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Emmerich to reopen the Stargate

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    Of course a new reboot movie would be an international success. These days even crappy movies make their investments back as long as it is sold the right way. A lot of people, that didn't necessarily watch the series, would go see the Stargate reboot movie, generating tons of money, regardless of the quality or continuity. If MGM want a quick cash grab, thats the way to go.

    They can have their cake and eat it too, just give us ours and finish all 3 shows with a mini-series, then launch the production of the reboot. We'll love it and be there for the new chapter. Ignore us and see what happens.


      I read the "news" just today about this ***hole's idea, which he cradled for a long time(since the TV series started). I'm completely against it.
      I'm not saying I am not going to watch it, because I would be lying, but certainly not in a cinema or a purchased DVD. I'll download it, that way making sure that Emmerich would never see a penny from me ever.
      I heard the news a bit differently (don't know if it was the actual mediums failure to translate or something else) than you guys. It actually said that Emmerich presented his idea about this film trilogy to MGM and he announced the films later in that interview, suggesting that MGM already agreed to the films.
      If that's true God save the TV franchise from this hackler's new stillborn movie.

      My reaction to the possibility of this being true: and plus
      sigpicHallowed are the Ori.


        I think it CAN work. I think it COULD deliver a great reboot, and perhaps spawn an entire new generation of Stargate.

        On the other hand, it might be pure garbage.

        To me, the main pivot point has got to be the question:

        just HOW close does he want to follow up on the original? I mean, in his movie, Ra is dead so i don't quite understand what the pt2 and pt 3 is (Ra Strikes Back?) about.

        The movie did have many good elements that the TV series used, but also moments i really want to forget.


          From the way I heard he wants an entire reboot, meaning that there would be 3 new films loosely based on "his original" and completely dismissing the TV series' canon and storyline.
          sigpicHallowed are the Ori.


            Originally posted by Peterking72 View Post
            From the way I heard he wants an entire reboot, meaning that there would be 3 new films loosely based on "his original" and completely dismissing the TV series' canon and storyline.
            I knew he would ignore the TV shows, i just don't understand what his trilogy is actually, y'know, about. (aside from killing ra)


              I think I'd prefer a reboot more than anything else, but only if it weren't Emmerich/Devlin that created it. Rather, give the franchise to someone who is capable of respecting the entirety of the franchise. I feel like Abrams and Paramount did a pretty good job with Star Trek, holding the legacy of the franchise in tension with the new ideas they had imagined.

              If someone can do that for Stargate, then there is a LOT of potential down the road. I think Emmerich is too narrow-minded to actually benefit the franchise, and if ever touches it again it will probably be about as successful as White House Down. I'm getting tired of Emmerich destroying the White House in all of his movies. It's the scope and the scale that Stargate grew into that made it so compelling, now if they can somehow incorporate that grandiose scale into a rebooted trilogy (which is very probably) it would be a hit.

              MGM can hold on to, if they must, but they need to bring in a more dynamic crew. I don't care if it were Michael Bay, Christopher Nolan, Kenneth Branagh or someone else, as long as their talent or vision can do the franchise justice. Emmerich would just be dead weight.

              A franchise under his direction would be depressing, at best. If you think about it, nearly all of his movies depict humanity (or some smaller portion of it) as utterly helpless and outgunned. One of the greatest appeals of the TV franchise was Earth's technological expansion and growth. Given that Emmerich completely disregards the TV franchise, he would undoubtedly return to the "Stargate is a single doorway to a single planet dominated by an advanced alien species and we're hopelessly outmatched" paradigm.


                9002nd time: this isn't happening.
                "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                  here's a snippet of what joe mallozzi said on his blog tonight ( ) -

                  (snip) "On the other hand, a reboot would permanently close the book on SG-1, Atlantis, and Universe – and, by extension, the characters many fans have grown to know and love over the years. It would be great if we could manage one final grand SG-1/SGA/SGU movie before we begin the re-imagining.

                  Ultimately, the final decision rests with MGM. I would hope that, when the time comes to decide on the franchise’s future, those decision-makers would give due consideration to Brad Wright and Robert Cooper,

                  the bolding is mine, and i REALLY hope we get that combo movie!!!

                  (((stargate tv franchise)))
                  As I said above, I wouldn't mind a new blockbuster reboot of the franchise, but a SG1-SGA-SGU movie or mini-series would be great. A good way to close the chapter on the great series of shows. We can easily imagine how the SGU crew may need some help from the SG1-SGA crew, or may found a way back to earth only to arrive with warnings about earth's immediate destruction. It would be very cool. I like the idea of a combo movie.
                  Currently watching: Dark Matter, 12 Monkeys, Doctor Who, Under the Dome, The Mentalist, The Messengers, The Last Ship, Elementary, Dominion, The Whispers, Extant, Olympus, Da Vinci's Demons, Vikings


                    I really do not want a reboot, but a continuation of Stargate Universe.
                    • I'm a fan of this awesome Trek webcomic: (archived)
                    • Eesti on ilus, ja troppide parteide poliitikud pole enam Raudse Leedi valitsuses.
                    • I chose the Gate avatar, because it was difficult to choose between SGU character pictures of someone who I thought I was like, and someone who I was fond of. :>


                      Whilst I would love to know what Devlin/Emmerich intended to do with the trilogy when they first devised it, 20 years ago, I don't want to see it enacted now.


                        Didn't their original plan get cobbled together into novels by someone else or something?


                          Originally posted by Joe Mallozzi
                          a reboot would permanently close the book on SG-1, Atlantis, and Universe – and, by extension, the characters many fans have grown to know and love over the years.
                          I can't say I agree with Joe Mallozzi's sentiment. There's absolutely no reason that two separate Stargate continuities couldn't coexist.

                          If you count animated series based on movie franchises, with separate continuities, there are too many to count. Probably the most interesting, and even more difficult parallel is that two huge blockbusters, the next entries of the Avengers and X-Men cinematic franchises, will be feature the same characters, but portrayed by different actors, without regard for each others stories: Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, I believe.

                          Heck, let's take MGM's own flagship property. Several "non-canonical" James Bond movies have been produced during the franchise's run, including one which Sean Connery starred in called "Never Say Never Again."

                          Funny enough, Roland Emmerich himself attempted to launch a separate James Bond film franchise to compete with MGM's James Bond films (

                          No one's head exploded when Tom Welling was TV's Superman at the same time Brandon Routh was the cinematic universe's in 2006...
                          "Most of our John Sheppard impressions sound more like a demented Jimmy Stewart than Joe Flanigan."
                          ~David Hewlett


                            I dont understand why the tv show needs to exist when there are movies that have the possibility of giving us a new story and canon. The tv world can not ever merge with the movie world, they can be two separate canons or just the movie as part of moving forward with stargate. It started off as a movie so its only fair it continues as one. The tv shows already achieved its maximum potential, there is nothing left for it to do.


                              Originally posted by Duneknight View Post
                              I dont understand why the tv show needs to exist when there are movies that have the possibility of giving us a new story and canon. The tv world can not ever merge with the movie world, they can be two separate canons or just the movie as part of moving forward with stargate. It started off as a movie so its only fair it continues as one. The tv shows already achieved its maximum potential, there is nothing left for it to do.
                              I strongly disagree with almost all you have said. Especially the last part. If there is no potential then what Emmerich's trilogy would possibly be about if it ever got made? Huh? I think you really have to think trough what you will write down before you actually write it down. Plus there is an edit button.

                              There is a hell of a potential left in each three series, although I never really cared of SGU in the first place so I didn't care when it was cancelled, even though it meant no more RDA guest appearances.
                              Plus there is nothing fair continuing the franchise as a movie if Emmerich gets to do it. He made a flop with the original that's why he left the franchise. I am grateful he did left it because that allowed US Stargate fan's to see nearly two decades of quality television goodness made out of a heap of crap that hackler left behind.
                              sigpicHallowed are the Ori.


                                Originally posted by Duneknight View Post
                                I dont understand why the tv show needs to exist when there are movies that have the possibility of giving us a new story and canon. The tv world can not ever merge with the movie world, they can be two separate canons or just the movie as part of moving forward with stargate. It started off as a movie so its only fair it continues as one. The tv shows already achieved its maximum potential, there is nothing left for it to do.
                                Lets see. In one hand we have a 90 minutes rushed action movie with little to no character development. In the other we have over 280 hours of content spread on almost 15 years. You sure you are a fan of Stargate?

                                Look at what theyre doing with the SHIELD tv show, if anything, now more than ever, the chances of the two medium merging for big franchise like Star Wars, Star Trek, DC and Stargate are going up.
                                Last edited by meo3000; 08 September 2013, 06:30 AM.

