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Some Technical Questions about Stargate.....

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    Some Technical Questions about Stargate.....

    1) What are the special effects methods for producing the activities of Stargate, the blue, the sounds, the clicks of the chevrons, the puff of cloud, etc.?

    2) How many inhabited planets does the Stargate environment believe exist in the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies, and how many galaxies are said to exist? IF I am correct, there is the Pegasus galaxy and the galaxy of the Asgards. Are there others?

    3) Where did the writers get the names of all the non-Earthly people, objects, weapons, places (aside from known ancient Egyptian, Greek, Aztec sources, etc.)?? Where did they get the names of planets, such as Edora, Inkaren, Orban, etc. etc.? How did they come up with the planets named with numbers?

    4) Did they ever debate the use of non-English languages (as Russian in the episode about the Replicators) but using subtitles, i.e. in SG1?

    Just a few of my musings.

    Originally posted by Dave2 View Post
    2) How many inhabited planets does the Stargate environment believe exist in the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies, and how many galaxies are said to exist? IF I am correct, there is the Pegasus galaxy and the galaxy of the Asgards. Are there others?
    Hard to say how many planets - likely hundreds. As for galaxies there are: Milky Way, Pegasus, Ida, Othalla, Alteran/Ori Galaxy, and I think SGU visited two galaxies.
    Oh for a book and a shady nook ~ Jules' Book Reviews - my book review site.


      Of course a favorite is the way people walk through the stargate itself.
      And the goa'uld transporter rings.........


      Originally posted by Dave2 View Post
      1) What are the special effects methods for producing the activities of Stargate, the blue, the sounds, the clicks of the chevrons, the puff of cloud, etc.?

      2) How many inhabited planets does the Stargate environment believe exist in the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies, and how many galaxies are said to exist? IF I am correct, there is the Pegasus galaxy and the galaxy of the Asgards. Are there others?

      3) Where did the writers get the names of all the non-Earthly people, objects, weapons, places (aside from known ancient Egyptian, Greek, Aztec sources, etc.)?? Where did they get the names of planets, such as Edora, Inkaren, Orban, etc. etc.? How did they come up with the planets named with numbers?

      4) Did they ever debate the use of non-English languages (as Russian in the episode about the Replicators) but using subtitles, i.e. in SG1?

      Just a few of my musings.


        Originally posted by Dave2 View Post
        1) What are the special effects methods for producing the activities of Stargate, the blue, the sounds, the clicks of the chevrons, the puff of cloud, etc.?
        Its some sort of cgi water effect for the event horizon, the blue is a light behind a blue sheet, the sounds are probably made uop for the show, the "puff of cloud" which I assume is the unstable vortex is made by essentially turning a camera on the side and having a tube blast a short amount of air into water

        2) How many inhabited planets does the Stargate environment believe exist in the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies, and how many galaxies are said to exist? IF I am correct, there is the Pegasus galaxy and the galaxy of the Asgards. Are there others?
        Inhabited? Unknown but the Goa'uld have had 10,000 years to move them around. There are six known galaxies - Milky Way, Pegasus, Ida, the Ori galaxy and the two that Destiny is known to have visited. (More info here.

        3) Where did the writers get the names of all the non-Earthly people, objects, weapons, places (aside from known ancient Egyptian, Greek, Aztec sources, etc.)?? Where did they get the names of planets, such as Edora, Inkaren, Orban, etc. etc.? How did they come up with the planets named with numbers?
        Some are based on names from history and mythology but most are probably made up.

        4) Did they ever debate the use of non-English languages (as Russian in the episode about the Replicators) but using subtitles, i.e. in SG1?


          i know that Kelowna was a golf course in Vancouver.

          most of them are very likely made up (aside from the Mythological names) or names they found while driving around, drinking liquor, and golfing and such.

          real life has quite interesting names. just go visit a foreign country

          1) What are the special effects methods for producing the activities of Stargate, the blue, the sounds, the clicks of the chevrons, the puff of cloud, etc.?
          the original kawoosh was a jet engine firing in a tank of water.

          later ones were pure CGI.

          the light is made using metal sheets reflecting lights.

          and since EATG, the puddle is projected on a screen as a "practical puddle" (not in every case, just mostly for background shots etc.)


            And the process of actually walking INTO the stargate ("blupppp") and of course not coming out the other side?
            How do they do that special effect? And what about the iris?
            The special effects are just so realistic.......a good job......
            I am just curious about the goa'uld language. Did the symbiotes only speak a language once they occupy a host, or does goa'uld represent some kind of language they had in the water??
            And who came up with the goa'uld language in the writing staff? And names like Teal'c Bra'tac, etc.? Not to mention the Nox, Alar, Asgard etc. etc.
            Did they have a staff of linguists working on this?


              Asgard were obvious...Norse mythology.

              When the iris was moving it was CGI, but stationary they actually had a prop set up in the Stargate.

              I'm assuming with the goa'uld that they project their thoughts through their hosts' mouths.


                What was supposed to be the subjective experience of going through the stargate? Did a person lose consciousness for several seconds or see the wormhole?
                And what does CGI stand for?
                If the goa'ulds spoke through their host then that means that the symbiotes had their own language in the water.


                  CGI stands for Computer Generated Image.

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                    if you watch any Behind the Scenes, you'll see that the stargate always has a green screen when "active"

                    the practical puddle didn't come untill EATG, so every episode before, any display of the puddle was digital. you can see the difference. (for example in EATG where the gate is open in the background, the EH looks flatter)

                    What was supposed to be the subjective experience of going through the stargate? Did a person lose consciousness for several seconds or see the wormhole?
                    transition is instant. the going through the wormhole bit is merely for viewers.

                    If the goa'ulds spoke through their host then that means that the symbiotes had their own language in the water.
                    goauld is the snake's language, but the exact period of origin is unknown.

                    Nox is latin for night.


                      By instantaneous do you mean that the 4 seconds it takes to go through doesn't included the spinning blue tunnel, and the person experiences nothing unusual (unless you are Teal'c and get stuck in transit)?
                      And is it assumed that the goa'ulds do in fact communicate in their state as water snakes in their original habitat?

                      Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                      if you watch any Behind the Scenes, you'll see that the stargate always has a green screen when "active"

                      the practical puddle didn't come untill EATG, so every episode before, any display of the puddle was digital. you can see the difference. (for example in EATG where the gate is open in the background, the EH looks flatter)

                      transition is instant. the going through the wormhole bit is merely for viewers.

                      goauld is the snake's language, but the exact period of origin is unknown.

                      Nox is latin for night.


                        Originally posted by Dave2 View Post
                        By instantaneous do you mean that the 4 seconds it takes to go through doesn't included the spinning blue tunnel, and the person experiences nothing unusual (unless you are Teal'c and get stuck in transit)?
                        And is it assumed that the goa'ulds do in fact communicate in their state as water snakes in their original habitat?
                        Yes, the spinning blue tunnel isn't actually there, it's just an effect for the benefit of the audience. As far as they are concerned they stepped through a door way and came out the other side.

                        I don't remember it being mentioned the goa'ulds communicated with each other in their original habitat. I assume the ability to speak a language would depend on the host they have inhabited. But they may have some method of communicating - given their nature, I doubt they would though, they seem more focused on jumping into a person's head to gain control, than communicating with one another.
                        Oh for a book and a shady nook ~ Jules' Book Reviews - my book review site.


                          Although it feels instantaneous, the journey between gates takes on average 0.3 seconds travel time.

                          It's never been said whether the Goa'uld themselves can communicate with one another, but we do see Apophis "talking" to/with Amaunet in the pilot, when she's checking out new hosts. The snake screeches and Apophis talks back, either because he (the snake Apophis) understands what the screeches are or because he simply understands the snake's behavior. Also, Amaunet moved in reply to his question (when asked if the host was suitable she imitated a shaking of the head) so apparently they do understand languages.
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                            And this creature would be called a viable sentient intelligent being akin to a human???

