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which is it?

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    which is it?

    The ancient city, which is actually a sort of more a ship-city than a city or a ship, it's kind of a city that flies and it takes off and goes to another whole galaxy, and once they're there, they basically do what they do. That is, build stargates, put them on a whole bunch of other planets and then kind of like a big galaxy-wide science experiment, start life, human life, on all the planets capable of supporting human life.

    -Robert C. Cooper, From "Preview to Atlantis"

    So I just came across this earlier today and was wondering..............was it the ancients who planted these gates or was it the seed ships.....I kno that the ancients had to upgrade the gates but from SGU i thought that gates were already in pegasus before they went there.also wonder where the wraith originally came from if the galaxy was devoid of life forms.did they come from a different galaxy.....say after the seedships were longg gone?i kno these may be silly questions but any feedback would be good.

    The seed ships seeded the Pegasus Galaxy then when the Ancients arrived they either created humans or brought some with them. The Ancients updated all the gates in Pegasus, then on some planet the Iratus bug started feeding on humans and through mutation and evolution the Wraith came into being.


      Originally posted by caribsci View Post
      also wonder where the wraith originally came from if the galaxy was devoid of life forms.
      Well it wasn't completely devoid of life forms, the Wraith started out as the Iratus bug which most likely evolved naturally in the galaxy.


        Originally posted by Tanith0709 View Post
        Well it wasn't completely devoid of life forms
        That we know of. It's possible that the Iratus bugs were natural to Pegasus, it's also possible they were created by the Ancients during a similar experiment that reseeded the Milky Way (with the Dakara device). The Ancients were in Pegasus for three million years before they return to Earth 10,000 years ago so they could be responsible or creating all the life in Pegasus.



          ok well the ancients must have had ''overseers'' or ''watchers'' on these planets to aide the humans in case they encountered problems.....something like Chaya (pre ascension though).so if a villager came home one day with a bug on his/her neck and nobody could help and that person transformed into a wraith,.....wudn't the anciients quarantine and maybe call for help to deal with this problem.sorry about the confusing post.....why would they let it get outta hand is what i'm asking?I also suspect that the wraith were similar to the goul'd in that humans were not their original hosts and a million years ago they could have looked totally different...


            They didn't get involved with life once they created it, as they planted humans on an Iratus world and never noticed it resulted in the Wraith.

            We do know that towards the end of the war, they did have some monitoring equipment watching some worlds but the Ancients didn't monitor. They do something, then move on.



              Originally posted by General Jumper One View Post
              The seed ships seeded the Pegasus Galaxy then when the Ancients arrived they either created humans or brought some with them. The Ancients updated all the gates in Pegasus, then on some planet the Iratus bug started feeding on humans and through mutation and evolution the Wraith came into being.
              Just wondering what the canon background is for seed ships in Pegasus. Any more than seed ships in Milky Way. Certainly there must have been some sort of construction and delivery system but it's never really been discussed explicitly in SG1 or SGA. Given the "background" added by SGU, it does seem reasonable that seed ships would be used.


                Originally posted by Quizziard View Post
                Just wondering what the canon background is for seed ships in Pegasus. Any more than seed ships in Milky Way. Certainly there must have been some sort of construction and delivery system but it's never really been discussed explicitly in SG1 or SGA. Given the "background" added by SGU, it does seem reasonable that seed ships would be used.
                Rewatch SGU, Pegasus was one of the galaxies destiny and the seed ships traveled through.


                  general jumper one............

                  I'm wondering how the humans on wraith homeworld reacted to some being taken by the bugs.wonder if all were taken or some escaped through the gate?I've always been puzzled by how the wraith learned to use to gate but the answer has been there all this time..........since humans on this world knew how to use the gate then after being taken over by the bug they still would hav this knowledge..............................i think in ''the first ones'' eventually the unas devised ways not to be taken by the goul'd ......such as wearing that thing around their i was asking if humans on wraith world devised similar defenses.


                    Originally posted by General Jumper One View Post
                    Rewatch SGU, Pegasus was one of the galaxies destiny and the seed ships traveled through.
                    It might have been, but the gates are completely different. They're generic, whereas the Pegasus ones are Pegasus-specific.


                      pegasus gates were upgraded after they reached that galaxy.


                        Only what is seen on screen is canon. The writers regularly change their minds, like with the Zats that weren't supposed to work on Wraith...



                          the tauri send malps thru the gates before goin thru you think the wraith use something similar?i canlt recall ever seeing the wraith using any devices .


                            They had those orb things like KINOs IIRC.

