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Interview with an Ancient

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    Interview with an Ancient

    Hi all

    I had this interesting thought a few times so I thought I would put it forward to you guys..

    Lets suppose that the Ancients decide to suspend their biggest rule of non interference for a day and allow one Ancient to descend and have dealings with us mortals..

    Only one human (you) is allowed to have direct contact with them and communicate with them.

    Which ancient would you choose to interview and what questions would you ask?

    Originally posted by Energizer_Vs_ZPM View Post
    Hi all

    I had this interesting thought a few times so I thought I would put it forward to you guys..

    Lets suppose that the Ancients decide to suspend their biggest rule of non interference for a day and allow one Ancient to descend and have dealings with us mortals..

    Only one human (you) is allowed to have direct contact with them and communicate with them.

    Which ancient would you choose to interview and what questions would you ask?
    I don't really care which one I talk to, but I would ask

    1.0 how the greatest race ever known that created the stargate and cities that can fly between galaxies manage to lose a war with the Wraith?

    2.0 How could they have allowed the wraith to gain such technology and power?

    That's my main gripe with the Ancients.


      Don't know who to pick either, but I'd ask why they allowed the Ori such leeway and how come their non-interference policy stretched so far as to allow a break-away section of their species to dominate less advanced sentients like the Ori did.


        If it were me I think I'd like to interview Janus. I have some interesting thoughts I'd like to put to him about ancient technology.

        1) Why is ancient technology in the MW always stone or rock looking? - Why are buttons hand sized?

        2) Why did they abandon Atlantis instead of bringing it back to the MW? (Although I suppose Weir turning up may have forced their hand!)

        3) How are ZPMs actually made?

        4) What were their real aspirations with this "Seeding new life" thing?

        5) Why did so many stargates have 9 chevrons for just one ship which would seem like a relatively minor reason?

        6) How are the seed ships replicated to deal with the spider effect while seeding the universe?

        7) How far did they intend to spread the stargates and why?

        8) Who were the FURLINGS?!?!?!?!?!

        9) Why is the answer to everything 42?
        Last edited by Energizer_Vs_ZPM; 16 February 2013, 03:44 AM.


          This looks like a fun thread I will post my questions later when I have more time I don't have internet at home
          My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
          poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


            Why did you create seeder ships & and a ship to explore them if you weren't going to do it?
            My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
            poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


              How has accension made you better citizens of our universe? We know you have gone into some higher plain of existance, but you are still part of universe.


                I second all of Energizer_Vs_ZPM's questions plus add two more.
                +1th question: How is an energy being able to control the forces of nature and what is it good for if the majority of them don't use it anyway? Remember how Orlan said it's easy,but forgot to actually explain it? He would have had time because he was on break in the cafeteria later with Sam. So instead of talking stupid relationship stuff with Sam he could have explained that instead.
                +2nd question: Not interfering is BS. Total interfering like the Ori did is wrong. Interfering like Oma did would be also wrong but somehow it's ok. Also she is one of their own too. Plus there were also some other older ancients who interfered. So how is this policy still valid then? Cause if it's a law it's pretty flawed.
                sigpicHallowed are the Ori.


                  1, why didn't they just kill the ori? it's not like they didn't know where they were and they knew the technology that could destroy them, so why didn't they?

                  2, How to make a D*mn ZPM!

                  3, why have all these abilities if you aren't gonna use them for the good of humans, the life for which you seeded in the first place.

                  4, How the heck they let a virus kill them? they where a civilization that had survived for millions of years, and where advanced not just technologically but biologically, it just doesn't make sense.

                  5, how to make drones?

                  6, who was the ahole who came up with the none interference policy?

                  7, where are the Furlings?


                    I would ask him how they could have been defeated by the wraith unless someone took a bribe or something or turned on themselves.

                    The thing is that ancients could have made zpm powered beam weapons which could have destroyed thousands of wraith ships without a problem... drone tech is great but it gets depleted... if they had a beam weapon(the one with with the replicators hit atlantis with) they could have wiped every wraith ship out. Even if they could not do it then where is there million of years of military strategy?? simply move atlantis from the planet rather than waiting for wraith's multiple attack waves. It is just mind boggling how incredibly advanced they were but how incredibly stupid they were. It is a pity really.

