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OK since so many people seem to want a Stargate Reboot like Trek had, how would it be

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    OK since so many people seem to want a Stargate Reboot like Trek had, how would it be

    I'm playing Devils advocate here since I'm fed up and tired of the small but very vocal minority that constantly squeal that SG needs to go away to be rebooted in a decade or 2, so lets say you got your wish and it has been 12 years since the world had seen or heard anything related to Stargate how do you go about to Reboot the franchise.

    Would you make it a new Series or a Big Screen franchise?

    Fire away oh and it cannot be the same exact formula as before as it is after all a Reboot meaning Re-imagined a la New Battlestar Galactica or the New Trek Franchise.
    The world hath known no greater love than this, to give one's life for his friends. John 15:34

    The banning of images in SIGs suck.

    You don't reboot it, you pull a "The Next Generation".


      I don't know if its a question of people actually "wanting" a reboot in 10 odd years. Aragon101's poll seemed to be more along the lines of what do you think *will* happen, rather than what a person may *want*

      I think the vast majority of people here *want* stargate to go on in whatever form for a long time yet.

      As to your question, I agree with SG-17. There is no need for a total reboot. Stylisticly speaking however, I'd want a show that takes the best elements out of all 4 mediums (movie/SG1/SGA/SGU)
      A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
      The truth isn't the truth


        i don't think it needs to go away at all. i think that they need to make a sga and a sg1 movie. hopefully sgu will get its 5 seasons, and maybe a have a combined movie of all the shows.


          Originally posted by SG-17 View Post
          You don't reboot it, you pull a "The Next Generation".
          OK I posted this thread again because some people here, a very vocal minority keep posting that they want a Reboot, not a Next Generation mind you but a Reboot. And on that note please expand on what you would do. Just saying I'd Do a Next Generation scenario or I'd do a New Battlestar Galactica scenario is way too vague.
          The world hath known no greater love than this, to give one's life for his friends. John 15:34

          The banning of images in SIGs suck.


            Why assume Stargate will get rebooted? In may be one of those popular shows that just never gets another spinoff, remade, rebooted, or anything. It could just end. Is that such a bad thing? Just enjoy what we have to watch, and should a new show pop up... we can evaluate it then. I prefer to focus on today, not 12 years into the future.


              Originally posted by Snowman37 View Post
              Why assume Stargate will get rebooted? In may be one of those popular shows that just never gets another spinoff, remade, rebooted, or anything. It could just end. Is that such a bad thing? Just enjoy what we have to watch, and should a new show pop up... we can evaluate it then. I prefer to focus on today, not 12 years into the future.
              I agree. Fans do not want to wait a decade or two to get another series, if they even make one. Plus the way the Stargate world is set up, with it being set in actual time, it would be difficult to pick up again after 10 years.


                Originally posted by RJLCyberPunk View Post
                OK I posted this thread again because some people here, a very vocal minority keep posting that they want a Reboot, not a Next Generation mind you but a Reboot. And on that note please expand on what you would do. Just saying I'd Do a Next Generation scenario or I'd do a New Battlestar Galactica scenario is way too vague.
                You let the series rest first of all. Instead of jumping ahead a 100 years like TNG did from TOS, since SG is supposed to be concurrent with our time you jump forward however many years the series has been off the air. From there a new STARGATE series is created. By Stargate I mean actually using the Stargate to explore. Go back to the Planet-of-the-Week formula with a loose overall arc. Setting, characters, and the actual arc I am not sure where to put it yet.
                They could go with the Gate becoming public knowledge and have the series based around that with either the Lucian Alliance or some new force being the main enemy. Maybe have the series start with a major, abet unsuccessful, attack on Earth where the aggressors actually show up in populated areas.


                  Originally posted by SG-17 View Post
                  You let the series rest first of all. Instead of jumping ahead a 100 years like TNG did from TOS, since SG is supposed to be concurrent with our time you jump forward however many years the series has been off the air. From there a new STARGATE series is created. By Stargate I mean actually using the Stargate to explore. Go back to the Planet-of-the-Week formula with a loose overall arc. Setting, characters, and the actual arc I am not sure where to put it yet.
                  They could go with the Gate becoming public knowledge and have the series based around that with either the Lucian Alliance or some new force being the main enemy. Maybe have the series start with a major, abet unsuccessful, attack on Earth where the aggressors actually show up in populated areas.
                  Well for all we know that is where they might be going with the Alliance story ark in SGU, but frankly a show where the Stargate program is public knowledge is fraught with problems. If the series has been 12 years or more off the air your formula would probably not work people would need to be re introduced entirely to the franchise. Hence a Reboot.
                  The world hath known no greater love than this, to give one's life for his friends. John 15:34

                  The banning of images in SIGs suck.


                    To paraphrase RJLCyberPunk's inital post: "Some people have been discussing reboot elsewhere. To those people I present a thread where you can speculate on that point: what kind of reboot would you want to see? Discuss that point, and only that point, here. Those who haven't discussed or want to speculate on a reboot need not apply."

                    Me personally I don't want a reboot either BUT, I like to play this game so I will explain the reboot I would be happiest with.

                    Instead of focusing on a single team (SG-1) the show would focus on Stargate Command. In the vein of the Ultimate line of Marvel comics, all of the familiar characters would be present but modernized. The gate was still discovered in Giza in the 20's, but Catherine is deceased, her daughter approaches Daniel, a dashing, rogue, loner Egyptologist who's making no friends by picking apart peers' theories with his alien interference theory. O'Neil(l) is an Air Force colonel who's just lost his son and thinks a he's going on a suicide mission. Of course, this time around we incorporate Carter at the outset. She's a cocky, Air Force captain with a chip on her shoulder and something to prove.

                    After assembling the team and stepping through the gate, they encounter a society of slaves mining some kind of ore that Sam immediately recognizes as potential for a new energy source while Daniel discovers it is used by Ra in his war with the other system lords.

                    Apophis is the most powerful SL at war with Ra over the planet of Abydos, the only known source of naquadah. His number one, Teal'C is a spy sent to infiltrate Ra's slaves and locate suitable hosts for his wife and son, as well start a revolution against Ra, just like on earth thousands of years ago, except this time once Ra is forced out, Apophis will slide in and take it.

                    Teal'c meets the team from Earth, learns what the formerly mythical Tau'ri are capable of and joins up. Covertly O'Neil(l)'s nuke is sent to Ra's ship and detonated. In the process of Apophis coming to Abydos he makes off with Sha're and Skar'ra, two villagers that the group has grown very close to. In the meantime the cartouche is discovered and the team returns to Earth. Bear in mind, like the Ultimate Spider-man tale took a 13 page comic and turned it into a 6 issue mini, this premiere would be a 5 part miniseries and the plot would take place over several weeks, perhaps months, and not days.

                    SGC and SG-1 is formed. SG-1 is still the flagship team and still largely concerned with rescuing the Abydonian villagers, but because it's focused on the SGC, we also follow the teams SG-2 through whatever. We would see the other combat teams and the things they got into, we could see the science teams and the stuff they found. Eventually Pegasus would be found, possibly, probably, under slightly different circumstances. There would be no need for a spin-off because the focus of the show would allow for occassional visits to the Atlantis base too. The bonus here is that since no single group has the focus of the show, there isn't that problem of Sam, or Rodney, or whomever always saving the day.
                    Last edited by Colonel Forte; 07 December 2010, 04:25 PM.


                      Originally posted by RJLCyberPunk View Post
                      I'm playing Devils advocate here since I'm fed up and tired of the small but very vocal minority that constantly squeal that SG needs to go away to be rebooted in a decade or 2, so lets say you got your wish and it has been 12 years since the world had seen or heard anything related to Stargate how do you go about to Reboot the franchise.

                      Would you make it a new Series or a Big Screen franchise?

                      Fire away oh and it cannot be the same exact formula as before as it is after all a Reboot meaning Re-imagined a la New Battlestar Galactica or the New Trek Franchise.
                      I don't "want" a reboot, I just think that reboots are what we get. As for what it will be? I think that a lot of people are deluding themselves into thinking that a reboot will bring about SG1/SGA by other means when it's very likely that we would see something else entirely. Why? Because despite the fact that reboots do in a fashion look backwards for the idea that creates them, they must exist in the time and environment in which they are created. You've mentioned BSG as a reboot. Would that reboot have looked very different if it had come ten years earlier? Or ten years from now? Sure. Not only would the technology be different no matter which way you went but the social environment would be different as well, meaning that telling a story about people would be very different. Even the Trek franchise, I remember when the movie came out, some people were extremely angry that Uhura was a Latina. But times change and prejudices change and in our time, having her be a Latina made a larger social impact. The same would be true for any reboot of Stargate. I think those believing we'd see a carbon copy of SG1/SGA would be even angrier to see something that could go even further than SGU has gone. That being said, when SGU has run it's (hopefully 5 year) course, bring on a reboot, no matter what it is. Let it be different, let it be brave, let it make us angry and for the love of all that's good, let it be like the best of science fiction and make us think.



                        Originally posted by xxxevilgrinxxx View Post
                        I don't "want" a reboot, I just think that reboots are what we get. As for what it will be? I think that a lot of people are deluding themselves into thinking that a reboot will bring about SG1/SGA by other means when it's very likely that we would see something else entirely. Why? Because despite the fact that reboots do in a fashion look backwards for the idea that creates them, they must exist in the time and environment in which they are created. You've mentioned BSG as a reboot. Would that reboot have looked very different if it had come ten years earlier? Or ten years from now? Sure. Not only would the technology be different no matter which way you went but the social environment would be different as well, meaning that telling a story about people would be very different. Even the Trek franchise, I remember when the movie came out, some people were extremely angry that Uhura was a Latina. But times change and prejudices change and in our time, having her be a Latina made a larger social impact. The same would be true for any reboot of Stargate. I think those believing we'd see a carbon copy of SG1/SGA would be even angrier to see something that could go even further than SGU has gone. That being said, when SGU has run it's (hopefully 5 year) course, bring on a reboot, no matter what it is. Let it be different, let it be brave, let it make us angry and for the love of all that's good, let it be like the best of science fiction and make us think.
                        That was very eloquently put and I'm glad you don't believe a cancellation of SGU is imminent as others do but yes eventually the show will end after a 4 to 5 year run I doubt that it will run for as long as SG1 or Smallville have as those are exceptions and in the case of SV given it's ups and downs even more so. If it happened just 2 or 3 years I'd probably not like it at all but if it's a reboot 10 or 12 years after the fact I'd have no problem in seeing a rebooted show that takes the franchise in a whole new direction. Why because I don't think it would mean that the old version of the franchise would be cast away forever either. There would still be room for both version as there is for classic Trek and New Trek classic Galactica and New Galactica and Classic V and new V.
                        The world hath known no greater love than this, to give one's life for his friends. John 15:34

                        The banning of images in SIGs suck.


                          Originally posted by RJLCyberPunk View Post
                          That was very eloquently put and I'm glad you don't believe a cancellation of SGU is imminent as others do but yes eventually the show will end after a 4 to 5 year run I doubt that it will run for as long as SG1 or Smallville have as those are exceptions and in the case of SV given it's ups and downs even more so. If it happened just 2 or 3 years I'd probably not like it at all but if it's a reboot 10 or 12 years after the fact I'd have no problem in seeing a rebooted show that takes the franchise in a whole new direction. Why because I don't think it would mean that the old version of the franchise would be cast away forever either. There would still be room for both version as there is for classic Trek and New Trek classic Galactica and New Galactica and Classic V and new V.
                          I have hope that SGU can tell its story. And when that story is done, let it end. Let something else come after, and after that

                          Yes, there is definitely room for the classic. That's what all our discs are for. There are tons of shows that I love and continue to rewatch. That's the best place for those shows to live, where we can watch them as we remember them. I think that, in a way, Stargate has the best method of dealing with this, in giving us all new people with every incarnation. I can't imagine how angry some people would be if SGU didn't have Young and Rush and others but had other actors play characters like O'Neill and Sheppard. That way, characters never get replaced and we get to remember them the way we remember them.

                          SGU-RELATED FANART | IN YOUNG WE TRUST | FANDUMB


                            Originally posted by xxxevilgrinxxx View Post
                            I have hope that SGU can tell its story. And when that story is done, let it end. Let something else come after, and after that

                            Yes, there is definitely room for the classic. That's what all our discs are for. There are tons of shows that I love and continue to rewatch. That's the best place for those shows to live, where we can watch them as we remember them. I think that, in a way, Stargate has the best method of dealing with this, in giving us all new people with every incarnation. I can't imagine how angry some people would be if SGU didn't have Young and Rush and others but had other actors play characters like O'Neill and Sheppard. That way, characters never get replaced and we get to remember them the way we remember them.
                            But eventually we will have to deal with new incarnations because the actors from our beloved show are not getting any younger and eventually just like the ones from Trek TOS will also buy the farm. I mean I can understand why a Trek Reboot had to be made it wasn't jus that the the TV franchise specially the latter shows such as Voyager bombed horribly but that the TOS actors and even the TNG actors were aging considerably already and some TOS actors had passed away too. A new incarnation where all the original characters could be re-introduced at that point was a must.

                            Let's face it we are mortal, we age and we die and so do the actors that portray our beloved characters so for the franchises to continue new incarnations will always eventually and inexorably be needed.
                            The world hath known no greater love than this, to give one's life for his friends. John 15:34

                            The banning of images in SIGs suck.


                              So, are we not speculating on what reboots we want to see anymore?

                              Truthfully, whatever form a reboot comes in would be fine with me. The Star Wars prequels were so so but I got to see them in the theater, something I didn't get to do with the originals. The way the new Trek was a commentary on today's society the way the original was for the 60's appealed to me. A Stargate reboot, in any form whether it be series 4 or a redo of SG-1 won't matter because it will be more regardless, which is just what I want.
                              Last edited by Colonel Forte; 07 December 2010, 06:33 PM.

