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Stargate pulls a Startrek?

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    Originally posted by KEK View Post
    The lack of Stargate has nothing to do with MGM finances, they sorted that out a long time ago now and came out of a deal with Spyglass with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of investment to spend. They've already green-lit a high-budget series and are moving forward with movies, it's Stargate's profitability that is in question now, not MGM's ability to back it.
    And of course, we all recall the disaster that came about when fans of FARSCAPE wouldn't let go, proved it was a viable property, and caught the attention of people in the business world who, sadly, financed a conclusion to the FARSCAPE saga.

    Such a total disaster. A longed for resolution to the cliff-hanger actually happened.


    Those poor FARSCAPE fans.

    Guys, it could happen again. We just have to hope someone kept the plans for all the props and sets because with the auctions, I'm afraid a lot of re-building/re-creating might be needed. Still, it could happen.


      Or Eli somehow boosted efficiency or charged the batteries again. Or reconnected the 60% of the reserves that was somehow disconnected. Lots of could be's in there. Perhaps not enough juice to wake the crew up, but enough to make the trip in one year, not three, while maintaining life support. During which time Eli polishes the brass to a shine and the ship is now a pastel blue inside.

      One would hope that it's a continuation, not a reboot. But as an expensive series in tough economic times, the writing was kind of on the wall. And until gas is $2.00 a gallon or less and/or hyper-inflation is put to bed. I doubt we'll see anything along the lines of SGU anytime soon. We're more likely to see youtube-ish shows go prime time IMO. Cast of 2 crew of 1, popsicle sticks and bubble-gum props. Red Dwarf style.


        Originally posted by Shadow_7 View Post
        Or Eli somehow boosted efficiency or charged the batteries again. Or reconnected the 60% of the reserves that was somehow disconnected. Lots of could be's in there. Perhaps not enough juice to wake the crew up, but enough to make the trip in one year, not three, while maintaining life support. During which time Eli polishes the brass to a shine and the ship is now a pastel blue inside.

        One would hope that it's a continuation, not a reboot. But as an expensive series in tough economic times, the writing was kind of on the wall. And until gas is $2.00 a gallon or less and/or hyper-inflation is put to bed. I doubt we'll see anything along the lines of SGU anytime soon. We're more likely to see youtube-ish shows go prime time IMO. Cast of 2 crew of 1, popsicle sticks and bubble-gum props. Red Dwarf style.
        ON POINT Shadow!!! LOL! I have to agree, that a reboot is a necessary if all else fails, but it should not be so. Continuation is the right path to any further story line within the Stargate franchise! The cliff hanger with SGA is almost unbearable and SGU well that can rest for a bit....BUT Atlantis is over due!!! Also in some media info that I read over a awhile ago, it was discussed as having all Stargate teams star in one movie which includes SGU, although that idea was scrapped of course

        To all thread readers and contributors: It is beyond me how this will continue, it is just simply unacceptable to leave both SGA and SGU with no resolution. In fact I would like to see an interview from the creators, producers, and writers that explains the tactics of leaving this franchise so undone. Star Trek ran for what one to two seasons and then came back for like 5 seasons ten years later, Next Generation (forgive me if I am wrong on these numbers), how can the discontinuation of the Stargate theme be applicable? Although frustrating, season 8, episode 12 of SG1 awaits for my tearful eyes!!!

        P.S. Does anyone think a politician would be privy to the cause!!!?? LOL!!!
        Does anyone else respond to something shocking in the manner of ELI....
        Global Warming: "YOU KNEW ABOUT THIS THE WHOLE TIME!"
        Ancient Aliens: "YOU KNEW ABOUT THIS THE WHOLE TIME!"


          Originally posted by Ripley2012 View Post
          To all thread readers and contributors: It is beyond me how this will continue, it is just simply unacceptable to leave both SGA and SGU with no resolution. In fact I would like to see an interview from the creators, producers, and writers that explains the tactics of leaving this franchise so undone. Star Trek ran for what one to two seasons and then came back for like 5 seasons ten years later, Next Generation (forgive me if I am wrong on these numbers), how can the discontinuation of the Stargate theme be applicable? Although frustrating, season 8, episode 12 of SG1 awaits for my tearful eyes!!!

          P.S. Does anyone think a politician would be privy to the cause!!!?? LOL!!!
          there's sg1 stuff left hanging too (not just my desired-for s/j confirmation ).

          there are things in sgu's season two that *very* much effect what's going on on sg1's home front, so it DOES add to sg1's storyline and should be dealt with too. but then again, when sg1 was disbanded at the beginning of sg1's 9th season, i felt *that* should have been the story, not the stuff about how the newbies were brought in... *sighs style*

          if i were writing a stargate comback, i'd have a three-part miniseries on syfy, starring sg1 and atlantis characters, co-starring the sgu peeps. i'd have sg1/atlantis dealing with three situations at once, one of which is helping destiny get home. but not having sgu being the star of the show... just bring closure to all three storylines, *before* bringing something new into the mix.



            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            Why would you not??
            It really goes to why you enjoyed the stargate concept. Was it the stories or the characters that engaged you personally. I looked forward to TNG, not because I expected more Kirk and Spock et al, but because the idea and ideals of Star Trek appealed to me.
            Somewhat even initially, but the characters are why i gave it more time.. THEN the stories is what kept me around after.
            BUT i have a hard time envisioning them getting anyone i would care as much about playing those roles i so attach to their current (well former) actors/actresses..

