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A Stargate 1994 Universe without SG1?

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    A Stargate 1994 Universe without SG1?

    We have touched on this a few times, but I'd like to go into it in more detail. On the basis of SG 1994 and any other thoughts and ideas of Emmerich and Devlin, IF there were additional movies or a series based solely on SG 1994 without reference to SG1, what would the universe of SG 1994 look like?
    Where would the stargate be going? Would it by necessity evolve like SG1? What kind of aliens, enemies, bad guys and good guys would there be? Would there be parallel universes, time travel, and other goodies reminiscent of SG1 simply by virtue of the genre?

    Although Emmerich and Devlin claim never to have watched SG1, I find it hard to believe that writers of movies or series episodes would be totally clueless to the universe of SG1. However, even if they were I would hope they would find a way to leave out some of the stuff that some of us didn't care for in SG1 et al.

    I think the following two parts of the intended trology would focus on exploration and the SG team defeating the enemy. If Emmerich and Devlin would get a shot at producing the remaining two parts of their trilogy, the events in SG-1/Atlantis/Universe would be completely ignored, as they would gather the original cast from their oroginal movie and just continue their own story. There would probably be no Sam Carter, Jonas, Teal'c etc. etc., Atlantis, Destiny or whatsoever. Daniel and Jack would be played by their original actors from the first movie as well and their last names reversed back to what they were before SG-1 began.

    Long stroy short, the following two movies would be the continuation & conclusion of the story from the original movie. No time travel or any of that stuff.

    I believe I read an article here on GateWorld that their movies would focus more on the Stargate. If I understood correctly, we would be seeing what else a Stargate can do besides being a space device that can create a doorway to other Galaxies and planets.


      Originally posted by Mnikolic View Post
      Daniel and Jack would be played by their original actors from the first movie as well and their last names reversed back to what they were before SG-1 began.
      Highly unlikely that the original actors from the first movie would play these roles, since both are in their late 50's or early 60's by now and no makeup would be able to cover that up. I'm not saying they look bad or anything like that, just that they could not pick up their roles as if no time had passed since the 1994 movie.


        Hey Happy Thanksgiving everyone. (edit: er, well, Americans anyway. Or is there Thanksgiving elsewhere? I'm not sure but, you know, whatever) Anyway...

        You know, it's been a while since I watched the movie so go easy on me if I'm misremembering anything; but for the life of me, I can't imagine how you could really continue the original without a huge Sg-1-type overhaul. I mean, in the movie the gate was on the other side of the universe- so already we've went as far as we can. Ra was the last of his kind, so by killing him, we've beat the bad guy as beaten as a beating can get: none left of them. It just seems way finalized in just about every way. So what do we do? Ra's normal human eleventh in command who survived tries to come through the gate, just a bunch of normal guys entering into a super secure facility, immediately shivering from the cold of gate travel, popped off real quick by guards, or just tazed and taken into custody?

        Or what else? There's no other gate builders left, so who is going to come through- and more importantly, why? "Oh hey we've been trying to dial this planet for ages, and suddenly- no busy signal! Cool let's invade them even though we know absolutely nothing about them or where this wormhole opens up- by the way, how did we even get this technology not to mention how do we know how to use it? Meh let's go through anyway!" (they go through and come out at SGC shivering from cold of gate travel) POP! POP! POP! (they're shot except for one who is ...) TTtzzzZZzZZzzzZzZzT! Tazed, "Take him to a holding cell for interrogation."

        We can go to other worlds, I suppose- but the whole "other side of the universe" thing just makes it seem like now we're going backward. And now you're just doing SG-1 all over again, only with a horrible hack writer/director. Just seems like a cinematic equivalent to the Kobayashi Maru to me.
        They figured he was a lazy, time-wasting slacker. They were right.


          Were the novels by Bill McKay based on ideas that Devlin and Emmerich had for continuing the story? They were a continuation of the original movie.

          I also think that Kurt Russell and James Spader are too old to play the characters again, unless they indicate that all the time has passed and that is how old the characters are now.


            Of course time will have passed. I always imagined that Spader and Russell would return to play older versions of Jack and Daniel.
            "I have never understood why it should be necessary to become irrational in order to prove that you care... or why it should be necessary to prove it at all."


              Most people are against the idea of continueing the films but BSG is actually getting remade films based off the old series. I think they could continue stargate original if they just said it is based like 20 years after the original film, I wouldn't mind at all since they did start the franchise some what. I personally would see it being 99.99% different from SG1 since well sg1 even change the fundamental ideas of the film so really it'd be like creating a whole new religion with just the same basis idea that there is 1 god, you can have different laws, ideas, whatever it'd just be completely unrelated and interesting to see IMO


                I think when it does happen, it will be a complete reboot, with an all new cast, not unlike what Abrams did with Star Trek.

                Many Star Trek fans were upset that the original cast wasn't used, but they did an excellent job casting a new Kirk, Spock, Bones, etc, so I see any reason why MGM couldn't do the same with O'Neil, Carter, Jackson, and Tealc.


                  Originally posted by The Shrike View Post
                  I think when it does happen, it will be a complete reboot, with an all new cast, not unlike what Abrams did with Star Trek.
                  Probably, but I still don't see it happening. It could very easily be a flop. There's just not demand for a Stargate movie. Honestly, I see Stargate falling into obscurity. "Have you seen Stargate SG-1?" "Oh, yeah, I love Star Wars."

                  Originally posted by The Shrike View Post
                  Many Star Trek fans were upset that the original cast wasn't used...
                  Uh... who would that be? Two of the actors are dead, the remaining five are geriatric. The characters, as played by the original actors, disbanded and retired after the events of 1991's The Undiscovered Country. Kirk, Scotty, and Chekov... that was the final post-TUC hurrah. I think people were more upset that the 11th feature wasn't TNG, DS9, or VOY. I leave off ENT, because I don't think anyone wanted to see them at the theater more than the other three casts mentioned.

                  Originally posted by The Shrike View Post
                  but they did an excellent job casting a new Kirk, Spock, Bones, etc, so I see any reason why MGM couldn't do the same with O'Neil, Carter, Jackson, and Tealc.
                  A SG reboot will probably be a remake of the movie. I doubt Carter and Teal'c would be involved. Who's to say the movie won't reinvent the SG franchise entirely? O'Neill and Jackson could be the only characters to survive the reboot. Just as likely, the 2009-Trek reboot could wipe out the TNG-era part of Star Trek given that the pre-TOS time period is already radically different (with Vulcan exploding and all). What if Tuvok's parents perished with the planet? Bye, Tuvok!


                    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                    Highly unlikely that the original actors from the first movie would play these roles, since both are in their late 50's or early 60's by now and no makeup would be able to cover that up. I'm not saying they look bad or anything like that, just that they could not pick up their roles as if no time had passed since the 1994 movie.
                    Actually, Russell is in his 60s but James Spader is only in his early 50s. That said, I can't see them reprising those earlier roles.

                    (Yes, I'm female. Okay?)
                    Sum, ergo scribo...

                    My own site ** * All That We Leave Behind * Symbiotica ** AO3
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                    Explore Colonel Frank Cromwell's odyssey after falling through the Stargate in Season Two's A Matter of Time, and follow Jack's search for him. Significant Tok'ra supporting characters and a human culture drawn from the annals of history. Book One of the series By Honor Bound.


                      Originally posted by The Shrike View Post
                      I think when it does happen, it will be a complete reboot, with an all new cast, not unlike what Abrams did with Star Trek.

                      Many Star Trek fans were upset that the original cast wasn't used, but they did an excellent job casting a new Kirk, Spock, Bones, etc, so I see any reason why MGM couldn't do the same with O'Neil, Carter, Jackson, and Tealc.
                      so many years had passed between the original and new casts, that i can see why a new cast was created. and, the original cast was, basically, too old to play those characters again.

                      with sg1, the cast is NOT too old. at least right now.

                      sgu was the only part of the franchise that didn't do well, so don't toss out the entire thing b/c one part did poorly.



                        Originally posted by Snowman37 View Post
                        Probably, but I still don't see it happening. It could very easily be a flop. There's just not demand for a Stargate movie. Honestly, I see Stargate falling into obscurity. "Have you seen Stargate SG-1?" "Oh, yeah, I love Star Wars." !
                        Stargate is a valuable property for MGM, and as a concept, it's timeless. Sooner or later it will return. I don't know whether it will be on the big screen, or on tv, but it will be back.

                        Originally posted by Snowman37 View Post
                        Uh... who would that be? Two of the actors are dead, the remaining five are geriatric. The characters, as played by the original actors, disbanded and retired after the events of 1991's The Undiscovered Country. Kirk, Scotty, and Chekov... that was the final post-TUC hurrah. I think people were more upset that the 11th feature wasn't TNG, DS9, or VOY. I leave off ENT, because I don't think anyone wanted to see them at the theater more than the other three casts mentioned.
                        I saw a great deal of whining on the Trek BBS about the (surviving) original cast, and the various Next Gen cast members not being involved. For a long period of time they just refused to accept the fact that the franchise had left them behind. When the film came out, and they saw how popular it was, they realized the time had come to either get on board, or be left behind.

                        I'm sure some of that will happen here when the reboot announcement hits, but eventually people will come around. That's just the way of things.

                        Originally posted by Snowman37 View Post
                        A SG reboot will probably be a remake of the movie. I doubt Carter and Teal'c would be involved. Who's to say the movie won't reinvent the SG franchise entirely? O'Neill and Jackson could be the only characters to survive the reboot. Just as likely, the 2009-Trek reboot could wipe out the TNG-era part of Star Trek given that the pre-TOS time period is already radically different (with Vulcan exploding and all). What if Tuvok's parents perished with the planet? Bye, Tuvok!
                        It could be a reboot right back to square one, or it could be a reboot of SG1 with an all new cast, couldn't say for certain which way they'll go.


                          Well I wouldn't say I wouldn't watch it, just not in theater. I just can't see myself paying £10 for an Emmerich/Devlin SG-1 mock-up. Even if it was not about the series continuing and they are back to the 1994 roots what more they can dream up what sg-1 didn't already explored. Hmmm?
                          sigpicHallowed are the Ori.

