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How does the whole alliance of worlds fit into all of this!!!!!!!

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    How does the whole alliance of worlds fit into all of this!!!!!!!

    Ok the stargate producers, writers, have to fix up this inconsistency in a episode and put this into a timeline, OK I understand that the ancients left earth millions of years ago, to the pegasus galaxy, so when did the ancients have time to form the ancient alliance formed with the nox, furlings, asgard and anicent, it doesnt make sense, and the asgard wasnt exploring space till 30,000 years ago, ok and back in that episode when wier went back into time 10,000 years ago, she she saw ancients, they were talking like 10,000 years of time was alot, but they live for millions of years, to us it would be like a month, also wasnt 10,000 years ago, thats when the gould took over earth and RA was a supreme god, there is alot of confusion of timeline, and I read alot of threads on this board and nobody can come up with a good answer, i hope somebody ask Joe about clarifying some stuff, it could make a good episode, maybe a stargate atlantis or sg1 episode explaining why the ancient alliance was formed

    How do you know the Azgard only started exploring 30,000 years back?

    Also wasn't the frozen Azgard Himendaoll (sp?) had in his lab 10,000 years old? He/she said that 10,000 a ship left teh Azgard homeworld and all crew were put into stasis. Given that then you have to assume they didn't have hyperdrives 10,000 years ago.

    So 10,000 years back the following was happening:

    1. The Azgard were a lot taller and could still reproduce through sexual reproduction, they also didn't have hyperdrive so were probably not major players or were slow to respond to thing - they probably relied more on the stargates than ships.
    2. The ancients were around, but unlikely to be on Earth (I say this because it's been proven the ABoriginies of Australia have been here for at least 40,000 years)
    3. The Gau'old were a major force in the galaxy, but not enough of a threat to warrant the attention of the ancients who may or may not have learnt to ascend by this time.


      There are a couple possible explanations:

      1) The Ancients had already filled Ida up with Stargates, and the Asgard started travelling using the Gate network millions of years ago. Back then it could've been the Asgard, Nox and Furlings were the only races even remotely close to the Ancients level of sophistication, so the Ancients figured "what the hell?" and they started the Alliance.

      2) The Ancients who remained in Milky Way after Atlantis left formed the Alliance because they needed help keeping their civilization intact. Eventually they all died or ascended and the Alliance fell.

      3) The Ancients who returned from Atlantis realized that life wasn't going to be too easy since the Goa'uld had now risen to power, so they formed the Alliance in an attempt to bring peace and order back to the galaxy.

      There are plenty of other possible reasons. I'm sure the writers will do a good job.
      MCKAY: We need the Zed PM to power the Gate.

      O'NEILL: What?

      JACKSON: ZPM. He's Canadian.

      O'NEILL: I'm sorry.

