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When do you think they will tell the world?

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    When do you think they will tell the world?

    hey just wondering when do you people think the government from each country will tell the world about the Stargate. Personally I think just in SGU they should have told the world already I mean there's no huge threat any more and with the tech they have required. Another thing is religious wars that are happening in the real world might stop once those religious terrorist groups realize there's billions of non believers of there religion and stuff.

    Never. They'll use that 'the world is not ready' excuse until the sun grows colds.

    SGU Continued....


      They will when they're ready. In Season 6 they gave the secret to world leaders so they've got to trust them. I'd imagine that if one of them tried to "reveal" it nationwide that Home World Security (HWS) would "silence" them. Come on.... its not like it wouldn't be the first time they got their hands dirty to protect secrets.

      Also wouldn't revealing the gate world wide DEBUNK religion and possibly GOD? Those raging Holy Wars would either stop or their attention would turn totally on the U.S. in attempts to use the Gate to spread their religions or to search for God himself. (L O L) That would be a fanatical waste of time.

      Also there is a threat we face as a planet, they're called the Lucian Alliance and they use all the old Goauld tech and have way more ships then we do. A planned attack on "Earth"? I'd say there is a little cause for concern.

      Nothing better then telling the world about the Gate program, then following it up with the announcement of a planetary attack that's got NOTHING to do with Aliens but other human beings using alien tech to destroy us.
      They Say He Travels The Gate Network Searching The Universe For Powerful Technology, They Call Him...... The Gate Traveller


        Judging by SGA S4E20 The Last Man, 2034 at the earliest.
        Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


          i don't think could tell the world, it would cause a massive panic. plus there is the whole we've lied for 15 years about it, and we have had major attacks against our planet.


            True, but with the tech we DO have, any threat against the US would be shut down. IF daniel had managed to get his satellite system up and running (Absolute power), i think right after they would have come clean.


              When? When they're forced to, I guess. Whether by impending doom (suddenly needing the resources of the whole world to thwart a threat or something), or by an event that makes it impossible to conceal any further.


                Truly, the earthling habitats probably wouldn't be able to handle such truth. Only except us Just tell us , we won't tell anybody else.

                Iw ould have to agree with Gotthammer - unless they were forced to by some off chance by a doomsday that was going to blow us sky high, until then my friends... be peaceful and live like you breathed.


                  COLSON: You’re afraid that knowing about the Stargate would fracture the world more than it already is.
                  CARTER: Yeah. Not just stop us fighting the Goa’uld but end things for good. We’ve seen it happen on other planets like Earth. In one case, public revelation of the Stargate caused an apocalyptic world war.
                  COLSON (laughing): Oh, that would be the ultimate irony, wouldn’t it?! You secretly save the world from destruction at the hands of alien invaders, only for us to destroy ourselves out of fear, after the fact.
                  CARTER: Change your mind?
                  COLSON: Not really. I don’t think it would happen. (He stands up and walks to the Stargate, gesturing at it.) And if a truth of this magnitude, about the very nature of human existence, could lead us to destroy ourselves, then I’d say we would deserve it, wouldn’t you?
                  Colson had it right in my opinion, if it did cause us to destroy ourselves we'd deserve it.

                  To be honest its borderline despicable they haven't revealed the truth, how can you keep such important information from the public.

                  Governments are meant to serve the people not dictate to them.


                    Hopefully never.


                      Personally, I think it's just plain silly that the world is still in the dark. The Stargate Program should have gone public in SG-1 "Lost City" or the Atlantis finale, "Enemy at the Gate." I don't get how either episode's events went down without the world taking notice.


                        with the silencing thing they have tech to remove memories now any way so they wouldnt need to kill any one to make them be silent

                        Originally posted by Gate Traveller View Post
                        They will when they're ready. In Season 6 they gave the secret to world leaders so they've got to trust them. I'd imagine that if one of them tried to "reveal" it nationwide that Home World Security (HWS) would "silence" them. Come on.... its not like it wouldn't be the first time they got their hands dirty to protect secrets.

                        Also wouldn't revealing the gate world wide DEBUNK religion and possibly GOD? Those raging Holy Wars would either stop or their attention would turn totally on the U.S. in attempts to use the Gate to spread their religions or to search for God himself. (L O L) That would be a fanatical waste of time.

                        Also there is a threat we face as a planet, they're called the Lucian Alliance and they use all the old Goauld tech and have way more ships then we do. A planned attack on "Earth"? I'd say there is a little cause for concern.

                        Nothing better then telling the world about the Gate program, then following it up with the announcement of a planetary attack that's got NOTHING to do with Aliens but other human beings using alien tech to destroy us.


                          Originally posted by Sami_ View Post
                          Colson had it right in my opinion, if it did cause us to destroy ourselves we'd deserve it.

                          To be honest its borderline despicable they haven't revealed the truth, how can you keep such important information from the public.

                          Governments are meant to serve the people not dictate to them.
                          You will do ywhat your TOLD

                          But it would make for the ultimate irony. though if films are any indication, nearly everyone which has had aliens show up to destroy us, or some other cataclysm, we did unite.

