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Theoretical New Spinoff

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    Theoretical New Spinoff

    With Stargate Universe as a nice side-show with its end in sight and things looking better for MGM, hopefully we can get a new Stargate series once Universe finishes its hopefully satisfying run.

    Some of the things I think would make it interesting:
    No more of the perpetual "now" that the series' have been stuck in. I want to see a more "2010" style Earth. Stargate being public, technology benefiting everyone, etc.
    Take place in like 2027 or some cool number like that. By then we'll have more ships, hopefully different kinds too. Smaller ones like Tel'tak and Al'kesh for more tactical operations and perhaps larger ones like Dreadnaughts for massive damage.
    It would also be cool to see what kind of planetary defenes we've set up.
    It might be cool if we're still running off-world operations out of Atlantis. Perhaps have Atlantis stationed up on the moon, so that it can save power when landed while still easily able to get up and fight to defend the planet when needed.

    No more SG-1centricism. The idea of one unlikely team of heroes being able to do everything has gotten very old; I want to see a larger cast of characters, more SG teams doing things.
    No more magical Carter god out of the machine crap. How are we supposed to think of humanity as the fifth race if the only ones who can do anything are SG-1 and AR-1?
    Clearly everyone else is one banana away from a chimp.

    What ideas do you all have and what do you think of mine?

    Interesting ideas. I'm not really sure if there will be another show after SGU, but there's always hope
    ~the guitarists~


      Yea, if SGU dies, doubt we will EVER see a new series, maybe one, possibly two movies...but thats it. FOREVER!

      Thus, if you kill SGU you kill the franchise


        NOOOOO! your ideas are horrible, keep SGU forever!


          Originally posted by Duneknight View Post
          NOOOOO! your ideas are horrible, keep SGU forever!
          What would you think of my ideas if we pretend that SGU were running concurrently with this theoretical show?
          I'd love to see SGU run for several more seasons, but realistically, it's barely keeping the ratings over 1.0, so we'll be lucky to get more than 1 more season.
          Does anyone know where to find ratings for SG-1 and SGA? I

          I don't think it's that unlikely that we'll get another series after SGU. BSG got another spinoff even after Caprica failed miserably. Stargate is like SyFy's biggest and longest-running franchise, I'd bet they'll look for a way to keep making money off of it.


            Originally posted by Flibby View Post
            Some of the things I think would make it interesting:
            No more of the perpetual "now" that the series' have been stuck in. I want to see a more "2010" style Earth. Stargate being public, technology benefiting everyone, etc.
            Take place in like 2027 or some cool number like that. By then we'll have more ships, hopefully different kinds too. Smaller ones like Tel'tak and Al'kesh for more tactical operations and perhaps larger ones like Dreadnaughts for massive damage.
            It would also be cool to see what kind of planetary defenes we've set up.
            It might be cool if we're still running off-world operations out of Atlantis. Perhaps have Atlantis stationed up on the moon, so that it can save power when landed while still easily able to get up and fight to defend the planet when needed.
            If anything I'd like to see stuff focus more on the past. Have a mini-series about the foundation of the IOA... make a series based starting when the go'auld are still in power - things going on along side the current series....


              I like the ideas, and I hope it happens.

              Only thing with Atlantis on moon, shield would have to be up draining power. We can defend the planet from the ground, no need to have it in Space.


                I would like to see a show based on an organization like the NID, but focusing on their off world activities. The lead would be someone who understands the need to push the envelope to protect our world, and has no problem getting his hands dirty when the need arises. Kiefer Sutherland would be a perfect fit for the role.


                  Originally posted by Flibby View Post
                  With Stargate Universe as a nice side-show with its end in sight and things looking better for MGM, hopefully we can get a new Stargate series once Universe finishes its hopefully satisfying run.

                  Some of the things I think would make it interesting:
                  No more of the perpetual "now" that the series' have been stuck in. I want to see a more "2010" style Earth. Stargate being public, technology benefiting everyone, etc.
                  Take place in like 2027 or some cool number like that. By then we'll have more ships, hopefully different kinds too. Smaller ones like Tel'tak and Al'kesh for more tactical operations and perhaps larger ones like Dreadnaughts for massive damage.
                  It would also be cool to see what kind of planetary defenes we've set up.
                  It might be cool if we're still running off-world operations out of Atlantis. Perhaps have Atlantis stationed up on the moon, so that it can save power when landed while still easily able to get up and fight to defend the planet when needed.

                  No more SG-1centricism. The idea of one unlikely team of heroes being able to do everything has gotten very old; I want to see a larger cast of characters, more SG teams doing things.
                  No more magical Carter god out of the machine crap. How are we supposed to think of humanity as the fifth race if the only ones who can do anything are SG-1 and AR-1?
                  Clearly everyone else is one banana away from a chimp.

                  What ideas do you all have and what do you think of mine?
                  That sounds awful. You've basically just turned Stargate into Star Trek and lost all of the contemporary characters.


                    No more SG-1centricism. The idea of one unlikely team of heroes being able to do everything has gotten very old; I want to see a larger cast of characters, more SG teams doing things.
                    No more magical Carter god out of the machine crap. How are we supposed to think of humanity as the fifth race if the only ones who can do anything are SG-1 and AR-1?
                    Clearly everyone else is one banana away from a chimp.
                    why don't you watch SGU then?

                    also contemporary is one of the few things that makes SG1 stand out among other Sci fi. remove that and it's IMO not stargate


                      I'm not sure where the franchise could go after exploring the universe, except to revisit some of the planets and aliens that didn't get much screentime. I posted my idea for a reboot in that thread but it's kind of long so check it out in the spoiler tags if you're interested.

                      Instead of focusing on a single team (SG-1) the show would focus on Stargate Command. In the vein of the Ultimate line of Marvel comics, all of the familiar characters would be present but modernized. The gate was still discovered in Giza in the 20's, but Catherine is deceased, her daughter approaches Daniel, a dashing, rogue, loner Egyptologist who's making no friends by picking apart peers' theories with his alien interference theory. O'Neil(l) is an Air Force colonel who's just lost his son and thinks a he's going on a suicide mission. Of course, this time around we incorporate Carter at the outset. She's a cocky, Air Force captain with a chip on her shoulder and something to prove.

                      After assembling the team and stepping through the gate, they encounter a society of slaves mining some kind of ore that Sam immediately recognizes as potential for a new energy source while Daniel discovers it is used by Ra in his war with the other system lords.

                      Apophis is the most powerful SL at war with Ra over the planet of Abydos, the only known source of naquadah. His number one, Teal'C is a spy sent to infiltrate Ra's slaves and locate suitable hosts for his wife and son, as well start a revolution against Ra, just like on earth thousands of years ago, except this time once Ra is forced out, Apophis will slide in and take it.

                      Teal'c meets the team from Earth, learns what the formerly mythical Tau'ri are capable of and joins up. Covertly O'Neil(l)'s nuke is sent to Ra's ship and detonated. In the process of Apophis coming to Abydos he makes off with Sha're and Skar'ra, two villagers that the group has grown very close to. In the meantime the cartouche is discovered and the team returns to Earth. Bear in mind, like the Ultimate Spider-man tale took a 13 page comic and turned it into a 6 issue mini, this premiere would be a 5 part miniseries and the plot would take place over several weeks, perhaps months, and not days.

                      SGC and SG-1 is formed. SG-1 is still the flagship team and still largely concerned with rescuing the Abydonian villagers, but because it's focused on the SGC, we also follow the teams SG-2 through whatever. We would see the other combat teams and the things they got into, we could see the science teams and the stuff they found. Eventually Pegasus would be found, possibly, probably, under slightly different circumstances. There would be no need for a spin-off because the focus of the show would allow for occassional visits to the Atlantis base too. The bonus here is that since no single group has the focus of the show, there isn't that problem of Sam, or Rodney, or whomever always saving the day.


                        Sorry but all your ideas are beyond horrible. You guys have no idea what makes a franchise at all. I have ideas of my own of course like Stargate Academy, but I keep them to myself because they suck as well!


                          personally i'd go with Stargate: Command.

                          it's a contemporary show but it starts around 2013-2014.

                          Earth has built a new SGC at an alpha site, equipped with everything from shields to AA railguns, and nuclear missile silos. this site is the launch site for SG teams roaming the galaxy and exploring worlds. enemies include the Lucian Alliance but also local threats, including Alien Earths.


                            I know I will be hanged for this but I think a live action version of Stargate Infinity could be good, a team being branded traitors have to keep on the run from not only other SG teams from Earth from people who have infiltrated Earth Government an try to uncover an reveal the plot. An may be they have to use stargates addressses which even Earth has not explored yet or other address blocked out by some sought ancient programming of the gate system.

                            Why they are the run they have to try discover who infiltrated Earth, what is the new threat on the Horizon.

                            It would deal with a far more complicated universe, with the Aschen confederation rapidly expanding it borders, after obtaining viable hyper-drives with much greater speeds from capture Gould ships, Re'tu radicals have taken over there Goverment is out there wiping out Human colonies with a growing Amanda of war ships. The Reol have become know a infiltrators an spies lending there services to anyone with a big enough bank account. HEBRIDIANS race have now become merceneries an technologist of the galaxy, why there technology is not advance enough as Ancients an Asgard there far greater understanding of advance technology give them a edge over Earth an even the Aschen confederations, but with there central government virtually destroyed by the Ori an there economy annihilated they have resorted to selling there technology an resource fullness to anyone willing to pay.

                            They also build vessels for anyone who can afford to pay. They started to rebuild an are becoming one of the biggest trading centre the Galaxy but with a very weak central authority.

                            The Gould although very much weaken have rediscovered seriousness an the stuff which made them capable of conquering the galaxy in the first place, an why they are almost extinct they are making a come back in a big way an moving in the shadows an rebuilding an modernising there armies an tactics an ships, although small they are one of the few organise groups in the galaxy.

                            It would have a large team of around 20-30 people an a cache of alien technology an experimental technology that they were developing, such a version Anubis style armour, Asgard personal cloaks an holographic imagers to make them look like anyone. An range of new energy weapons an devices design especially for exploring world through the gate, perhaps even a few earth made gate ships.

                            They travel the gate system searching for allies an clues as to what or who is behind there treason charges and why. Uncovering new threats an new players on the scenes an learning that there superiors have been telling them lies.

                            SG1 an most of the original SGC command staff were killed during a terrorised attack at a public ceremony. Major Davies is a ally an one who warn them in the first place that they have been branded traitors famed for the attack. He currently on hiding on Earth using his knowledge an alien tech an colonel Maybourn contacts to stay one step ahead of the authorities. Maybourn received a subspace communication device to keep in contact with earth an to enable him ask for help if he needed it most of our non advance races have access to the same technology.

                            In this series the gate programme have finally been revealed but the public handle the revelation well, especially once Asgard transporters became widely available an other technologies.

                            I agree SGU dies stargate Franchise dies or put into a very deep hybination.
                            An then we may get something as horrible as JJ Abrams startrek, which I am still recovering from having scene.


                              Originally posted by Duneknight View Post
                              Sorry but all your ideas are beyond horrible. You guys have no idea what makes a franchise at all. I have ideas of my own of course like Stargate Academy, but I keep them to myself because they suck as well!
                              So keep your opinions to yourselves too and let the rest of us speculate. The thread isn't, "What do you think of others' new show ideas?"

