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Why was the stargate under Air Force control?

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    BUt can you imagine how backlogged things would get if our current congress was the ones in charge?


      Originally posted by jfarrell327 View Post
      If it was real, I think it should be run by civilian leaders. I think congress even if it was only a committee who knew, would want a civilian to be in charge since people may have a problem with it being strictly military...
      I disagree partially. I think the main trouble here is the question of what the stargate program should do. What's it's mission? Over time, in SG1, that changed quite a bit. Early seasons it was to find tech and allies (well, anything) to defend earth against the goa'uld. Military is the only option. However in later seasons, it seemed the SG program became a jack of all trades, which i think can only confuse the situation. i would opt for an overarching organization with two distinct departments.

      Department of interstellar defense (or some fancy acronym like SHIELD)
      This is a militarized branch that specifically deals with the defense of earth, seeking out potential threats and eliminating them, and ensuring extremely dangerous technology (anything stargate) does not fall in the wrong hands.

      Department of interstellar relations. (or fancy name)
      Civil department that i'd call the Daniel Jackson department: dealing with archaeology, trade, cultural exchange and humanitarian (and alien) help.


        Well I think that an organization like SHIELD could definetly handle it. But when things get militarized and ran by the military they always think of worst case scenarios and lets destroy this and this and some of them are a little paranoid which is why Dr. Elizabeth Weir was good for the job. She was a level headed person and didn't just jump to conclusions, she actually thought stuff out and provided rational solutions. Sure the Generals in Stargate were great and didn't just jump to yeah lets destroy them, besides the movie of course where they were very paranoid.

        NID could've handled it but they were rogue and not very good for the job, but if they were more like Agent Barrett then they'd be fine, but they'd end up being more like Colonel Maybourne.

        I didn't personally like the IOA, they were awful and well awful period. They completely screwed up in many cases especially in the movie, Ark of Truth. I think they'd be better off listening to the Pentagon and White House over the IOA. I like the international aspect and them working together after all we do share the same planet, but making choices for SG-1 I don't get, Atlantis I do get since well it is comprised of many personnel from many different nations. Woolsey wanted to kill Daniel when he was a Prior but sure lets let the son of Anubis live, even though in that case it was reversed and Daniel was more dangerous with his abilities, he was never really a Prior, Merlin was.

        Enough of me rambling but I had to voice my frustration on the IOA and rogue NID.


          But when things get militarized and ran by the military they always think of worst case scenarios and lets destroy this and this and some of them are a little paranoid which is why Dr. Elizabeth Weir was good for the job
          Stargate is a bit over the top with that. However, for the military security comes first. In just about every "tense military moment" the odds were agreeing with the military.

          Enough of me rambling but I had to voice my frustration on the IOA and rogue NID.
          The IOA should just be a controlling organization. I don't know the exact terminology. However, it's purpose should be to check whether the international treaties, laws and regulations are upheld by the Stargate program, not determine the day-to-day content of the mission. It seems that as time went by, the IOA simply grabbed more power for itself.


            Just like the UN. The more power they get, the more they want.


              True that is politicians for you. They're all political and all want power, I don't believe in absolute power corrupts absolutely but if the IOA or NID had the power it would.


                The answer is that to get to Space you have to go thru the Air first.]

                I like Sharky


                  Originally posted by The Flyattractor View Post
                  The answer is that to get to Space you have to go thru the Air first.]

                  Not if you go through a stargate... Duh...


                    Originally posted by jfarrell327 View Post
                    Not if you go through a stargate... Duh...
                    Stargate travel is space-ish enough to be grouped with other spacey1 matters, which are rightfully the purview of the USAF because, in its three-dimensional nature2, space is most similar to air3.

                    1: No, not Kevin.
                    2: Submarines also operate in three dimensions but they have far less manoeuvrability.
                    3: The other branches of the US Military also operate aircraft, but they don't have "Air" in the name so there!
                    Last edited by Britta; 05 November 2014, 10:51 AM.

                    "BRITTA? WHAT KIND OF LAME NAME IS THAT?"


                      Originally posted by Britta View Post
                      Stargate travel is space-ish enough to be grouped with other spacey1 matters, which are rightfully the purview of the USAF because, in its three-dimensional nature2, space is most similar to air3.

                      1: No, not Kevin.
                      2: Submarines also operate in three dimensions but they have far less manoeuvrability.
                      3: The other branches of the US Military also operate aircraft, but they don't have "Air" in the name so there!
                      True, I just didn't like the answer especially since it was already answered many times, so I had to get back at him/her.


                        Originally posted by jfarrell327 View Post
                        True, I just didn't like the answer especially since it was already answered many times, so I had to get back at him/her.
                        Well for the stargate itself, there's really no reason to have it run specifically by airforce.


                          Interstellar travel? Seem usually to align with rocketry and air travel. That would be a natural tie to flying and the Air Force.


                            Originally posted by HogWldFLTR View Post
                            Interstellar travel? Seem usually to align with rocketry and air travel. That would be a natural tie to flying and the Air Force.
                            Rocketry had about as much in common with flight as sailing a ship. That is, not very much


                              Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                              Rocketry had about as much in common with flight as sailing a ship. That is, not very much
                              Yeah but space travel was never ever under anyone other than the Air Force that I'm aware of. This is space travel.


                                Originally posted by HogWldFLTR View Post
                                Yeah but space travel was never ever under anyone other than the Air Force that I'm aware of. This is space travel.
                                From the OP:
                                My question is why aren't the Marines or Army out on the ground during exploration missions

