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Directing Notes for the Insane

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    Directing Notes for the Insane

    Directing Notes for the Insane was a thread I started back in the Summer of '04 on another web site


    The reaction to this thread was pretty amazing.
    This thread is dedicated to helping everyone better understand the conventions of "Film Language"
    I am a former sound editor, but never a camera operator, so while I know the language, I occasionally have been know to call a ZOOM a push! Alas, perfect I am NOT!
    SO with out further ado here is "Point of View" act one!



    Part one

    Point of View Episode 6 Season 3
    Directed by Peter DeLuise
    Story by Jonathan Glassner, Brad Wright, Robert C. Cooper, Tor Alexander Valenza (<---Story idea)
    Teleplay by Jonathan Glassner (<---The actual script)

    General notes about the time line:

    "Point of View" was the 6th episode aired in season three, it is important to note that in the minds of some fans the "ship" (sexual tension) began in "Out of Mind" from something that Rick and Amanda worked out with Martin Wood on the set. (season 2's clip show and season ender, written by Jonathan Glassner & Brad Wright and directed by Martin Wood) and continued into the season 3 opener of "Into the Fire". (Also directed by Martin Wood.)

    The episodes that proceed "Point of View" in season three...
    1) Into the Fire (Death of Hathor)
    2) Seth (Gou'ald hunt on Earth)
    3) Fair Game (Asgard protected planets treaty adds Earth)
    4) Legacy (Engineered Gou'ald killing "disease" makes Daniel crazy...)
    5) Learning Curve (O'Neill teaches a young girl and her whole planet how to play)

    Point of View is Directed by Peter DeLuise who as I mentioned before has these great emotionally ambiguous moments in many of his episodes. In that regard, Point of View is typical of this director! It is also a bit of a pun. PDL is "changing" OUR point of view. Yes, Peter and the writers have been very baaaaaaad boys!

    Point of View: Filming notes
    In the episode "A Hundred Days" our four heroes are sitting out on a hill top at night waiting for "the show" to begin... Lara, a native of the planet they are visiting has promised them that they will get to see something really cool called "Fire Rain"...

    Daniel (looking up at the night sky): Lara we haven't seen anything you can call "Fire Rain" these past few nights, how are you sure its going to fall tonight?
    Lara: It begins this night each year.
    Carter: Whoa, The same night every year? That doesn't make sense unless the planet travels through a debree field, like an asteroid belt in which case...
    O'Neill (to Carter): Please, don't suck the fun out of this.

    I don't want this commentary to "suck the fun" out of Star Gate.
    Having said this, their is a "language" to film. I hope to add to your enjoyment and understanding by teaching the convention of film and pointing out a few things that might have been missed. I also feel woefully inadequate for the job. The more I learn, the more I realize that I know nothing!

    This episode is "emotionally hard". As a first time viewer I remember both loving and hating this episode because it made me "bleed".
    Through brilliant directing and powerful acting we the viewers end up identifying with and sympathizing for Dr. Carter and her plight.

    Why is this? In the episode "There but for the Grace of God" I remember not identifying with or really even liking much that reality's Dr. Carter. (Though isn't she beautiful?) Why do we love this o*ne so much that the stories end causes us anguish on her behalf? Simple. PDL and Amanda (who's name means "lovable"...) know how to make us love this Dr. Carter!

    One trick employed is termed in writing "impression".
    Like ducklings just hatched, we have a tendency to bond to the first person we see in a film, or read about in a book.
    A careful writer or director knows this and uses it to their advantage. Their is no coincidences that the first character we see in the teaser is Dr. Carter.

    Writing, directing, acting performances and choices as well as Narrative and Graphic Control all play their part.

    Graphic Control is the framing, staging and composition that elicits our identification and an emotional response. I.E. How and where the actors are standing, where they are looking and what is around them elicits emotion.
    Narrative Control. I.E. The editing of the story, how it plays out FOR us the viewers.

    "Point of View" uses everything.

    Camera Work:
    In this first detailed analysis I am NOT going to get much into camera work except for general oft used terms that might crop up on the directors commentary!


    Area 51
    Cool opening crane shot slowly "pans" from the cool red laser light across a "Raiders of the Lost Ark" like storage room, ending o*n the quantum mirror that we first saw in season one...
    Dr. Carter: Major come on!
    Kawalsky: We gotta to go back for the General
    Dr. Carter: I can't shut it down. We wont find this window again, We have to go now!

    Kawalsky: Are you sure this is the right one to go to?
    Dr. Carter: Anywhere is better then the alternative.
    Kawalsky: Guess we'll see about that
    Guards: Drop your weapons. Do it now.
    Dr. Carter: I'm Dr Samantha Carter from the SGA, this is Major Kawalsky. We need to speak to your commander.

    This scene uses a mixture of classic med shots (at the hips) med close shots, close shots (mid upper arms) Wide close ups (at the shoulders), a lovely angles full shot (to show the lay of the room, the soldiers placement and "heighten" the tension as well as look really cool!)
    An interesting note in this scene is that Dr. Carter might just be civilian in her world, and she is certainly not use to gun fire, nonetheless she leads the way and its she that does the talking once they get captured! Kawalsky takes a secondary, deferential role despite his rank.
    Cut to opening sequence.

    Act one: Realities Mix

    SGC Infirmary
    We see Col. O'Neill walking casually, innocently down the SGC hallway and (Full establishing shot!) walks into a Med Close (or MC) shot at the line...
    O'Neill: So what's the big emer... (He sees Dr. Carter in the infirmary bed and stops short)
    Whoa, what happened to you?
    A wide close up to underscore his astonishment! Notice Rick's characteristic "V" smile and that twinkle in his eyes! O'Neill is anticipating a GOOD story!)
    Dr Carter: Jack...
    Here we get a VERY tight straight shot (actually called a med close up) full o*n with no angles, which is extremely jarring after the full shot and the looser med shots we've seen to this point!
    This is further emphasized by the fact that PDL has asked Amanda to look almost directly INTO the camera. (She actually looking slightly up as O'Neill is standing) The closer the sight line (Where the eyes look) of the actor is to the camera the more intimate the shot, which is why this close up is almost shocking!

    "Generally speaking, the closer the line of sight of the player in a close up is to the camera the greater the degree of viewer indentification." (from "Film Directing Shot by Shot" by Steven D. Katz)

    This shot is so tight that General Hammond is completely excluded from the frame! This is to underscore Samantha's surprise and emotional distress as is explained further in the story! She is also framed in, and wearing, white, and the shot is "FLAT: (no angles) in comparison to the angled dark gray of the back wall behind O'Neill. He is also dressed in a black leather jacket, black shirt and dark slacks which further serves as contrast to her. At this point of the story, we the viewers are being asked to emphasis with Dr. Carter.
    O'Neill: "Jack"? O'Neill's eye line isn't so close to the camera so the shot isn't jarring.
    Dr Carter: It's me. It's Sam. Here we get another tight shot of Dr. Carter's face followed by a slightly looser shot of General Hammond.
    O'Neill: Uh...Yeah?
    At this point O'Neill takes two steps forward and the wide close up tightens into a med close up! Note that PDL did NOT move (or push) the camera forward (or zoom the lens) but lets the performance bring the emotion to us! Now O'Neill's shot is as close as Dr. Carter's, but they are NOT feeling the same emotion.
    Watch his eye line here change slightly.
    Dr Carter: I never expected this variation.
    Basically the same shot as before, her emotion has not changed. She glances down in usual Carter fashion when she is figuring something out... Your alive... At this line she glances up directly into the camera. Again we as the audience feel...well, shocked!
    Kawalsky: Don't feel so bad Col. Everyone around here is telling me the same thing.
    Looser shot to establish where he is coming from and where he will stand. Also it helps the rhythm of the scene. PDL seems to have a musicians sense of rhythm and his shots often echo each other, like a thematic reframe in a symphonic work.
    O'Neill: Kawalsky?
    O'Neill's shot is closer then Hammond's, Dr. Frasiers and Kawalsky's and maintains this closeness as he attempts to sort all of this out. In this scene as through out most of the episode, O'Neill is our POV character.
    Hammond: In a manner of speaking.
    Dr. Frasier: Actually in a manner of fact, sir. This is Major Charles Kawalsky. In almost every physical respect. Blood work dental records.
    Kawalsky: Except I'm not supposed to be alive in this reality anymore then you are in mine.
    (Dr. Carter lowers her eyes) Sorry Sam.
    Dr Carter: Its not the same with us here, is it?
    O'Neill: Anyone want to let me know what the hells going o*n here? Anyone??

    O'Neill interestingly enough looks from General Hammond to Dr. Carter and back again despite the fact that he knew full well what she was asking but in typical O'Neill form he evaded the question.
    Hammond: They appeared a few hours ago in a Nellis high security lock up.
    A looser shot is used here for several reasons, o*ne is that you cant keep the tension of close singles up endlessly, and two 'cause they need somewhere to put the credits!

    Note that Dr. Carter and O'Neill are the two closest to the camera with General Hammond standing behind her hospital bed and Kawalsky and then Dr. Fraiser standing off to the side of O'Neill. Basically, in this scene the closer you are to camera the deeper your emotions, either loss or confusion, but O'Neill as our point of view character is closer to us then Dr. Carter.
    Kawalsky: That Quantum mirror you've got locked up at area 51. You guys never figured out how to use it?
    O'Neill: Is he talking about that alternate-reality thing that Daniel futzed with o*n 233?

    Kawalsky: Who's Daniel?
    Dr Carter: We can't be followed if that's what you're worried about. We brought the remote thru with us.

    Hammond: I've ordered the device sent here under heavy guard.
    Kawalsky: Where we've come from the Goa'ulds just took over the world, Colonel.

    Notice that the camera actually moves for the first time since this scene started. This is to underscore the drama of Kawalsky's statement. Also pay special attention to the musical "sting" which is basically saying the same thing that O'Neill's look is!

    More later!

    Last edited by Gillian; 07 January 2005, 08:07 PM.
    "Then the traveler in the dark, thanks you for your tiny spark. How would he know which way to go, if you did not twinkle so?"

    Why's there a * between all your o's and n's? o*n, o*ne, etc. Bit distracting.

    Not sure I understand where you're going with this thread, but then I have a very short attention span. Good luck with it.


      Part Two of Act One:

      SGC Board Room
      Things viewed thru the TV monitor are indicated with < >

      SGA their is no such organization.>

      We now see SG-1 and Hammond in the board room. The blocking has O'Neill, who has already encountered Dr. Carter, (and as our view point character) sitting closest to the monitor, (and to us) Teal's is a little way off (removed) to O'Neill's left with Daniel and Carter sitting on the other side of the table so close that they are over lapping in almost all of the shots. Hammond is almost standing out of frame.

      (At this line it now becomes clear why PDL chose to block our heroes in the manner that he did. We see A VERY tight shot of O'Neill's face, in fact the tightest we've seen in the show to this point, with Carter's face behind him and out of focus. "Oh for crying out loud" is An O'Neill line ... he turns around and looks at his Carter... The camera comes into focus on her face. She glances at O'Neill and we get a classic "relationship" shot. His head large in the foreground is now out of focus and their is an overlap between them. The camera is saying that this is HIS Carter!
      Its a big round thing. It takes you to other planets I made it work four years ago. Once she glances back at the monitor O'Neill returns his attention in the Telly.
      And we have been exploring the galaxy ever since. That is up until yesterday. When the Goa'uld came and started taking over every major city from orbit and making slaves of the population.>

      Carter: Oh my God, this is two weird.
      Shot in a wide close up hereafter called a "Wide Close Up" (at the shoulders), with no over lap of Daniel, even though he is sitting VERY close to her. This "Single" is a standard for the series but in this case it is telling us that her experience is "separate and apart" from Daniel's.
      O'Neill: Yeah, how 'bout that hair? At the joke the shot becomes looser (implying a lessening of tension in the room) and now includes Teal'c.
      Notice that again the camera has been repositioned. (Actually they make use of multiple cameras wherever possible so that they can shot close-ups and reaction shots without multiple set ups.)
      Hammond: She claims to have traveled from an alternate universe in the same manner Dr. Jackson experience a year ago.
      Daniel Jackson: Well this can't be the Dr Carter I met in the alternate reality, she's...dead...
      O'Neill: All right, uh... Just to clarify this Carter is from an alternate, alternate reality?

      O'Neill's shot does not get any tighter suggesting that he is playing dumb again. Had he really had a question the camera probably would have shown it by pushing in.
      Daniel Jackson: Apparently A looser shot.
      O'Neill: Anybody else have a problem with that?
      Teal'c: Which reality is actually real? Teal'c first WCU
      O'Neill: Thank you Teal'c.
      Hammond: She explains...

      Peter sounds confused.
      Carter: She's right... Wide Close up
      O'Neill: You just agreed with yourself. Rick leans into towards the camera and we see his "v" smile again.
      Daniel Jackson: No actually Major Carter just agreed with Dr. Carter. She never joined the military, in her reality.
      O'Neill: Fork in the road stuff?
      Daniel Jackson: Apparently
      O'Neill: All right, so possibly There is an alternate version of myself out there that actually understands what the hell your talking about?
      Hammond: The've asked to be debriefed, I'd like you all to participate. At this point, notice that Carter look to O'Neill.
      Hammond: Show them in.

      Kawalsky: What the hell is he doing here?!? The camera pauses on Kawalsky's face in a Medium Close shot for a moment then he lunges out of frame so that the camera comes to rest on Dr. Carters face briefly.
      O'Neill: Kawalsky!
      Daniel Jackson: He's a member of SG-1 MCU on Daniel
      Kawalsky: Who the hell are you?
      Daniel Jackson:'m Daniel Jackson, also a member of SG-1
      Hammond: Have a seat Major!

      Med close up on Hammond and the camera is aimed slightly up underscoring his authority. It should be noted that while blocking (positioning of actors in a scene) always has meaning, particularly (symbolically or graphically) on this show, camera angles, by themselves, do not have specified meanings. They are contextual.
      Kawalsky walks between Carter and Dr. Carter. Dr. Carter is framed by the doorway and her hands are clasped in front of her which is a slightly "closed off" position. Their is no over lap between this shot Med close shot o*n Carter, looser Med shot on Dr. Carter. The discomfort is evident.

      Dr. Carter: PDL has chosen to use a flat and tighter shot on Dr. Carter, whereas Carter is shot slightly angled away. This is another example of "Graphic Control". We know and trust Carter, we assume that because of her life experiences that she is more complex then Dr. Carter so the angled shots are apropos, but they are not also off putting to us.
      It is important to note that Dr. Carter isn't an enemy agent, she isn't a plant or playing at anything and she has no hidden agenda. Dr. Carter is pure in what and who she is. We are asked to trust her.
      Watch how Dr. Carter in this episode is shot as compared to how RepliCarter was film in the (for you guys) upcoming season 8 episode "Gemini". It is VERY interesting to see how they differ! PDL was, of course, the director of Gemini also.

      Carter: um...Air Force.
      Dr. Carter: I can't imagine that--going military
      Carter: Wow,

      Carter's face opens up for the first time. I can't imagine not. At this point Dr. Carter goes over and sits RIGHT next to O'Neill, to his obvious and humorous discomfort. Dr. Carter is sitting as close to O'Neill as Carter is to Daniel.
      Hammond: First of all, I'd like to say that we know what you've been through. Dr Jackson experienced a similar alternate reality sometime ago on a mission to P3X -233
      Dr. Carter: Well that's where we found our Quantum mirror as well.
      (Watch Rick's eyes here) O'Neill looks from Dr. Carter to Carter and tries to do it surreptitiously.
      Hammond: Fortunately for us Dr. Jackson was able to return with intelligence that enabled SG-1 to stop the Goa'uld attack here on Earth.
      Dr. Carter: Nice. That goes a long way to explain why yours was one of only a handful of alternate realities that looked like it hadn't been overrun by the Goa'uld.
      Notice the difference in performances between Dr. Carter and Carter. Again their is a very appealing quality to Amanda's portrayal of Dr. Carter. Her brow is clear and she's sitting up straighter. She's like a pretty girl who is conscience of her appeal to others. one other, in particular! Carter on the other hand is leaning forward intently and using every last bit of her brain to analyze and understand this experience!
      Carter: Actually its probably the very differences that set our universes apart from yours that have contributed to our survival.
      Here Carter launches into a scientific explanation without giving pause to think how her words might be received, as is her want, in the early seasons. "This is MY theory". Daniel's participation in the Star Gate project, Teal'c's change of heart, the fact that I joined the military...
      Dr. Carter: What? You think your being in the Air Force could have made that big of difference?
      Notice which part of Carter's theory Dr. Carter pounces on...
      Carter: No! I...uh...said it made a contribution. Look at Carter's astonishment at Dr. Carter's "attack" Her eyes are saying "What did I say???" In this way she's very innocent.
      Dr. Carter: And therefore I didn't!
      O'Neill: Ladies, Sams...Were all in this reality together.

      O'Neill can be relied upon to bring everyone back to "reality"
      Hammond: What we need to know is where you intend to go from here.
      Dr. Carter: Our Beta site was instructed to bury their Star Gate the moment the last man stepped through, and our own world is under Gou'ald control, so we can't go back.
      Kawalsky: We wanna stay

      Dr. Carter: That is if we're wanted.
      Dr. Carter looks first at Hammond and then at O'Neill. We just left behind everyone we know, everyone we ever cared about. If you're not going to give us a 2nd chance then I don't know any of you.
      O'Neill: Well exactly, you don't know any of us. And we don't know you for all we know you could be her evil twin.
      O'Neill: but that would be dealing with cliches and you know how I feel about those. No, actually you know how I feel about those...
      Hammond: Ok. I'll speak with my superiors and make a determination. For now you'll be assigned temporary accommodations.

      Hammond: take them to A3 quarters.
      Music: First appearance of the lovely and oft played "Pathos" Theme (played in the key of A minor with F sharp accidentals...)

      SGC hallway
      Carter: Listen I didn't mean to offend you back there.
      Dr. Carter: Look Major I'm the one dealing with the inadequacy issues here so just forget about it.
      Dr. Carter has her arms folded. This is, as I often point out, indicative of being closed off or "Protected"
      Carter: What?
      Look at the distance they put between them as well as the difference between their body language. The distance is not because of the limitations of Split Screen but rather a conscience decision on the part of the director.
      Dr. Carter: We know the (Dr. Carter's pronunciation is "Guld" the same as O'Neill's) Goa'uld were coming for six months but I couldn't think of a way to stop them. You did.

      SGC A3 Quarters
      Female SF: Ill be just outside if you need me ma'am.
      Dr. Carter: of course you will.

      Again look at the conscience choice PDL made in staging this scene as he did. Take a careful look at the colors and think about the feel of this room. Everything is in shadow, the room has a very lonely, cold and isolated feeling. Everything is the room is either blue or gold except for the photo that Dr. Carter pulls out.

      Music: Here we hear the more developed "Pathos" theme. Dr. Carter is alone and able to give vent to her feelings so this is expressed by the music, the atmosphere and Dr. Carter's body language.
      Camera move: We move from a FULL (the general) shot very slowly into a close up shot of Dr. Carter's profile then past it and onto an Extreme Close Up shot of the photo (The specific! ) and we the viewer learn definitively that their indeed was an intimate relationship between Dr. Carter and O'Neill that was hinted at earlier when Dr. Carter asks "Its not the same with us here, is it?"
      And this ends Act One!
      "Then the traveler in the dark, thanks you for your tiny spark. How would he know which way to go, if you did not twinkle so?"


        You wrote to me while I was still editing! <grin> Yea, thoes darn * were driving me to drink! (diet coke only!) I also see that quoats in the brackets ( <> ) vanished...Sigh.
        Anyhoo, short attention or not, thanks!

        "Then the traveler in the dark, thanks you for your tiny spark. How would he know which way to go, if you did not twinkle so?"


          That is some serious typing. Very nice.
          Two apples get you nothing unless your buying a banana.


            Uhh.... what is this, the ENTIRE COMMENTARY from an ENTIRE EPISODE? Or at least someone's commentary. Maybe yours? Nope, haven't checked the link. I don't like to follow them in case I end up somewhere I'd rather not be.

            If this is already posted on another board, wouldn't it be much easier to link to there? Or are ya afraid that people like me won't follow the links?


              You have NO idea!!!! I've enough writing on the Amanda Tapping web site to make my own book about directing...Heeeeeeeeeeeyyyy now THAT's an idea...

              "Then the traveler in the dark, thanks you for your tiny spark. How would he know which way to go, if you did not twinkle so?"


                Hello again Shadow!
                Its the official Amanda Tapping web site. I first started posting on that site because she directed the wonderful episode "Resurrection" in season seven.

                I've been working in the industry since I was 18. (Technically since I was 4...but that's another story...)
                I grew up around "insane" people and thought show biz was normal! Poor me!!!!!

                "Then the traveler in the dark, thanks you for your tiny spark. How would he know which way to go, if you did not twinkle so?"


                  Originally posted by Gillian
                  Hello again Shadow!
                  Its the official Amanda Tapping web site. I first started posting on that site because she directed the wonderful episode "Resurrection" in season seven.

                  I've been working in the industry since I was 18. (Technically since I was 4...but that's another story...)
                  I grew up around "insane" people and thought show biz was normal! Poor me!!!!!


                  So what are you doing now?
                  Two apples get you nothing unless your buying a banana.


                    OK, yeah. Such long posts I'd already forgotten where the link went by the time I scrolled to the end. *massages pounding temples* Headache doesn't help, either.

                    Anyway, 'tis a monumental effort. I don't have the patience to analyse stuff like that, nevermind post it. Pardon me whilst I edge away from the insanity lest I fall victim to it. hehe


                      Sorry for the yelling... got a bit excited...
                      Thanks for starting this thread!

                      btw... got any tips for someone trying to get into "the biz", as you called it?
                      Last edited by Sarcazmo The Clown; 27 January 2005, 07:55 PM. Reason: sucking up...
                      - 'Mo

                      I'm a woman. "Evil" would be a demotion.

                      BM: "The ice is a fickle mistress"
                      THIEF: "Plus she appears to be a knife weilding maniac"
                      BM: "Aren't they all?"

                      #10: Not allowed to purchase anyone's soul on government time.


                        Hey Gilly,

                        Great to see you have started posting here - keep it coming
                        My View From The Peanut Gallery

