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Air Force/Navy Ranks

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    Air Force/Navy Ranks

    Hypothetically; in the future if Earth established a fully fledged space force which rank system do you think they should adopt; Air Force like they already use, or Navy.

    Personally both have their merits; the Air Force is already well established within the Stargate program and so have the experience of operating their vessels, where as the Navy has more experience at "Naval" warfare, eg. compartmentalized submarines - similar to space warfare, long periods away from their home bases, etc.
    SG Vennix
    (Executive Producer/Creator)
    - Coming Soon -

    Star Chronicles: Dark Frontier
    (Executive Producer/Creator)

    I think a good mix of both for the larger vessels. alot of tactics from both branches would be advantages. The navy is more well trained and equipped to live on the vessels because its what there used to. The USAF pilots would probably be the pilots for the fighters. Of course the Marines would be the best to secure planets. kind of a glorified aircraft carrier really.


      They would probably stick with the Air Force. While the Navy is trained to be confined for so long, how often do our vessels have to spend weeks, months, years away from home? We have the fastest hyperdrives and they can drop you off at a gate if needed.

      The Air Force is trained for aerial combat which is close to space combat, which is more then often employed then sitting in a small area for a long period of time.

      It is possible that they may create a new ranking system, but it wouldnt be Starfleet. Theres no way the Earth in Stargate would unite, they appear just as crazy as us.


        I made a post in a thread on a similar subject in the old forums prior to 2008; its no longer on my subscribed threads list; but basically I felt the Navy would be better suited, due to their
        experience with closed loop power plants, and compartmentalization and damage control.

        Navy also operates in three dimensions over and under the sea; and fields aircraft; and embarks marines for ground combat.

        I was also horrified they don't use the bosun pipe to "pipe dinner" on board the Daedalus class ships! How can you know when to eat if they don't pipe dinner!? ;-D.

        I wince when I see characters move from one space on the ship to another...ship being in space and underway and no evidence of an airtight door (ATD) or hatch; except those heavy ones outside the Asgard core area.

        Roddenberry; had nice incorporations of some Naval tradition in the Trek universe. Admiral being piped aboard...damage control parties in engineering; watch schedules etc.

        The bridge window on the Deadalus looks very cool underway; but as on a submarine; it probably should not be there. ST Orginal Series (not the Abram's remake) was correct in having no bridge windows and just the electronic view-screen. The Abram's remake had a glass window...which was silly. I remember it cracked in one scene.

        When Daedalus was damaged, it would have been nice to see actual damage control teams in proper gear, hitting an electrical fire, etc. Assuming the compartment was not explosively decompressed and sealed off.

        In real life; pertaining to the show's production I thought I read that what it boils down to; is why the Air Force is highlighted in the SG universe is that the Air Force was willing to cooperate in advisory to the show. I don't know if the Navy was approached or if they refused or whatever. In years past the Navy aggressively sought promotion with Hollywood by advising on movies such as Top Gun (did not like it) and Hunt for Red October (loved it). Didn't the show (SG-1) get recognized by the US Air Force for depicting them in a positive manner?

        In the show's universe, the story was that the US Army experimented on the Gate during WW2. It follows logically that the US Army Air Corps which became the US Air Force would have inherited it.

        In our reality; were such a decision to be made; it would think it would be a political decision; follow the preference of the Armed Forces Appropriation committee (does the chair of the committee serve a state with Army facilities, Air Force Facilities, or Navy Facilities?) Which one of the Joint Chiefs has the most pull? Which branch currently Chairs the Joint Chiefs? Concerning current capability, the Air Force does have that robotic space plane to service satellites; both Navy and Air Force have ballistic missile capability and capacity to shoot down orbiting satellites of a certain orbit. So they do compete for that role (money ;-) )

        With regard to real life Astronaut background and which Armed Services branch they enter the Astronaut program from; all the US Armed Forces pilot badges have an Astronaut Device. Though the term "astronaut" derives from the Greek words meaning "space sailor" ;-). All branches of the armed services of the US and those of various other nations have contributed to the Astronaut Corps/selectees. On page 75 of it appears the Navy having the bulk of past and current astronauts; though even the Army, Coast Gaurd, and Merchant Marine are represented. If nothing else it would be due to that Dept of the Navy and the Navy education institutions would also include any Marines. Alan Shepard; first US man in space (Russians got there first ;-) ) retired as a Rear Admiral.
        Last edited by Hohenzollern; 14 March 2011, 07:23 PM. Reason: add comment and citations
        "Let's make it TEN. Ten's a nice...round...number..." -- Morty


          Originally posted by Hohenzollern View Post
          I made a post in a thread on a similar subject in the old forums prior to 2008; its no longer on my subscribed threads list; but basically I felt the Navy would be better suited, due to their
          experience with closed loop power plants, and compartmentalization and damage control.

          Navy also operates in three dimensions over and under the sea; and fields aircraft; and embarks marines for ground combat.
          Yes but space travel and sea travel are very different.

          I was also horrified they don't use the bosun pipe to "pipe dinner" on board the Daedalus class ships! How can you know when to eat if they don't pipe dinner!? ;-D.
          (had to look that one up) The mess appeared to be open almost all the time as crew would be coming and going

          I wince when I see characters move from one space on the ship to another...ship being in space and underway and no evidence of an airtight door (ATD) or hatch; except those heavy ones outside the Asgard core area.
          There are doors everywhere, weve seen them in many scenes and even heard them say things like "seal off damaged sections"

          Roddenberry; had nice incorporations of some Naval tradition in the Trek universe. Admiral being piped aboard...damage control parties in engineering; watch schedules etc.
          Well in Star Trek, they use naval tradiations instead of Air Force ones and weve seen damage control parties (No Man's Land)

          The bridge window on the Deadalus looks very cool underway; but it probably should not be there. ST Orginal Series (not the Abram's remake) was correct in having no bridge windows and just the electronic view-screen. The Abram's remake had a glass window...which was silly. I remember it cracked in one scene.
          I would imagine that it is very strong and properly shielded

          When Daedalus was damaged, it would have been nice to see actual damage control teams in proper gear, hitting an electrical fire, etc. Assuming the compartment was not explosively decompressed and sealed off.
          as seen in No Mans Land

