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Emmerich to reopen the Stargate

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    If MGM is down for it, there goes the TV-verse.

    TBH Emmerich's recent repertoire isn't as "good" as his earlier films like ID4, Universal Soldier, Stargate and even Godzilla. You leave it to him to reboot Stargate, it'll probably do well at the B.O., but the franchise is gonna be poorer for it.

    Say Stargate becomes popular again, but for how long? The franchise is gonna be (re)defined by 3 movies, that is if they can actually manage it, instead of more than 10 years worth of great story-telling which can still sustain the franchise for years to come with more shows and movies, if they so wish.... you see the problem?

    MGM should be a smart aleck for once and tell Emmerich to bugger off.
    "Yo, you wanna join SG-1?"



      DOesn't catch my interest. Largely because this won't be Jack, Sam, Daniel and Teal''ll be a reboot along the line of the movie.....buddy buddy male action movie. It won't be a SG1 reboot, it'll be a stargate reboot. And I was never that big of a fan of hte movie in the first place.

      And, even if they happen to go for the SG1 part.....the characters and chemistry won't be the same because it won't be the same characters and actors.

      It'd be the equivalent of Stargate the Next Generation.

      Maybe not horrible but not recapturing the magic that I found in the franchise, because that magic came from a different set of TPTB.
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        As someone who fell in love with Stargate BECAUSE of the "Star Gate" movie, I'd welcome this. It would have to remain so enshrined in epic mythology, balancing the idea of ancient astronauts and modern military intervention as well as the original film did, but for me - it could capture something Stargate (TV) left behind a long time ago (with the exception of SGU in some ways). I'd love to return to a real focus on Egyptian mythology and suchlike. It wouldn't take away what I love about the TV series at all, merely give me something else to enjoy...

        "Five Rounds Rapid"



          Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
          Originally posted by Ripple in Space
          In my eyes, this is the best pitch Brad Wright could make to the studios. "Smallville" ran on television parallel to the "Superman Returns" cinematic film, and if anything, the shared hype only helped both respective continuity.
          This would be great and I agree, it would be a nice direction to go...having both Stargate on TV and then the cinematic film which would be Emmerich's vision - that would be the best of both worlds for fans!
          It would be best for the studio too. In the 21st century, it's almost less likely that a blockbuster wouldn't have a home media-based tie-in.

          Admittedly, live-action home media tie-ins with "name" actors like Richard Dean Anderson & Beau Bridges are less common, but not unheard of...
          "Most of our John Sheppard impressions sound more like a demented Jimmy Stewart than Joe Flanigan."
          ~David Hewlett


            Originally posted by meo3000 View Post
            Lets see. In one hand we have a 90 minutes rushed action movie with little to no character development. In the other we have over 280 hours of content spread on almost 15 years. You sure you are a fan of Stargate?

            Look at what theyre doing with the SHIELD tv show, if anything, now more than ever, the chances of the two medium merging for big franchise like Star Wars, Star Trek, DC and Stargate are going up.
            The movie has had more solid character development than all the tv shows. The characters in the tv shows were inconsistent in the in their behavor and didnt move the plot and didnt even grow or change. Thats okay, it was never meant to be anything other than episodic adventures and the characters werent created for anything dramatic and can not ever be made so in the future. The movie on the other hand, because of its medium has characters that could be impacted emotionally by what they experience and change until resolution. While "less" stuff happens in a 2 hour movie, the stuff that happens because of what i said, has more emotional impact and drive and thus more memorable than all 15 seasons of stargate.


              Originally posted by Duneknight View Post
              The movie has had more solid character development than all the tv shows. The characters in the tv shows were inconsistent in the in their behavor and didnt move the plot and didnt even grow or change. Thats okay, it was never meant to be anything other than episodic adventures and the characters werent created for anything dramatic and can not ever be made so in the future. The movie on the other hand, because of its medium has characters that could be impacted emotionally by what they experience and change until resolution. While "less" stuff happens in a 2 hour movie, the stuff that happens because of what i said, has more emotional impact and drive and thus more memorable than all 15 seasons of stargate.
              I think we must have been watching 2 separate movies then.

              SG:TMP had bugger all character development in it (OH WOW, Jack gets a surrogate son OMG!!), it was an action flick. SG-1/SGA hit the character reset button A LOT, which was annoying, and SGU did it a little bit (which was more annoying) but trying to compare ANY of the series to the movie is...............bad.
              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
              The truth isn't the truth


                Originally posted by Duneknight View Post
                The movie has had more solid character development than all the tv shows.
                You cant be serious. Stoic O'neil. Its gonna take more than the zippo scene to make me think otherwise. Jackson, shy and perplexed archeologist stay on Abydos, why? Cause he "developed" feelings for an alien he was forced to marry?

                Originally posted by Duneknight View Post
                The characters in the tv shows were inconsistent in the in their behavor and didnt move the plot and didnt even grow or change. Thats okay, it was never meant to be anything other than episodic adventures and the characters werent created for anything dramatic and can not ever be made so in the future.
                You must be a Goa'uld. Go watch the first season again.

                Originally posted by Duneknight View Post
                The movie on the other hand, because of its medium has characters that could be impacted emotionally by what they experience and change until resolution. While "less" stuff happens in a 2 hour movie, the stuff that happens because of what i said, has more emotional impact and drive and thus more memorable than all 15 seasons of stargate.
                Thats the definition of wishful thinking right there. Do not mistake long silences, good montage and well place music for quality story telling. Its memorable cause its one movie, one big story, the premise of the entire franchise. Its easier to remember than entire seasons filed with small moments over a decade.

                But if you prefer the movie...


                  Originally posted by meo3000 View Post
                  You cant be serious. Stoic O'neil. Its gonna take more than the zippo scene to make me think otherwise.
                  He accepted the kids in the end and realised that he could no do the mission on his own. He also gave up that mission to kill Ra.
                  He grew, just in a "movie way"
                  Jackson, shy and perplexed archeologist stay on Abydos, why? Cause he "developed" feelings for an alien he was forced to marry?
                  Hmm, Lifes work, rejected at home as a crackpot with nothing keeping him back, let me think for a minute........

                  You must be a Goa'uld. Go watch the first season again.
                  Early SG-1 did abuse the reset button, but the actors always grew into their characters. Gibbs on NCIS got reset in the early seasons as well.
                  The thing is knowing when to stop beating the reset button.

                  Thats the definition of wishful thinking right there. Do not mistake long silences, good montage and well place music for quality story telling. Its memorable cause its one movie, one big story, the premise of the entire franchise. Its easier to remember than entire seasons filed with small moments over a decade.
                  I disagree, the premise is the Stargate.
                  A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                  The truth isn't the truth


                    Originally posted by Aesop View Post
                    ....A franchise under his direction would be depressing, at best. If you think about it, nearly all of his movies depict humanity (or some smaller portion of it) as utterly helpless and outgunned. One of the greatest appeals of the TV franchise was Earth's technological expansion and growth. Given that Emmerich completely disregards the TV franchise, he would undoubtedly return to the "Stargate is a single doorway to a single planet dominated by an advanced alien species and we're hopelessly outmatched" paradigm.
                    Ironically, the storyline for Emmerich's Independence Day 2 has the aliens returning en masse to earth, only to run into an inferior civilization that not only has incorporated their technology into their own military, but one that proceeds to give them an even larger rear kicking than the first time around. In the 3rd film, the rumour is the earthlings take the fight to the aliens home world.

                    That certainly doesn't qualify as outmatched.


                      After nerd-raging all weekend, I've calmed down and have come to a few conclusions regarding this news:

                      1) His timing is very poor. Universe ended what, two years ago? The fanbase is still emotional over it's ending and even those who didn't watch would look at him strangely. It's basically "you're trying to re-boot something after it's been gone for only two years?" What? Could he at least wait a few more years before trying to this again? It's the equivalent of re-booting the Harry Potter series starting next year. If he could wait at least 10 years, then the timing for a re-boot will be right.

                      2) From what I've seen of his films, they tend to be cheese ball sausage fests where things go boom. Usually these things are big, historic, and full of symbolism to *insert people here*. And he bombed Houston. As a native Houstonian, that is unforgivable. tisk tisk tisk

                      3) If he could somehow re-capture the essence of the Stargate series, those little things about it that made it good, those things that blossomed under the guidance of Wright, Cooper, Mallozzi (until he killed Atlantis!!!), and Muille, then the re-boot could have a chance. What made the Stargate series good was good story telling and dynamic characters. Emmerich gets that, then he has a success. If he doesn't, then it flops harder than The Last Airbender and the '94 film combined.
                      Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


                        I love the original movie and it was great. I don't know what people are saying that the movie was a flop when it cost $55 million to make and made $196.5 million in the theaters not counting home video sales.

                        As long as we get the made for video movies completing the shows I will be fine if he want to do his reboots and I see a good reason why he wants a reboot when I feel the original movie is already a good fit together with the shows so it seems to me he is actually thinking it out.

                        Roland should make it and no one else as I totally dislike the "Star Trek" reboot from JJ when he never even liked the series to begin with as I remember hearing. I might have liked JJ's film more if he had just set it between the last episode of the original series and the Motion Picture making it a Midquel, betweenquel or whatever it could be called.

                        That ID4 2 & 3 idea sounds cool when some years back they were wanting to do a second but said there was nothing they could have of added to it. With you saying that they obviously finally did come up with something.
                        Sig coming soon. Member since 2005 and still no sig coming even in 2015 or 2016.


                          Frankly, a reboot by Emmerich would slap a lot of people in the face.


                            Originally posted by Aesop View Post
                            Frankly, a reboot by Emmerich would slap a lot of people in the face.
                            Stargate the TV show is over, why not see where they would have taken it?
                            A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                            The truth isn't the truth


                              From Joe Mallozzi's Blog:
                              With the recent news that Roland Emmerich would like to make a second, big screen, Stargate movie, questions surrounding the future of the franchise have again started popping up throughout fandom.

                              It’s been three years since Stargate: Universe was cancelled and fans want to know: What’s next? Whither Stargate?

                              Well in my humble and somewhat informed opinion: Beats me.

                              But let’s look at the possibilities…
                              See here for the rest of his discussion.


                                Not. Happening. For the 748276th time.

                                Everybody chill!
                                "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life

