre-empting it for so long!
                            But they've been running some great Bones commercials during the playoffs. Including some made just for the baseball theme. Most of them are focusing on Bones and Booth but Cam is in several.

                            And Bones can take a back seat this year - THE CARDINALS ARE IN THE WORLD SERIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            To see the complete animated picture timeline of the comet landing -

                            From the wonderful XKCD site


                              For anybody else here who is an X-Files fan as well as loving Bones, David Duchovny is directing episode 11 this season, and rumor has it he may even appear in an episode.

                              Personally, since I love XF and DD, I'm looking forward to this in a big way. <g>
                              - Mary
                              SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                              Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                                Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
                                For anybody else here who is an X-Files fan as well as loving Bones, David Duchovny is directing episode 11 this season, and rumor has it he may even appear in an episode.

                                Personally, since I love XF and DD, I'm looking forward to this in a big way. <g>
                                That would be great...I'd love to see DD in a cameo.
                                Chicago Con Attendee 2011
                                Chicago Con Attendee 2010
                                GateCon Attendee 2008
                                Vancouver Con Attendee 2007

