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Would anyone else like to see the Promethius go away?

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    Could idea BruceD......It wouldn't be that bad of an idea to have another show about Stargate set in 100 or 200 years. But.....I think that there some major problems with that. First...We need a new enemy. (well atleast in our galaxy) And Second, We need to remember what the second problem is..........Oh yeah...the budget to make such a show with many special effects would either brake or make the show right from the beginning. So it probably won't happen.
    Two apples get you nothing unless your buying a banana.


      Well, I like the idea of the ship as a way of getting to planets to which they might not otherwise go (Unnatural Selection), but I dislike most of the eps. that take place only/largely onboard Promethius, such as Grace (gosh, i hated that episode) and others. Way too Trekkish.


        You got to admit, it was pretty cool when the Prometheus appeared in 'The Lost City'.

        Quite like the idea of Earth having a fleet of ships to defend itself. Been dying to see Prometheus' sister ship.

        But also agree that it should not be the focus of the show, a couple of episodes are fine.


          Originally posted by Major Fischer
          My girlfriend says it looks phalic.
          You mean like Dr. Evil's ship at the end of AP2?


            Originally posted by Unas
            "The show is one giant recon mission," explains executive producer Jonathan Glassner. "It's not one of those weird science-fiction things with a big spaceship. It's us, today, finding a piece of technology we don't understand and [getting] into situations we don't know how to handle."
            -TV Guide 1997

            SG-1 broke the mold in sci-fi, I dont want it to copy every other show like Trek, Andromeda, etc.


              I agree that they have gotten away from their original style. Their is less and less history in the episodes. The first couple seasons were heavy with ancient earth mythology. Recent seasons have traded the mythology for high-tech flashy space eps. It would be nice to see season 9 get back to the roots of the series.
              Life isn't all it's cracked up to be.


                Originally posted by Magnus
                I agree that they have gotten away from their original style. Their is less and less history in the episodes. The first couple seasons were heavy with ancient earth mythology. Recent seasons have traded the mythology for high-tech flashy space eps. It would be nice to see season 9 get back to the roots of the series.
                Well said, but the funny thing is, it seems like whenever a show is trailing off and losing its core audience, you read all this stuff from the producers how they're "going back to the roots". I'm not saying that is the case here, SG1 is still going strong, but hopefully Stargate won't wait too long before it realizes how ridiculous the show is starting to get. Even as it is now, it's good TV and I prefer it over many shows out there, but it's morphing into something not Stargate.

                Before, Stargate was like Indiana Jones, John McClane, Dr. Emmett Brown (except female, and very hot! ), & the Terminator gating through space, finding ancient artifacts and kicking the crap outta snakes and other wackos.

                Now, it's more like Jar Jar Binks, Captain Jack Sparrow (hey, there's still some good moments ), & Dr. Beverly Crusher cruising through space on that RV from Spaceballs while a grumpy but benevolent Joker (as played by Jack Nicholson) hangs out at the base, rarely to be seen. Actually, that show would be pretty cool ... But you get my point.


                  Originally posted by BruceDickinson
                  Before, Stargate was like Indiana Jones, John McClane, Dr. Emmett Brown (except female, and very hot! ), & the Terminator gating through space, finding ancient artifacts and kicking the crap outta snakes and other wackos.
                  lol. I love that analogy. Though, who is Dr. Emmett Brown?

                  My biggest concern with the show's story direction is that it's heading in the scifi cliché space battles direction. Instead of travelling to new worlds, they are going to familiar worlds and travelling/battling in space at a greater and greater frequency. I really loved the theme of discovery that the series initially had to it. Going through the gate solving the riddles or discovering new riddles of history was probably the most appealing aspect of the show.
                  Life isn't all it's cracked up to be.


                    Originally posted by Magnus
                    lol. I love that analogy. Though, who is Dr. Emmett Brown?

                    My biggest concern with the show's story direction is that it's heading in the scifi cliché space battles direction. Instead of travelling to new worlds, they are going to familiar worlds and travelling/battling in space at a greater and greater frequency. I really loved the theme of discovery that the series initially had to it. Going through the gate solving the riddles or discovering new riddles of history was probably the most appealing aspect of the show.
                    First, I totally agree, if you keep posting sensable thoughts like this, people will start thinking I made a second handle . I mean no offense when I say I hate the Prommy, it's my opinion, and by the looks of it, I'm not the only person who thinks this way - If you (as in other posters - not Magnus) like the Prommy, don't feel obligated to give me negative feedback for it (and if you must, at least put your name on it ).

                    What you said here is exactly what I'm talking (Tolkien ) about.

                    And, as to who Dr. Emmett Brown is... I'll give you some hints, and you tell me...

                    "Great Scott!!!!"

                    "1.21 GIGAWATTS!!!!!!" Classic!

                    "No, unfortunately it requires something with a little more kick- Plutonium!"

                    "Look! There's a rythmic ceremonial ritual this Saturday night!"

                    -"Doc, this is heavy."
                    -"Weight has nothing to do with it."


                      Ok the only issue I have with the promethius is that the asgard only upgraded its shield weapons and hyperdrive, gimme a break SG1 friggen saved those grey butts of thiers the least they could have done was gave SG1 a asgard ship along with the plans so we could build more, talk about lack of gratitude...


                        My biggest problems with the Prometheus are these (and yes, I understand this is "sci-fi"):

                        * How long did it take to develop the Prometheus, including design and production? I will say this, to develop a F-14 Tomcat, it took 60 months; for the F-15: about 120 months; throw the development cycle for every other aircraft in between those two and you get the idea. It takes well over 5 years and in most cases almost 10 to design and produce a small fighter jet. I think creating a spaceship carrier would take a lot longer. Now maybe the Asgard helped, but all they have said they did was provide shields and engines. In order to create the Promethius as quickly as we did, surely we got more help from them than this right?


                        * This is "Stargate", not "Starship". Keep all your phasers and photon torpedoes out, it has been done, trust us. Keep Stargate the show we love, that mixes archeology and sci-fi together in an original way and which uses technology that isn't all that unbelievable. How I miss Stargate!


                          Originally posted by BruceDickinson
                          My biggest problems with the Prometheus are these (and yes, I understand this is "sci-fi"):

                          * How long did it take to develop the Prometheus, including design and production? I will say this, to develop a F-14 Tomcat, it took 60 months; for the F-15: about 120 months; throw the development cycle for every other aircraft in between those two and you get the idea. It takes well over 5 years and in most cases almost 10 to design and produce a small fighter jet. I think creating a spaceship carrier would take a lot longer. Now maybe the Asgard helped, but all they have said they did was provide shields and engines. In order to create the Promethius as quickly as we did, surely we got more help from them than this right?


                          * This is "Stargate", not "Starship". Keep all your phasers and photon torpedoes out, it has been done, trust us. Keep Stargate the show we love, that mixes archeology and sci-fi together in an original way and which uses technology that isn't all that unbelievable. How I miss Stargate!

                          You make a good, a really really good point to develop tech like the ship would take even longer that the f-14, how long did it take for the space shuttle, though I do think that having space ships is a good thing they should keep to using the star gate but having a fleet of ships would open up a great many other storylines. after all if we want to battle the gou'ald were going to need something more that weapons we use on the ground were going to have to take the fight to them and we cant squeeze a space ship that can destroy a mothership thru the star gate.
                          I believe that sg1 developing space ships is vital to the story line in the battle against the gou'ald.


                            Just wanted to say, Yes I do want the Prometheus to go away! I dont see the appeal of it. Its not that cool of a ship, and all the episodes its been in (with the exception of 1, I liked 'Grace') have been boring.


                            McKAY: If you're referring to the ship you just shot down, the one that doesn't stand a hope in hell of ever flying again ...

                            TORRELL: The ship that you're gonna fix, yes.

                            McKAY: What am I, MacGyver? Fix it with what?

                            MINE.. ALL MINE!! Mwhahahaha!

