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NCIS : Discussion, spoilers and everything else ....

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    i saw the previews last night, it looks so interesting and fun

    kinda like 'snakes on a plane'...just with a killer

    should we start a guessing game as to how many movies tony will reference?

    passenger 57, that twilight zone episode he spoofs in the promo, snakes on a plane
    Where in the World is George Hammond?




      'You gotta admit, Vampires are just plain cool'


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        i saw the previews last night, it looks so interesting and fun

        kinda like 'snakes on a plane'...just with a killer

        should we start a guessing game as to how many movies tony will reference?

        passenger 57, that twilight zone episode he spoofs in the promo, snakes on a plane
        Oooohh, that was the one with William Shatner.

        Originally posted by Dr Lee View Post
        I had to stop and rewind the DVR to make sure I saw what I thought I saw.
        You're never too old to do something goofy.
        Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


          yeah, in the promo tony was doing a shats impression
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by Teslan View Post
            Originally posted by Dr Lee View Post
            Originally posted by Jynjyr View Post

            I had to stop and rewind the DVR to make sure I saw what I thought I saw.
            Oh my, and I am in Mexico, visiting my parents next week!

            Time to suck up to the neighbors..

            P.S. Anyone watch "Castle" this week!
            Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


              Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s View Post
              P.S. Anyone watch "Castle" this week! [/FONT]
              I did...... WHOA!!!! Heavy or what???? (Is there a Castle thread in here?)

              'You gotta admit, Vampires are just plain cool'


                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                want a shock? try being new in the fandom and world of fanfic and having no idea at all what 'slash' meant.

                i thought it was horror, like slasher...boy was I surprised.
                LOL!!! That would suck! When I first got into fanfiction, it was for a series of kid/young adult books, and the couple I was googling was het, so...But then my two best friends got into it at about the same time and they were into occasional slash (but for some reason not femslash, lol). Of course, they really only read anime fanfics, so it was yoai instead of slash, but still...
                I'm not a shipper for NCIS, in fact, i refuse to even look into the fandom. I can only handle one at a time...and after dealing with the stargate fandom for so long, i hesitate to immerse myself in another puddle of insanity

                that said, in watching the show, i thik the only ship i can reasonably see is tony/ziva...yet they're so dysfunctional all i could ever see happening on the show is a little 'stress relief' and they get it out of their systems and move on. gibbs seez ziva as a daughter of a sort, abby definitely as a daughter. I can see abby/mcgee working in the long run...did they ever deal with Palmer and the fact that he was sleeping with the double agent? (what's her name, the asian woman that got shot on the bus)

                i know it was a comedy bent how many times and how often they, 'relieved stress' at work...but did they ever deal with him and her death?

                anyway, over all, i watch the show for the team and solving the crimes, not to keep a scorecard of who should be shagging whom
                See, I don't see Ziva and Tony as disfunctional...I actually just had this conversation with my mom the other night...

                I think that it would have been just about the stuff between the sheets if they had gotten together that first year, but not now. That first year they didn't have a steady base to start a relationship on. It would have ended like Gibbs and Jenny. The second year Tony had Jeanne, and the third year they no longer had quite the same level of trust in each other due to Tony's mission with Jeanne. So that's three years, the first three seasons with Ziva, that a relationship either would have ended badly or couldn't/wouldn't happen. Season 6 Ziva had Michael, so again, it wouldn't work between them. Ziva may be a lot of things, but I don't think she would cheat on someone, especially with how she's reacted to Tony's strings of girls. Although Ziva had Michael in 6, and she and Tony wouldn't have worked romantically in 3-5, they were building the foundations of a fantastic friendship. We even have evidence of that during the summer Gibbs left and they spent so much time together, and in the fact that they both will tell each other things and advise about things that they wouldn't with the rest of the team.

                When Tony thought Ziva dead, he had plenty of time to think about things. When Ziva thought she would die, she had just as much time. After that bathroom scene where she told him she still trusted him and apologized, I think their friendship has been coming back stronger than ever. Granted, Tony has at times said awful things to Ziva (mostly meant as teasing, but IMO he's going way to far to hide his feelings), but their friendship is, IMO, stronger than ever. Which is why I think that if they started a relationship it would be a real one that would last. It would have that base that they wouldn't have had before, that Jenny and Gibbs never had. Also, they have been through so much together and apart, I think that it would allow them to appreciate any romantic relationship between them.

                Do I think they'll have fights? Yes. Do I think Ziva will want to kill Tony at times? Yes. Do I think Tony will want to leave Ziva at times? Yes. Do I think they would be able to work through it all and come out on the other side stronger for working through their relationship issues? Heck yes! Personally, I think, if done right, Tony and Ziva have the potential to be what Gibbs and Jenny never quite got. And lets face it...Is there anyone else out there that could truly handle either one of them, lol? Not to mention a significant other dealing with the partnership and friendship they have?

                No...I'm not a shipper AT ALL, lol. Actually, I tend to find ship in every show I watch...It's both a blessing and a curse...
                Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                no, I don't get them...thus the problem. USA is how I got into NCIS and I must say, that I was not interested in it because I saw the Jag two parter that introduced it, didn't like the format. Then one day I just turned it on to USA and I saw Gibbs (who reminds me of my dad) Tony (love him) Ziva (LOVE her) and Mc<insert Tony's nickname> and I enjoyed it to no end!
                I know what you mean. My mom watched NCIS from the start, but I refused. I grew up watching JAG, and I hated how they though Harm was a bad guy. So I refused to watch NCIS out of loyalty to Harm, lol. But then I caught some Ziva (LOVE, LOVE, LOVE her, lol) eps when I was home from college (or maybe it was the summer before I started) three or four years ago, and loved her. I decided that the show was great and that, since Harm and Mac are happily living wherever that coin toss sent them both (yes, I ship them as well, lol), I could forgive Tony and Gibbs for thinking Harm was a killer. So I went out and bought S1 and watched it and then caught up on USA (which happened to start S2 just as I was finishing watchng S1) with the rest of the series. Now I know more about the show than my mom does, lol.
                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

                but we went from the tim that stayed home when the team went to dangerous areas (the time that tony and ziva went to the middle east), to one that's along for the ride wherever they go.

                Did I miss an ep? The only time I remember Tony going to the middle east was when he and Jardine went to Bagdad. Ziva couldn't go cause she's Jewish, Vance said no, even though she spoke the language. But I could just be forgetting an ep...
                Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                So, I'm curious about last night's episode.
                Since when did Tony just start walking into Gibbs' house without knocking first. And when did they start having steaks together in Gibbs' living room as though it was something they do all the time?
                Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                Thank you!

                I found that highly out of character myself.
                We've never seen that before. And while touching, I didn't like it at all. Seemed too exclusionary of the rest of the team.

                I did enjoy Gibbs talking to Tony Sr, though. His answer about not having to privilege of seeing his daughter become an adult was beautifuly acted and heartbreaking.
                Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                Even so, I must have missed some episodes that indicated Tony had become such a regular visitor to Gibbs' home that he feels free to just walk right in without knocking. And in this one, it was like Gibbs was expecting him, and even waiting for him to show up.

                The only other times I can recall anything about Tony being in Gibbs' home was during an episode or two in the first couple of season where something had happened to Tony's apartment and he was practically begging Gibbs to let him stay with him. When Gibbs wouldn't, Tony turned to Kate, who also refused to let him stay with her. About the only other time I recall anything about Tony being in Gibbs' home was during the episode where Mike Franks' daughter-in-law and grandchild were in danger and had been taken to Gibbs' house for safety and Tony and Ziva were supposed to be looking out for them (and then took the opportunity to snoop in the basement trying to figure out how the heck Gibbs got that boat out of the basement). Oh, and in another episode where Tony was supposed to be guarding Franks at Gibbs' house and Franks got away from him.

                Otherwise, I guess my blinders are on or something, since I've never gotten any particular feeling that Gibbs and Tony had become so chummy with each other.

                On another note, I got a real chuckle out of the bit where Tony sees his Dad talking to Ziva, and he says "Dad", and Dad says "Junior". Instantly made me think of Sean Connery and Harrison Ford in the 3rd Indiana Jones movie.
                In regards to that...
                IIRC, Gibbs does not actually have a lock on his front door. Throughout Ziva's time on the show she has always just walked in and met Gibbs down in the basement. Several other women have done the same, including Jenny at least once. I'm pretty sure Ducky has as well. So it never surprised me when people just walk into his house.

                Also, I agree that Tony and Gibbs' relationship has change. I think it's always been there on Gibbs' part, but Tony either didn't see it or he didn't acknowledge it. But when Ziva was gone things changed, like was mentioned. Tony couldn't talk about things with Abby or Tim, or even Ducky. Only Gibbs could understand, especially since Ziva was important to both of them and they both of theiir first reactions to Ziva's "death" would be revenge.

                I think Gibbs' relationship with both Ziva and Tony has changed and evolved even more since Ziva cam back. Gibbs and Tony both succeded in bringing Ziva back, which I think brought them closer. Gibbs has Ziva, who I think he considers a daughter just as he does Abby, back and he is allowing them to be close in the way he is with Abby (maybe even closer since they can share things I don't think he'd share with Abby) and could have been with Kelly.

                So yeah, I wasn't schocked or confused about that end bit at all. I saw it more as something that probably does happen on occasion with Tony, Ziva, and maybe others as well, just as (like was said) they have all seen each other outside of work at various times as friends rather than team mates.
                Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                  Originally posted by Dr Lee View Post
                  I did...... WHOA!!!! Heavy or what???? (Is there a Castle thread in here?)
                  Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                    Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
                    LOL!!! That would suck! When I first got into fanfiction, it was for a series of kid/young adult books, and the couple I was googling was het, so...But then my two best friends got into it at about the same time and they were into occasional slash (but for some reason not femslash, lol). Of course, they really only read anime fanfics, so it was yoai instead of slash, but still...

                    See, I don't see Ziva and Tony as disfunctional...I actually just had this conversation with my mom the other night...

                    I think that it would have been just about the stuff between the sheets if they had gotten together that first year, but not now. That first year they didn't have a steady base to start a relationship on. It would have ended like Gibbs and Jenny. The second year Tony had Jeanne, and the third year they no longer had quite the same level of trust in each other due to Tony's mission with Jeanne. So that's three years, the first three seasons with Ziva, that a relationship either would have ended badly or couldn't/wouldn't happen. Season 6 Ziva had Michael, so again, it wouldn't work between them. Ziva may be a lot of things, but I don't think she would cheat on someone, especially with how she's reacted to Tony's strings of girls. Although Ziva had Michael in 6, and she and Tony wouldn't have worked romantically in 3-5, they were building the foundations of a fantastic friendship. We even have evidence of that during the summer Gibbs left and they spent so much time together, and in the fact that they both will tell each other things and advise about things that they wouldn't with the rest of the team.

                    When Tony thought Ziva dead, he had plenty of time to think about things. When Ziva thought she would die, she had just as much time. After that bathroom scene where she told him she still trusted him and apologized, I think their friendship has been coming back stronger than ever. Granted, Tony has at times said awful things to Ziva (mostly meant as teasing, but IMO he's going way to far to hide his feelings), but their friendship is, IMO, stronger than ever. Which is why I think that if they started a relationship it would be a real one that would last. It would have that base that they wouldn't have had before, that Jenny and Gibbs never had. Also, they have been through so much together and apart, I think that it would allow them to appreciate any romantic relationship between them.

                    Do I think they'll have fights? Yes. Do I think Ziva will want to kill Tony at times? Yes. Do I think Tony will want to leave Ziva at times? Yes. Do I think they would be able to work through it all and come out on the other side stronger for working through their relationship issues? Heck yes! Personally, I think, if done right, Tony and Ziva have the potential to be what Gibbs and Jenny never quite got. And lets face it...Is there anyone else out there that could truly handle either one of them, lol? Not to mention a significant other dealing with the partnership and friendship they have?

                    No...I'm not a shipper AT ALL, lol. Actually, I tend to find ship in every show I watch...It's both a blessing and a curse...
                    Ziva has to want to kill Tony at times, otherwise it'd be BORING!!!
                    Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


                      Originally posted by AlbinoMonkeyC View Post
                      Ziva has to want to kill Tony at times, otherwise it'd be BORING!!!
                      Well DUH!! That's half the fun of them, lol!!! But the point I was trying to make is that I don't think them being in a romantic relationship together will mess up the things we love about their professional partnership. Does that make sense?
                      Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                        Yep!! I'm still waiting for the twitchy eye or something else from Ziva.

                        They could home and work seperated with ease. (ok, minus if they had an arguement over something pety, like Tony not doing the dishes, but that'd be over quick)
                        Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


                          Originally posted by AlbinoMonkeyC View Post
                          Yep!! I'm still waiting for the twitchy eye or something else from Ziva.
                          Me too! I forget, has she threatened with paperclips yet since she came back? Or threatened at all? I know she pranked Tony with the blue dye, but I don't remember much else...
                          They could home and work seperated with ease. (ok, minus if they had an arguement over something pety, like Tony not doing the dishes, but that'd be over quick)
                          I don't know...I mean, I don't think they'd be having sex at work or anything like that, but I think they might ignore each other and stuff if they were upset about home things, just as I think they'd argue outside of work if one of them did something on the job the other was upset about. But I don't think they would let it affect how they perfermed their duties. Just as, for the most part, they've never let their personal feelings for each other (romantic or friendship) interfere with the job in the past.

                          But yeah, their fights/arguements would probably be over quickly, lol.
                          Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                            Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
                            Me too! I forget, has she threatened with paperclips yet since she came back? Or threatened at all? I know she pranked Tony with the blue dye, but I don't remember much else...
                            Must. Search. Utube.

                            I don't know...I mean, I don't think they'd be having sex at work or anything like that, but I think they might ignore each other and stuff if they were upset about home things, just as I think they'd argue outside of work if one of them did something on the job the other was upset about. But I don't think they would let it affect how they perfermed their duties. Just as, for the most part, they've never let their personal feelings for each other (romantic or friendship) interfere with the job in the past.

                            But yeah, their fights/arguements would probably be over quickly, lol.
                            Very true.

                            Over and done with (and maybe Tony'd get a foot stepped on). My inner whumper is being evil tonite. I need WHUMPAGE!!!
                            Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


                              Originally posted by AlbinoMonkeyC View Post
                              Must. Search. Utube.
                              Did you not see that one? I believe it was Code of Conduct (the Halloween ep) at the end. And McGee's keyboard messed up as well, which personally I think was Ziva's doing as well.
                              Very true.

                              Over and done with (and maybe Tony'd get a foot stepped on). My inner whumper is being evil tonite. I need WHUMPAGE!!!
                              I'm not usually one for whumpage, but Ziva and Tony fighting (in a good way, not a wanting the other dead in the literal sense way) almost always causes some nice whumpage moments for me.
                              Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                                From Ask Ausiello

                                "Question: Love the casting of Gena Rowlands as Gibbs’ mother-in-law on NCIS, but which mother-in-law is she playing? The guy’s been married four times! —Laura
                                Ausiello: She’s playing the mother of Gibbs’ first (and late) wife, Shannon."

                                This should be interesting.


