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NCIS : Discussion, spoilers and everything else ....

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    ziva's necklace

    It disappeared when she was captured, or maybe we saw the bad guy take it, i'm gonna guess that it was sent to Eli as proof of 'we got your daughter'.

    that one was larger and silver, this one is smaller and gold, still a star of david.

    I have the mental image that someone bought it for her, birthday or christmas/hanukkah.

    them being in paris brings up another question.

    did ziva have her passport when she traveled adn was captured? if so, doubt they picked it up and got it back. now if moussad gave her a faked one,t hey'd have kept her proper one, and i doubt they sent her personal effects to her in the US.
    I would imagine with her quitting and telling Eli to bugger off, their relationship is a bit cool
    could she have gotten one from the Israeli embassy in DC? would they have done that perhaps in defiance of Eli?
    Or does she have a US one? And, if so, can a person that's not a citizen yet even get a US passport?

    probably massive nitpicks, just something I thought of. Unless, as an agent of a military police force, you don't need passports, but does that apply when you're using civilian transportation?
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Interesting epi....

      LOLed my head off at Gibb's look over the car

      Nice touch with the photo and the *bomf* at the end of

      'You gotta admit, Vampires are just plain cool'


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        ziva's necklace

        It disappeared when she was captured, or maybe we saw the bad guy take it, i'm gonna guess that it was sent to Eli as proof of 'we got your daughter'.

        that one was larger and silver, this one is smaller and gold, still a star of david.

        I have the mental image that someone bought it for her, birthday or christmas/hanukkah.

        them being in paris brings up another question.

        did ziva have her passport when she traveled adn was captured? if so, doubt they picked it up and got it back. now if moussad gave her a faked one,t hey'd have kept her proper one, and i doubt they sent her personal effects to her in the US.
        I would imagine with her quitting and telling Eli to bugger off, their relationship is a bit cool
        could she have gotten one from the Israeli embassy in DC? would they have done that perhaps in defiance of Eli?
        Or does she have a US one? And, if so, can a person that's not a citizen yet even get a US passport?

        probably massive nitpicks, just something I thought of. Unless, as an agent of a military police force, you don't need passports, but does that apply when you're using civilian transportation?
        Were you explaining her necklace for me, or just in general? Cause I knew all about it. I'd just been saying that I didn't recall seeing her with one at all this season since her return. And as much as a Tiva fan as I am, I almost would rather it not be Tony that buys her a new one. But then I don't think it would be anyone else, except Gibbs maybe. I could almost see him using some old jewelry of his wife or daughter to have a new one made for her.

        And about your other thought
        I don't know that she'd have had it with her when she was captured, or if anything from her "before" life found it's way back to her, but I kind of think she might have had hidden stashes of stuff all around the world, lol. Of course, I might have just watched too much Burn Notice and Alias.

        I'm not sure, but I'd think that Federal Law Enforcement wouldn't need their passport. Just as I can't see Booth having needed a passport when he and Bones went to the UK in Bones, I can't see NCIS needing passports to travel. Now if they had planned to hop over to another country while in Paris, they might have needed them, since it would be personal rather than military/government business. I suspect it might be like being able to keep their weapons on them, a special privelage (sp?) allowed them because they are agents.

        And I wonder if they'll actually make a point of mentioning it when Ziva becomes a citizen. I can't see Abby not wanting to celebrate, but I don't know if Ziva would want a big deal made out of it. I know on Jetlag Tony mentioned that she was still studying, but they haven't been making that many comments in regards to it in the recent eps.

        That said, I could so see Ziva's test being interupted because of a huge case, lol. I can just see Ziva and a bunce of other people sitting in a room taking the test only for Tony to barge in and tell Ziva they've got a case and she'll just have to wait to get the American Dream.

        EDIT: I was just rewatching Flesh and Blood. At the start, when we first see Tony's dad talking to Ziva, I'm pretty sure she's got a small, gold Star of David necklace on. But then when she's first in the room talking to the prince, I'm pretty sure she's not wearing it. So now I"m starting to wonder if I've just missed it, lol, and if she's been just taking it off in the middle of the cases sometimes.
        Last edited by TrueRomantic; 27 January 2010, 03:54 PM.
        Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


          Some rather interesting stuff on thei weeks Ask Ausiello...

          Question: Any information on what’s going on with Tony and Ziva on NCIS? More than a few hints were dropped in Tuesday’s episode that suggest something went on between the two of them in Paris. —Jason
          Ausiello: Funny story. Just hours before the episode aired, I asked exec producer Shane Brennan if there would be any significant movement on the ‘Tiva’ front in the coming months. Here’s what he said: “I’ll let the ‘Jetlag’ episode answer that, because I think it does. I don’t want to be more specific than that. People should watch that episode and read between the lines.” They so did it it’s not even funny.


          Question: I’m hearing rumors Abby and McGee might be reuniting on NCIS. Please say it isn’t true! —Jo
          Ausiello: Funny story: All Shane Brennan would divulge is, “Something begins to happen [with them] later in the season.” Okay, that one wasn’t so funny.

          Could be interesting to see how they play whatever it is out...

          Question: Any romance for Gibbs this season on NCIS? —Amu
          Ausiello: “There’s a scene coming up that will stir up a lot of conversation,” teases Shane Brennan when asked that very question. “Mark [Harmon] is at his finest in that episode. He does an amazing job. It’s a really great performance. The audience is going to love it, but they’re also going to go, ‘Oh my God — what’s happening?!’” Does it involve Rena Sofer’s new lawyer character? “Well, they seem to hate each other, so I don’t know how that’s going to happen,” he hedges. “I’ll say this: We already started laying the bread crumbs [for this storyline]. It’ll go down as one of the big moments on NCIS.”

          That sounds very interesting...

          Though i can't think of any other breadcrumbs than the the Robert Patrick one...

          'You gotta admit, Vampires are just plain cool'


            McGee and Abby deserve each other.
            Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


              I agree. McGee and Abby are cute together. But as long as neither one of them is with Tony, Ziva, or Gibbs, I'm happy, lol. I especially love how Abby's got McGee rapped around her little finger.
              Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
                What? Why would I pick on you? I think anyone on GateWorld has to be at least a few fries short of a happy meal, lol.

                But picking on probies is fun. Why do you think Tony does it so much.

                I loved the epised! And yes, I was drooling, lol. Called my mom after I watched it (I had class until 8:30 Central so I recorded it) and told her I was in my happy place in regards to shipping. Tiva tonight, some nice Booth/Bones last week, there's always Kahlan/Richard in LotS...I've been on a shipping role lately.

                In particular about Tiva
                I knew them being in Paris would have to have something for the Tiva fans. They couldn't not have some Tiva.

                I actually didn't really notice a necklace. I guess I'm just going to have to go back and watch it again. Poor me, lol. Though I don't recall seeing one prior to tonights episode, so if one is there the question is raised of where it came from. For some reason Ziva just doesn't strike me as the type of woman to buy a necklace for herself. Her previous one had some meaning to her, since she never took it off, so it stands to reason that another necklace would also have to have some meaning to her. Now that's not to say that it couldn't have been bought for her by someone besides Tony, because I could see the team all pitching in on one as well as seeing all of them individually buying her one.

                The banter. Oh beautiful Tiva banter, how I've missed thee...But yes, even from a non shipper standpoint, their banter has not been the same since Season 6 started. It has only recently started getting back to the Season 3, non-Jeanne Season 4, and Season 5 banter. As a shipper I could go on and on about the significance of it, but just as one can't force Stargate ships on non-shippers, one can't force NCIS ship on non-shippers, lol. Not that I don't try with my RL friends and family...Boy do they hate Wednesdays.

                I knew they had to be lying about the couch in the hotel. No matter how much Tony might have complained, I don't think Ziva would have slept on the couch. I can just see them fighting about who gets the bed, only to agree that they managed to share one when they pretended to be married, so they should be able to share one now. Of course, the shipper in me says that it could have led two ways after that, lol, but I'm actually inclined to hope they did just share a bed, because IMO they still aren't quite ready for a physical relationship even though I do think they would be emotionally ready.

                And I just have to add the picture at the end. I knew he took it, but I was half afraid it would be the one he had to delete. That his favorite picture out of all the ones he took in Paris was of Ziva warms my shipper heart. I'm wondering if it will share a place of honor with the bikini pictures or if it will replace them in the place of honor.

                About the episode in general
                I had a feeling that Victoria Pratt's character would be the bad guy. I've noticed that ever since Mutant X and Cleopatra 2525 she usually plays either a bad guy or a suspect. I loved how they brought the cases together on the plane and in DC.

                I will say that I thought it odd that neither Tony nor Ziva realized it was an allergic reaction. For some reason I figured that federal agents would have to go through a basic First Aid and CPR class, and I know from experience that you learn to recognize anaphylactic shock (though I can't claim I learned to spell it, lol) and how to administer an epipen. Granted I guess it could have been poison, and in their line of work that might have been more probable, but anaphylactic shock was the first thing that crossed my mind when she called Ziva's name and collapsed.

                I thought it would be him as well. Since he was the only one that was supposed to know why she was heading to DC, it stands to reason he'd have to have had some part in trying to kill her.

                I don't think it will offend non-Tiva shippers. I will say that it had quite a bit more Tiva than many other episodes, and IMO quite a bit was implied to either have happened or to be coming, but I don't think it really detracted from the episode. IMO it actually added to the humor, especially when they were fighting and disagreeing about things, including how they got along with each other. But if you don't like Tiva banter then you probably should skip this episode, since it was heavy on banter IMO.
                In particular about Tiva response -
                The way I interpreted the lying about who slept on the couch, is that no one did, they slept together on the bed. The other thing, based on the way Tony speaks about the room, something happened. A talk, a touch, or even something a lot more. I don't know what but something smells "fishy" to me. I had to throw a little Sam and Jack in there.

                About the episode in general response -
                It didn't bother me that they didn't figure out that it was an allergic reaction, my biggest pet peeve is that they left the witness alone while dealing with the earphone guy. I just watched the show and I can't remember names already. Geesh. A number of things could have happened to her because of that.

                Also, the episode was a little predictable. Your first thought is always the husband, wife, fiance or lover. The other thing (and I don't know this actress) but the flight attendant was giving off bad vibes even through the television. Her looks make me keep an eye on her.

                I am not a shipper of anybody on NCIS (I used to be for Gibbs and Kate, but we all know how that ended - *sob*), but I don't mind them pairing Tony and Ziva. This was definitely a shippy episode.

                I was wondering if anyone else has noticed this, that Gibbs' character has been a little shadowed by the other characters recently. We have been seeing a lot more of McGee and the director has even mentioned about the growth Tony has had with being an agent. It almost feels like they are setting you up for Tony leaving for another team. I don't know, maybe it's me, but you don't see Gibbs as much as you used to.
                I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                  It's said Gibbs has a big epi coming up..... maybe they're letting the others take the limelight to help make the Gibbs epi impact bigger?

                  'You gotta admit, Vampires are just plain cool'


                    Originally posted by Dr Lee View Post
                    It's said Gibbs has a big epi coming up..... maybe they're letting the others take the limelight to help make the Gibbs epi impact bigger?
                    I hope so, because I miss Gibbs. I guess it is like other shows, production must continue, so if he has a big role in another episode, he won't be available all the time for the others.
                    I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                      Originally posted by Treknik View Post
                      In particular about Tiva response -
                      The way I interpreted the lying about who slept on the couch, is that no one did, they slept together on the bed. The other thing, based on the way Tony speaks about the room, something happened. A talk, a touch, or even something a lot more. I don't know what but something smells "fishy" to me. I had to throw a little Sam and Jack in there.

                      About the episode in general response -
                      It didn't bother me that they didn't figure out that it was an allergic reaction, my biggest pet peeve is that they left the witness alone while dealing with the earphone guy. I just watched the show and I can't remember names already. Geesh. A number of things could have happened to her because of that.

                      Also, the episode was a little predictable. Your first thought is always the husband, wife, fiance or lover. The other thing (and I don't know this actress) but the flight attendant was giving off bad vibes even through the television. Her looks make me keep an eye on her.

                      I am not a shipper of anybody on NCIS (I used to be for Gibbs and Kate, but we all know how that ended - *sob*), but I don't mind them pairing Tony and Ziva. This was definitely a shippy episode.

                      I was wondering if anyone else has noticed this, that Gibbs' character has been a little shadowed by the other characters recently. We have been seeing a lot more of McGee and the director has even mentioned about the growth Tony has had with being an agent. It almost feels like they are setting you up for Tony leaving for another team. I don't know, maybe it's me, but you don't see Gibbs as much as you used to.
                      About your second spoiler
                      while watching I was thinking they need to stop harrassing battery boy and get back to their witness.


                        Is there any Tony whumpage?
                        Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


                          Originally posted by SGLAB View Post
                          About your second spoiler
                          while watching I was thinking they need to stop harrassing battery boy and get back to their witness.
                          I know! I was like you guys are NCIS agents, what are you doing?!

                          Ziva made a comment afterwards -
                          I can't remember exactly, but Ziva was wondering how the killer got to Nora (I think that is her name). I think it might be because you left her alone. Just a thought.
                          I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                            thing is,
                            she was 'alone' but in such a place in the plane that no one could get to her without going through tony and ziva

                            as it turns out, they could have sat right beside her for the whole flight and the attendant would have still slipped her the pillow
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              thing is,
                              she was 'alone' but in such a place in the plane that no one could get to her without going through tony and ziva

                              as it turns out, they could have sat right beside her for the whole flight and the attendant would have still slipped her the pillow
                              Alone -
                              You are right, with the pillow as a weapon, no one would have even noticed. It just bugged me that they left her alone.

                              I went back and watched it again to see if I could notice the flight attendant moving towards Nora and what do you know, she already had the pillow before they went to check on battery guy. I missed that detail. So the flight attendant must have given Nora the pillow while Ziva was sitting right next to her and Tony was in the bathroom with the dead agent.
                              I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                                More interesting Casting info....

                                Ausiellio Linky
                                NCIS is on the hunt for a thirtysomething actress to play…

                                SPECIAL AGENT A. BORIN: The stunning ex-marine and experienced federal agent frequently butts heads with others to get what she wants. Guest star with recurring potential.

                                'You gotta admit, Vampires are just plain cool'

