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About The End of SG1 and should they have ended?

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    About The End of SG1 and should they have ended?

    Just finished SG1 (fourth time) and SGA (also fourth time)....and SGU not going to talk about...big disappointment!! much potential and so little on screeen...

    I do have a good question about the THE END...because both of them are ended (hopefully not for good) and is they ware, what should be the end for them??

    How do you think SG1 and SGA should end?

    In my humble opinion I see thing like this:


    They return to earth (ep. unending) and cripple the Ori with they're new teck but the war has only begun. The Ori receive assistance from Adria witch once ascended returned in form of Ori 2.0.

    Time passes and SG1:
    - O'neill will ascend due to his grate accomplishments and being helped by Oma Desala...however he will return fast in human form and die of old age....probably fishing in the pound with no fish or off world with Laira from ep. "A Hundred Days"...who knows?!
    - Sam is all over...will stay in the army and because of that doing something constructive with O'neill will be impossible...her knowledge and experience will affect the war against the Ori.
    - Vala and Daniel because of a foolish mistake and a lot of "friends" that Vala have in this galaxy, they will die of old age on a planet without DHD...running from them (this time because of they're "unending" love for good)
    - Teal'k becomes the leader of the jafa nation (finally!!!...and helps earth in the struggle against the Ori, but also struggling to keep all the jafa together...witch in time proves useless because of they're fresh acquired freedom)

    Time passes and the world:
    - the world find's out about SG...things go out of hand but the Ori constant attack help humankind to fight together except a few that consider Origin guiding line towards ascension.
    - Asgard are NOT least a part (a ramification) of them...they conciser that all that can be done has not been done (human experiments not excluded) and solution will be found without struggle. They don't cause problems but also not help.
    - Due to Goaul'd extermination Tolan's resettle and together with earth (because of all the help extended) and a few more forge Human Federation.
    - Wraith after reaching a fatal blow from the human replicators reach this galaxy but due to Goaul'd occupation find few resources (to feed upon) and are easily defeated.
    - Human replicators from Pegasus are in fact the first human race that ancient seeded and in stead of ascension (like Asgard) chose technology over physical mater development.
    - Human replicators become easily human and Ori enemy. Human replicators perceive the Ori ascended beings like the ancients and in they're perspective because of capability of ascension makes the Ori just the same.
    - Ultimate war is against the human replicators!

    PS: sorry for my English!...and because i did not expand more this tended to become a script or something......about SGA i'll be back!

    did you even see it all? the Replicators are completely and utterly finished. as are the Tollan

    I would like to see:

    -SG1 continuing to go out into the galaxy. you know, like Unending.
    -the Asgard are, unfortunately, dead. i think it's best that way.
    -Ori warriors are defeated by a proper Replicator invasion. IMO, Adria never should've ascended anyway. the IOA plan works and the Replicator is beamed aboard an ori ship. the Replicators begin to fight the ori, but as it's all kind of new technology to the Replicators, they struggle to overcome Ori fleets. Mitchell decides to help the Replicators, while looking for the shutdown code.

    Ultimately, the Replicators break free from the Shutdown command, and begin a real rampage. This destroys much of the Ori follower population. the Supergate is sealed to prevent any new access, while the PWARW is dusted off and completed.


      Originally posted by Kittros View Post
      Just finished SG1 (fourth time) and SGA (also fourth time)....and SGU not going to talk about...big disappointment!! much potential and so little on screeen...

      I do have a good question about the THE END...because both of them are ended (hopefully not for good) and is they ware, what should be the end for them??

      How do you think SG1 and SGA should end?

      In my humble opinion I see thing like this:


      They return to earth (ep. unending) and cripple the Ori with they're new teck but the war has only begun. The Ori receive assistance from Adria witch once ascended returned in form of Ori 2.0.

      Time passes and SG1:
      - O'neill will ascend due to his grate accomplishments and being helped by Oma Desala...however he will return fast in human form and die of old age....probably fishing in the pound with no fish or off world with Laira from ep. "A Hundred Days"...who knows?!
      - Sam is all over...will stay in the army and because of that doing something constructive with O'neill will be impossible...her knowledge and experience will affect the war against the Ori.
      - Vala and Daniel because of a foolish mistake and a lot of "friends" that Vala have in this galaxy, they will die of old age on a planet without DHD...running from them (this time because of they're "unending" love for good)
      - Teal'k becomes the leader of the jafa nation (finally!!!...and helps earth in the struggle against the Ori, but also struggling to keep all the jafa together...witch in time proves useless because of they're fresh acquired freedom)

      Time passes and the world:
      - the world find's out about SG...things go out of hand but the Ori constant attack help humankind to fight together except a few that consider Origin guiding line towards ascension.
      - Asgard are NOT least a part (a ramification) of them...they conciser that all that can be done has not been done (human experiments not excluded) and solution will be found without struggle. They don't cause problems but also not help.
      - Due to Goaul'd extermination Tolan's resettle and together with earth (because of all the help extended) and a few more forge Human Federation.
      - Wraith after reaching a fatal blow from the human replicators reach this galaxy but due to Goaul'd occupation find few resources (to feed upon) and are easily defeated.
      - Human replicators from Pegasus are in fact the first human race that ancient seeded and in stead of ascension (like Asgard) chose technology over physical mater development.
      - Human replicators become easily human and Ori enemy. Human replicators perceive the Ori ascended beings like the ancients and in they're perspective because of capability of ascension makes the Ori just the same.
      - Ultimate war is against the human replicators!

      PS: sorry for my English!...and because i did not expand more this tended to become a script or something......about SGA i'll be back!
      Sam was in the Air Force ... not the Army. They are two completely different departments of the military.

      If you've seen "The Ark of Truth" you should know that Adria and Morgan le Fay are in an eternal battle. Adria is not coming back.

      If you watched SGA, Season 5, you should know that indeed the Asgard are not dead. At least not the Pegasus Asgard. Though I would like to see the Milky Way Asgard return somehow.

      After all the years that have passed since "100 Days", there's no way Laira would still be waiting for Jack. In her culture, she likely got married again not long after Jack left Edora. Besides, Jack and Sam are together regardless of whether anyone else likes it. Sam might still be in the Air Force, but she's also with Jack!


        I like how the shows ended.

        About your ideal SG-1 ending...

        O'Neill would never ascend, Oma DeSala is locked in immortal combat with Anubis, and Laira would have moved on from Jack within a year of his departure. Sam wasn't in the Army, she's in the Air Force. As for Daniel and Vala on the run, why? Together, without being stuck on the Odyssey, I don't see it happening. As for Teal'c becoming leader of the free Jaffa nation, I can see that happening. As for the Asgard not dieing... I like this. I hate that they considered mass suicide in the opening ten minutes of the series finale. If they were to die out, that should have been an episode in and of itself. Next, the Tolan. They were wiped out. Did you not see "Between Two Fires?" Finally, there's the Wraith. The Asurans (Pegasus human-form replicators) were wiped out back in Season 4, half way through. The Wraith were still at large and a threat to the galaxy. Remember, the Wraith helped the Atlantis Expedition wipe out the Asurans, because they were exterminating humanity, the Wraith food source, as a means to fight the Wraith. As for the Asurans being the first human race seeded by the Ancients... no... Do you watch the show? No, just no, that contradicts too many episodes.

        Are you trying to come up with an alternate series finale, an eleventh season, or what? This all sounds far too much like fan fiction rather than a serious attempt at an alternate ending.
        Last edited by Snowman37; 24 April 2012, 01:21 PM.


          I agree this sounds too much like fan fiction than anything else.

          SG-1 ended good enough for me, though Ark of Truth could have been spread out over several episodes and take out the Replicators.

          SG-A I see ending with the Wraith all converted into those hybrid Wraiths without their feeding hands. Maybe a big showdown between the Wraith, Atlantis, other allies to wipe out one of those advanced aliens that were hinted at in Season 5.

          O'Neil would never ascend. Vala and Daniel might get together but that would take creative writing. Teal'c should be the leader as it was him that took that first big step in freeing the Jaffa.
          Hi There!


            When it comes to the Tollan some of them could have survived and hid away on their ships.
            It wasn't stated outright in Between Two Fires that they were all killed off by Anubis's ships.
            The transmission Narim made just ended, which could have meant that the satellite or whatever the Tollan used for communication was just knocked offline.
            Hell for an inventive way to say some of them survived a number of ships could have phased inside of Tollana, some tried to leave the planet as decoys so that the Goauld thought they were all finished off.
            We never saw their ships, we don't know how many they had, so anything is possible with the Tollans.
            I could see them returning in someway.

            I agree with The killman on the Replicators being used rather than some Deus Ex Machina device that nulifies them like The Ark Of Truth.
            Taking out their followers in the Ori home galaxy would have defeated their power base.

            When it comes to the Wraith I don't think the Tauri are powerful enough to defeat them on their own.
            We just don't have a large enough fleet.
            TBH I think EATG relied way too much on a ZPM to make a Hive that powerful.
            I've always said that Ouroboros's theory on the Wraith's ships being more powerful 10,000 years ago was right, so I think the set-up from Vegas and maybe an uber wartime Hive battle ship or a small fleet of them making it to Earth and facing off against Atlantis, a few 304s and maybe some Ha'Taks, perhaps uniting the powers of the Milky Way, including the Tauri, Jaffa and a portion of the Lucianne Alliance, with some Tokra brought back for good measure would've made for an epic finale, but left the possibility to go back to Pegasus in the future.

            Instead of the Wraith going straight for Earth maybe they cull a few worlds and that gets every power in the Milky Way interested in fighting them, which ends in a showdown at Sol.

            With the Wraith in Pegasus I think part of their race would have taken to the retrovirus from Infection, but I still think an ongoing group of regular Wraith would have carried on, maybe a massive civil war between a large faction of Vegitarian Wraith and Human Eaters.
            The Vegitarian Wraith ally with Humans, Travelers and some other advanced space faring races begin to fight for their freedom.
            Everything ends with the Human Eaters being either defeated through either being destroyed or deciding turning Vegitarian is the better option.

            BTW I'd really rather not see Human form Reps, the Bugs always seemed far more interesting too me.

            When it comes to the Ida Asgard I guess it's plausible that they could have kept some of their minds inside of the core and in an artificial construct they continued to work on ways to save themselves, but it seemed pretty final in Unending.


              Originally posted by McAvoy View Post
              I agree this sounds too much like fan fiction than anything else.
              Alternative ending of a fiction movie imagine by a fan its by definition fan fiction....there isn't anything else!

              I do agree that a happy ending it's more like us to imagine, but is it more realistic?...don't forget that in real life things go rarely as planed and even rarely the end it's anything but expected without side effects.

              Definitely my alternative ending it's just a personal creation and one of many possible outcomes. As i said in the beginning "Time passes and..." so having an 11th season would explain the transition from what is to what could be.

              1. O'neill ascending: not impossible!...think about his position regarding simbiots but the prospect of death made him agree with implantation. If ascension was the alternative for death it's safe to assume that he would try and with help he could do it. On the other side his nature wouldn't kept him there for to long.
              2. Adria vs. Morgan le Fay: eternal battle...let's consider for a second that the two forces are not exactly equal (it's safe to assume because nobody said otherwise). Being not equal means that one is stronger or has an advantage and combining that with the fact that other ascended would not interfere we could assume that in time Adria could escape.
              3. Vala and Daniel: there is a spark and in time a fire could light-up, we've seen that happening in "unending" so it's not impossible.
              4. Sam: you all corrected me about being in the Air're perfectly right and i'm sorry! was really late and translating my ideas in English from my native language it's bound to create problems.
              5. Asurans:
              Snowman37: "As for the Asurans being the first human race seeded by the Ancients... no... Do you watch the show? No, just no, that contradicts too many episodes."

              Well all the contradiction could work in my favor if we interpret them different:
              -the show thought us that the ancients experiments half of the times resulted in a monumental failure...and also with some help with SGU that the goal was to spread life fare beyond into the universe (by expanding the stargate network)

              We could imagine that after the splint that resulted in two different races, the ancients and the ori, they try something else in Pegasus; instead of seeding human lifeforms they try seeding artificial lifeforms and so the Asurans ware born. They're replicating ability was the means to procreate and they evolved under the supervision of the ancients (and so assimilating ancient appearances, the idea of being the child's/creation of the ancients and the desire to ascend).
              They're artificial design help them evolve very fast and that lead on alarmingly fast replication and expansion. They're continued evolution combined with the desire to reach the ancients level of evolution made them unpredictable and dangerous. At this point ancients realize that human form life was still the best solution and resume in seeding new planets. Ultimately ancients decided to tamper with they're base code and put in place safeguards for they're protection as well making them in a bizarre way allays by giving them a purpose in fighting the Wraith.
              Any other contradictions can be explained by being the most obvious explications under the circumstances and by absence of any other proof. Don't forget that in the absents of proofs many years we thought the the earth is flat, that we are the center of the universe, that we are the only life forms and so on.

              Anyway i still think my ending it's plausible...not the best, not the most inspired and far from perfect but still plausible.

              Thanks for all the reply's...its thrilling to see so much imagination and so many people that know the subject inside out. Good to be here!!!


                Originally posted by Kittros View Post
                We could imagine that after the splint that resulted in two different races, the ancients and the ori, they try something else in Pegasus; instead of seeding human lifeforms they try seeding artificial lifeforms and so the Asurans ware born. They're replicating ability was the means to procreate and they evolved under the supervision of the ancients (and so assimilating ancient appearances, the idea of being the child's/creation of the ancients and the desire to ascend).
                Except that's not what happened. The Asurans were created as a weapon to fight the Wraith. The experiment got out of hand when the Asurans tried to emulate the Lanteans, so they destroyed every trace of the Asurans. Some nanites survived, and the Asuran civilization was rebuilt. It was the Wraith who altered their coding to be passive isolationists until the Atlantis Expedition came along. You might want to watch "Progeny" again.


                  Originally posted by Snowman37 View Post
                  Except that's not what happened. The Asurans were created as a weapon to fight the Wraith. The experiment got out of hand when the Asurans tried to emulate the Lanteans, so they destroyed every trace of the Asurans. Some nanites survived, and the Asuran civilization was rebuilt. It was the Wraith who altered their coding to be passive isolationists until the Atlantis Expedition came along. You might want to watch "Progeny" again.
                  I'm not saying that i'm right and everyone else is wrong...just that what happened was only presumed not baked-up with hard evidence (don't forget that the ancients deleted everything regarding the replicators leaving the rest to pure interpretation of little we know about replicators). Gaps exists between information provided by the show...everyone could fill them with they're own imagination. I don't understand why you take it so "ad literam" the end this is an exercise of imagination.


                    Originally posted by Kittros View Post
                    I'm not saying that i'm right and everyone else is wrong...just that what happened was only presumed not baked-up with hard evidence (don't forget that the ancients deleted everything regarding the replicators leaving the rest to pure interpretation of little we know about replicators). Gaps exists between information provided by the show...everyone could fill them with they're own imagination. I don't understand why you take it so "ad literam" the end this is an exercise of imagination.
                    Niam showed Weir what happened.
                    He showed Weir that the Asurans were made to destroy the Wraith from the cell up, they were programmed to evolve into the most efficient weapon possible, which made them become Human form.
                    The show made it clear that these are the facts.

                    It's also a fact of the show that the Asurans came after the Humans, this is a fact because the Asurans were made towards the end of the Ancients stay in the Pegasus galaxy.

                    Niam's vision was the hard evidence the show gave us about the origins of the Asurans, there was nothing else added to make Niam's vision not canon, so it's pretty much indisputable that they weren't the first Human form thing in the galaxy.


                      Originally posted by Rise Of The Phoenix View Post
                      Niam showed Weir what happened.
                      He showed Weir that the Asurans were made to destroy the Wraith from the cell up, they were programmed to evolve into the most efficient weapon possible, which made them become Human form.
                      The show made it clear that these are the facts.

                      It's also a fact of the show that the Asurans came after the Humans, this is a fact because the Asurans were made towards the end of the Ancients stay in the Pegasus galaxy.

                      Niam's vision was the hard evidence the show gave us about the origins of the Asurans, there was nothing else added to make Niam's vision not canon, so it's pretty much indisputable that they weren't the first Human form thing in the galaxy.
                      Yap!!! you're right!!!...thous 5 minutes in that episode pretty much killed my be honest kinda forgot about specifics in that particular episode...but it was a good exercise! Thanks a lot!
                      I hope that others will come with crazy ideas that we can dispute


                        Originally posted by Kittros View Post
                        Yap!!! you're right!!!...thous 5 minutes in that episode pretty much killed my be honest kinda forgot about specifics in that particular episode...but it was a good exercise! Thanks a lot!
                        I hope that others will come with crazy ideas that we can dispute
                        Surely you want your ideas for different endings to have a bases of truth rather than have little to do with the timeline laid out by the powers that be don't you.

                        Unless you wanted to say you want to come up with your own branch of history accross two galaxies that led down your own made up path, then you can say pretty much whatever you want as long as it includes Stargates, hyperdrives and a bunch of familiar faces from the SGverse.

                        BTW I wasn't trying to push any buttons, just pointing out what happened on the show.


                          sg-1 in my opinion had the perfect ending, that they continue to go through the gate.

                          sga: i think that sga should have ended with atlantis being back in the pegasas galaxy and there should have been a war and the wraith that remained (todds group) began to find a way to stop feeding, or only feeding on the old and dying.


                            Originally posted by blueray View Post
                            sg-1 in my opinion had the perfect ending, that they continue to go through the gate.

                            sga: i think that sga should have ended with atlantis being back in the pegasas galaxy and there should have been a war and the wraith that remained (todds group) began to find a way to stop feeding, or only feeding on the old and dying.
                            I agree that SG-1 ending was all right. They started by entering the gate and ended by entering it. Fitting end IMHO.
                            Atlantis is a bit trickier I felt they rush things towards the end. I think they should have done a final voyage type of thing. Atlantis going into hyperspace and discovering entirely new galaxies or even universes. A similar type of message as SG-1 that they never stopped exploring and discovery is a good thing. Also allows for new story lines if the franchise is ever rebooted on TV,film,games,or comics.

                            Favorite quote:
                            McKay: You shot me!
                            Sheppard: Yes, Rodney, I shot you, and I said I was sorry.
                            Ronon: You shot me, too.
                            Sheppard: I’m sorry for shooting everyone!


                              I guess ultimately the way they ended was alright.

                              If I had to tweak anything in SG-1 I would probably have given a little more attention to the Lucian Alliance and the threat they posed (especially with the Goa'uld and Ori eliminated). It would have also been interesting to see how SG-1 implemented the Asgard knowledge and technology into their terrestrial operations—if at all.

                              In Atlantis I would liked to have seen some sign of hope left with the Pegasus population in light of Atlantis' departure. With it gone and the Wraith essentially unchallenged, that leaves things looking pretty grim for the different inhabitants. Granted, the Wraith are in a civil war, the hives will still cull.

                              Maybe that hope is in the form of some kind of newly discovered Ancient technology (in the form of an outpost?) that has the ability to continue the fight against the Wraith and at least protect those that seek it in Pegasus.

