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What makes Stargates SG1 and Atlantis different to every other TV show?

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    What makes Stargates SG1 and Atlantis different to every other TV show?

    Hi guys!

    I'm new here at Gate World, but I am not new to Stargate!

    I personally love SGC and Atlantis better then the new Universe show, and I would like to ask YOU some questions!!

    What makes Stargates SG1 and Atlantis different to every other TV show?

    I love Stargate more then any other show and I think these are some of the reasons:

    1: There is no unnecessary sex and love scenes that stop the story from progressing gracefully.

    2: The humour and amazing defined characters that are all different in their own way but so amazing.

    I just KNOW that there are more reasons, can you help me? This is just for a bit of fun

    I know you will help

    Originally posted by Amelia Manoron View Post
    Hi guys!

    I'm new here at Gate World, but I am not new to Stargate!

    I personally love SGC and Atlantis better then the new Universe show, and I would like to ask YOU some questions!!

    What makes Stargates SG1 and Atlantis different to every other TV show?

    I love Stargate more then any other show and I think these are some of the reasons:

    1: There is no unnecessary sex and love scenes that stop the story from progressing gracefully.

    2: The humour and amazing defined characters that are all different in their own way but so amazing.

    I just KNOW that there are more reasons, can you help me? This is just for a bit of fun

    I know you will help

    I agree with everything you said; especially the humor.

    I would add:

    1 Plot-lines. They are unique & fun to watch unfold.


      Is a lack of something that pretty much all shows lack really something that sets it apart?


        i'm sort of new to stargate (watched sg1/sga last year) but just joined this board after catching up on sgu.

        i think what makes them so good is that the characters develop over the show (especially in sg-1) and the humor is thrown in there while serious stuff happens as well. it is serial, each episode ties into the ones before it (which was the same for lost, the 4400 which were good shows). and an well put together plot.


          it's a scifi show that didn't rely on ships and took place during the year it aired.


            The Big Spinny Ring Thing that makes wormholes.

            SGU Continued....


              Chemistry between characters, good stories. And it's set in present say, pretty much a secret, so it's easy to believe something like this could be happening for real.


                SG1 and SGA didn't really stand apart for me but SGU definitely has.
                I suppose to narrow it down to one thing, I would say that flawed characters (where the flaws are actually instrumental in their decision making rather than an afterthought) sets it apart for me. No cardboard heroes here. (and for the love of all that's good, no, I am NOT singling out SG1/SGA but am referring to a wide range of shows here - across the spectrum of sci-fi, so put those damned burning torches down )



                  I am going to give my personal opinions so this is how I feel about each show as a whole being as honest (and I really mean honest) as I can

                  Stargate Movie: Its a good movie that I really enjoy watching until they get to Abydos where it just turns into a big mess, but I love all the parts about trying to get the Stargate itself working.

                  Stargate SG1: Season 1, 2, 3 and 4 are really grade A stuff and the show really should have stopped there as it went downhill fast. The solutions to problems became stupid as every season near the end became like an Indiana Jones adventure to find some all powerful weapon to destroy the bad guys. Daniels whole ascension thing became pointless when he came back again.

                  Stargate Atlantis: Oh man this whole show was awful, the premise was amazing but the execution was awful, things like - the entire character of Elizabeth Weir, the over the top brilliance of Rodney McKay, the fact that Atlantis itself was never really explored. It had some good things like Woolsey and Caldwell and Todd but I don't like it, I for a while just pretended to myself I liked it.

                  Stargate Universe: So far so good, I am loving this show, things I don't like - I hate shipping in general but it hasnt been too forced, and honestly people some of the so called controversy I have heard about have been absurd, I mean if you are watching a franchise where there have been over 1,000 shootings and no-one bats and eyelid but 1 quickie in a closet or 2 lesbian kisses (nothing more) and theres uproar.

                  Sorry if any of these points go against anyone else opinions but I had to get my own honest opinion of Stargate of my chest if even just for myself, btw I know I left out loads of stuff that I love and hate so this is all I have now.
                  LIKES: Half-Life, Half-Life 2, ST: DS-9, ST: TNG, Eric Clapton, GTA 4, SGU, MW + MW2, Red Dead Redemption,
                  Scarlett Johansson, Father Ted, The Portal Series, The Assassin's Creed Series, Trailer Park Boys.

                  DISLIKES: Reality T.V Shows and so called reality t.v stars, people who don't wear seatbelts,
                  99.999% of new Music out now, 80% of new Movies out now.

                  Last Game Completed: Portal 2

                  Last Movie Watched For The First Time: Dumbo (1941)


                    I think the big thing about Gate is that it's never taken itself too seriously!
                    I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!


                      lol i already had a thread on this


                        It is a fun Sci-Fi Action Adventure with good writing, acting, and a lot of good laughs.

                        It is set in the present day, I find that very interesting.


                          Thanks guys!!
                          Thats awesome and I agree with most of you.
                          I dont know much about SGU but I dont really like it so far; I'm sure its brilliant as its own but it doesnt [I]feel[I] like Stargate, if you know what I mean?

                          I know allot of people dont think another series after SGU would be good but if you COULD see one come out, what would you like to see?


                            Originally posted by Amelia Manoron View Post
                            I know allot of people dont think another series after SGU would be good but if you COULD see one come out, what would you like to see?
                            well if it was up to me, it would be season 6+ of atlantis

