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NCIS : Discussion, spoilers and everything else ....

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    Gibbs is probably my least favorite character right now. Probably because we have had so much focus on Gibbs, too much IMHO. I'm missing stories with Palmer, Abby and McGee. I also especially liked the Abby / Ziva episode of season 10 (currently having a hard time remembering the title). There should be more like that.

    Another possible pesky point with Ziva leaving is that it is again the same position on the team that opens up. Seems like it is always the woman who goes out / missing. Maybe this would be the time for a larger mix-up and new arrangement?
    A black hole swallowed this sig pic.


      Tony used to be my favorite character but over the last two seasons I've kinda felt like the writers didn't really know what to do with him.

      A larger mix-up would involve either adding more members to the team or replacing more of the original cast. It might be interesting to have four people working for Gibbs, even if only for part of the season.


        Well, they have at least the opportunity to do that now as none of them are still NCIS. For me they don't have to immediately return to their original positions right away, they have the entire season.
        A black hole swallowed this sig pic.


          True, but a lot of people would instantly start to complain when the show does things differently from what it usually does.

          I personally liked seeing Tony in charge back when Gibbs was retired, it allowed for a complete new dynamic and I would like to see it replicated again for an episode or two


            Yes, that attempt at a third show was pretty bad.
            I'm sorry to hear that Cote is leaving. Maybe they'll send Ziva off somewhere to leave to door open to future guest spots.


              Some news about the exit of Cote from the show, here.
              No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
              It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                There's also more news here:
                NCIS Boss Opens Up About Cote de Pablo's Surprising Decision
                A black hole swallowed this sig pic.


                  Until I actually hear something from Cote, I'm not going to believe anything that's written. I know at least one of the magazines that posted about her leaving is a subsidiary of CBS, so of course they will paint CBS/NCIS in a good light. And one of the other sites wants to stay on CBS's good side so they will continue to receive insider info.

                  And though I don't have the links for them now, two of the things published with CBS quotes concerning Cote's departure directly contradict each other.

                  If it was Cote's decision and she'd already decided to leave, I find it hard to believe she'd leave her cast mates in the dark until one week before filming started on the new season and also that she wouldn't make an official statement now.

                  Of course that's just my opinion, but I really would feel better about believing the various articles if Cote herself was able to give an honest answer (i.e. not an answer through a publicist/agent or pre-approved by CBS/NCIS). I honestly feel like all of these articles are just feeding me a line and hoping I'm naive enough not to question it.
                  Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                    The saddest part about this is the 'fans' that are tossing tantrums. Yelling at other cast members, 'how dare you make her leave' etc.

                    Totally uncalled for.

                    I think nearly every NCIS cast member that was on twitter has taken a break from it because fans were taking them to task for a co-worker's decision.

                    I doubt she was fired. I think the most questionable that happened is that maybe they were going to take the character in a direction she didn't like and wouldn't change it....or heck, maybe she has something going on in her personal life and chose life over work and doesn't want to come public about her life....who knows.

                    At the end of the day getting mad at the others totally isn't fair.
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      I agree with that for the most part. Whether the rest of the cast is on Cote's or CBS's side (if there are truly sides, as is my opinion) doesn't really matter, because there isn't much they can do to change anything. Sure, they might say (if it was a pay or contract issue) that they won't sign their next contract if Cote is treated badly, but that doesn't do any immediate damage to CBS/NCIS.

                      I personally believe, until Cote refutes it, that it was a money issue. CBS has a history of paying women less (just look at Criminal Minds), and Cote wasn't in as good of a negotiating position. She didn't have anyone to stand with (like the two actresses on Criminal Minds or the majority of the NCIS cast last summer, who were able to stand together on demands) when it came to negotiating her contract.

                      Those contradicting statements I mentioned? One said that CBS offered her quite a bit more money (it wasn't a money issue because she simply wanted out), but another said CBS offered her less than she wanted.

                      Like I said, maybe it truly is Cote's decision to leave NCIS for whatever reason. I'm just choosing to not listen to anything I read/hear until it comes straight from Cote's mouth, without any sort of filter or screening from other people/entities.

                      Though I will say a wife to a cast member was really awful to a fan who posted her honest opinion (and didn't say anything about blame to the other cast members in any way) about the situation. The fan was simply saying similar thoughts as I have (it's about money and I won't believe different until an honest statement from Cote) and expressing love and support for Cote. That makes me also think something hinky is going on with the situation and that CBS/NCIS is trying to do damage control and take the blame off themselves...
                      Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                        I doubt it's a money issue. Several articles have already reported that Moonves told the Television Critics Association that Cote was offered more money but still wanted to leave.

                        Moonves says Cote de Pablo was offered, in his words, "a lot of money" because the network didn't want to lose her from the crime drama. Moonves says the offer was then upped.

                        But he says the actress decided she didn't want to continue on the show.
                        And really, if this is all some gigantic cover-up over a money issue then it would be incredibly stupid to come forward and explicitly state they offered her more money and then even upped the offer, because Cote could clearly refute it and that would cause even more of an outcry from her fans.

                        If there is an issue it might be a cast thing or perhaps she doesn't like how they've changed her character (completely understandable, in my opinion), but it could be as simple as wanting to move on from this show/character. Perhaps she has another project in mind or something in her personal life that takes precedence over acting.

                        We don't know and unless Cote wants to clarify the reason, we will never know. It's not like she has to justify her reasons and if there was something about money, with the network, PTB and/or her coworkers then she could just say it without having to fear any repercussions because it's not like they can fire her or anything...
                        Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                        Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                        On FFnet or AO3

                        My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                          I suspect it's personal reasons. Just my opinion, of course. Then again, many actors don't like to stay in a role too long as they become completely associated with that character and folks have a hard time seeing them as something else. Mark Harmon has played a number of quite diverse characters over the years, so people have gotten to "know" him as him - not just as Gibbs. But Michael, Sean, and Pauly? Tell me that they aren't intrinsically linked with their characters in most people's minds.


                            Well I sure hope they don't kill her off. As someone mentioned above-They've killed off enough female characters. Maybe her injuries from the crash will be such that she can't return to duty as an NCIS agent and Tony will have to care for her?
                            Of course then she'd have to be at least a recurring character in that case- where it seems she's left the show for good- so that's unlikely.
                            Sigh. Well ,I'll give it a few episodes and see if I want to continue watching.


                              Originally posted by fems View Post
                              I doubt it's a money issue. Several articles have already reported that Moonves told the Television Critics Association that Cote was offered more money but still wanted to leave.

                              And really, if this is all some gigantic cover-up over a money issue then it would be incredibly stupid to come forward and explicitly state they offered her more money and then even upped the offer, because Cote could clearly refute it and that would cause even more of an outcry from her fans.

                              If there is an issue it might be a cast thing or perhaps she doesn't like how they've changed her character (completely understandable, in my opinion), but it could be as simple as wanting to move on from this show/character. Perhaps she has another project in mind or something in her personal life that takes precedence over acting.

                              We don't know and unless Cote wants to clarify the reason, we will never know. It's not like she has to justify her reasons and if there was something about money, with the network, PTB and/or her coworkers then she could just say it without having to fear any repercussions because it's not like they can fire her or anything...
                              Personally, I think it's a combo of several factors. And remember, there is a difference between "more money" and "pay parity", especially when it comes to CBS and there abysmal track record with paying women the same as men. Don't forget as well that it is entirely possible Cote can't come out and refute things CBS claims, as she could be under some sort of legal control.
                              Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                              I suspect it's personal reasons. Just my opinion, of course. Then again, many actors don't like to stay in a role too long as they become completely associated with that character and folks have a hard time seeing them as something else. Mark Harmon has played a number of quite diverse characters over the years, so people have gotten to "know" him as him - not just as Gibbs. But Michael, Sean, and Pauly? Tell me that they aren't intrinsically linked with their characters in most people's minds.
                              Well, I personally tend to associate actors first with what I saw them in first, and second in what I've seen them in longest. Michael for example will always be Logan from Dark Angel to me.

                              I personally think it's money mixed with several other issues, which she and CBS couldn't agree on. If it truly was her decision, and something she'd be wanting for awhile, then of course I support her choice and her future endevers. However, unless she is able to tell me that in a non-censored response, I will continue to question everything I'm told about the situation.
                              Originally posted by Perelandra View Post
                              Well I sure hope they don't kill her off. As someone mentioned above-They've killed off enough female characters. Maybe her injuries from the crash will be such that she can't return to duty as an NCIS agent and Tony will have to care for her?
                              Of course then she'd have to be at least a recurring character in that case- where it seems she's left the show for good- so that's unlikely.
                              Sigh. Well ,I'll give it a few episodes and see if I want to continue watching.
                              Well GG has said he does not plan to kill Ziva off and that it will-supposedly-be an exit that Tiva fans will enjoy and accept, i.e. somewhat romantic. I'm honestly not going to hold my breath, because it sounds like they are planning to have Ziva written out by the end of the second episode. In my mind that is not enough time to satisfactorily write out the Ziva character, nevermind write her out satisfactorily and wrap up the Tiva stuff in a way that will be romantic and satisfy the shippers.

                              Honestly, I know my opinion may be wrong. But I just find the timing of a lot of the articles and statements suspect, as well as Cote's supposed statements and desire to leave. After 8 years on the show, I have heard nothing to give me the impression that Cote is any sort of "Hollywood diva", which is what her supposed actions scream to me. The type of person she has always been reputed to be would not leave all these people she supposedly considers friends in such a lurch, or as blindsided as they apparently have been. If she wanted to leave so much, she would not have even bothered negotiations, she would have told her cast mates and Gary Glasberg that she wanted out before the season ended. She would have given them plenty of notice.

                              Maybe I'm wrong. If she doesn't end up staying on the show, fine. I may not watch, but fine. If she comes back, fantastic. We may never truly know what's going on and what is fact or fiction. I just know I want to fight until the bitter end, and know that I did my best to go with my gut and support an actress I really love. If, in the end, she comes out and tells the fans to stop fighting for her, then I will. I will do my best to respect her wishes, as she is the one I'm hoping to support. That's why I won't believe all the articles that are one-sided, because they don't tell me what she wants. They tell me what CBS says she wants, which is not necessarily the full truth.
                              Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                                I don't personally think it's money. I do think ti's personal. Maybe she didn't like ziva's direction. (in my opinion, she's just been 'there' if she doesn't have a major storyline)

                                I also don't see her as a prima dona, simply because she doesn't strike me that way. She doesn't moonlight or do other things - maybe she can't, dunno. But in watching the behind the scenes things the past couple of years, I've always felt she was kinda on the outside fringes of the cast. Part of them certainly, loved by them, respected by them, but I've always seen a reluctance in her body language or a discomfort. Something tells me that things have been brewing for years and she's decided to go. It's possible that she saw advance scripts for s11 and didn't like what she saw so said 'ok, time to go'

                                We don't know.

                                Really, even when we hear from her, we hear her side of the story, and the reality is somewhere between her side and CBS side.

                                Whatever it is, I personally wish her well and I'm intrigued by the upcoming changes. I think she show could use a good shake up.
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


