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How Did You Become Hooked?

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    I remember the movie came out when I was in college, and some friends who were far more into that stuff than I had seen it and dismissed it as eye-candy. When it came to TV with RDA, I didn't pay much attention, since I was never much of a MacGuyver fan. Besides which, I didn't have Showtime.

    Years went by, and my now-husband started watching the show in syndication. I'd kinda half-watch it with him if I didn't have anything better to do. "Window of Opportunity" was the first ep I saw that made me fall in love with the show.

    We still didn't have Showtime, which made it rather confusing to watch seasons 5 & 6 at the same time. I loved it when Sci-Fi promoted their "mavericks of sci-fi" with Crichton from Farscape and Jack from Stargate. I'd been more into Farscape anyway, and I think that made me latch onto Stargate as well.

    Even after that though, I guess the "addiction" has come gradually. Mostly through seeing the older eps on sci-fi, and learning all the back stories. Now I'm 100% obsessed, and have started writing fanfic for the first time in years.

    The great part is my mom and brother are into the show too. Mom's not a particular sci-fi nut like me and my brother are, either. I went to visit them a few weeks ago, and dinner was spent at a local restaurant discussing the finer points of Stargate. Then it was back home for a marathon of some of the better eps from mom's DVD set.
    Anyway I'm sorry, but that just happens to be how I feel about it. What do you think?


      I didn't like the movie very much, but I liked the idea of the movie. When I heard there was going to be a series, I had to check it out because I just knew they were going to do something cool with the idea.

      So I've been hooked since the very beginning.


        Well, i always liked the movie and at some point i was renting movies and saw the Pilot episode 'Children of the Gods' so i rented it.

        I didnt even knew it was actually the start of a new series so i pretty much told my friend they made a new movie, this time about a team but with different actors.
        Teal'c: A serpent guard, a horus guard and a setesh guard meet on a neutral planet. It is a tense moment. The serpent guard's eyes glow. The horus guards beak glistens. The Setesh guard's nose drips.


          First episode I saw was Shades of Grey and I didn't even finish it since RDA was being a jerk, lol. I was like WTF happened to nice ol' Macgyver?

          Years pass.

          I get a Netflix membership and decide to try the show again.

          It's amazing how much more enjoyable scifi series are when you can start at season 1 and watch them in order. I believe I made it as far as Brocca Divide before hitting ebay and plunking down 200 bucks for all 6 seasons worth of DVDs.
          Fitness Buddies


            FCOL!!! I was writing this real indepth explanation of my addiction when for some reason it got deleted. It was quite fascinating but I am not going to go thru all that again. So here is the short version. : )

            I was staying with my mom for 3 months and her cable system carried a channel that I didn't get back at where I lived. I think it was on 4-5 nights a week. So during my stay I became quite attached to the show. I eventually moved back to my place. I accepted the fact that I would not be seeing Stargate anymore.

            Three months later to my great surprise, a local channel decided to carry the show. I was so excited. My roommates thought I was more odd then usual. It surprised me just how excited I was. My interest grew even more when I eventually got my own apartment, a brand new computer with a high speed internet connection. I then found GW and the rest the say is history. I have been obsessed with the show and this forum since 2002. So I guess you could say it is all DARREN'S FAULT!!! : )
            Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


              By chance I saw the Children of the Gods pilot on Channel 4 on a Sunday morning - seeing as I had nothing better to do, I made myself comfy and watched. The pilot was fantastic - it played out like a small segment of a much huger story, while still havng all the excitement and plot of a self contained film. I was hooked after that. I saw the original Stargate film quite a while after, I think it was after a few episodes of Season 2. That's terrestial TV schedules for you.


                I was sick one Friday night a little over a year ago, and was flipping through the channels, when I came upon the series that I had come to despise.

                First, let me explain that I never understood Stargate SG-1 while I was an X-Files junkie, and it always came on before The X-Files WAY late at night. If I was trying to stay up and watch The X-Files, I'd keep Stargate on to keep me awake. Well... as luck would have it, I'd stay up for the ENTIRE ep, normally a standalone that I didn't understand, and then I'd fall asleep right at the end of Stargate (maybe even during the teaser of The X-Files), and I'd wake up to the closing credits of The X-Files. Needless to say, I wasn't a happy camper.

                But all that aside, I saw "Full Circle," and I was immediately hooked. There was just something about the characters and their relationship to each other that sucked me in, and I haven't looked back since. I never had Showtime before this year, so I was never able to watch the first five seasons anyway.


                  whenever i was home on a weekday (vacation or sick), i would watch reruns of "the twilight zone" on scifi channel. so i started seeing advertisements for sg-1. i thought it looked cool, but i was never home on friday nights, so i never got a chance to watch it. (well, once i caught the first five minutes or so of an episode, but more on that later.)

                  so anyway, one sunday in october or november, my grandma was in the hospital having knee surgery and my parents were out somewhere, so i was pretty much home alone, and i was very bored so i started looking through tv guide for something to watch, and lo and behold sg-1 is on upn, so i turn it on. it was "abyss," which was interesting to watch as the first episode b/c i didn't know the characters so i didn't quite get everything that was going on, but even so i could tell it was a good show, so i was glad to see that it was on scifi channel weeknights at six. so i started watching it all the time, and then b/c i was now home on friday nights, i started watching the new episodes.

                  ironically, the episode that i caught five minutes of a year earlier was "abyss"--i didn't realize it until later, though. what is the likelihood of that happening?

                  so anyway, now i watch sg-1 constantly, i have seasons 1-3 on dvd, and now that my cable box is fixed and i got a new vcr, i have begun taping episodes as often as i can--i have almost all of seasons 4, 5, and 7 on tape. (i drive everyone else in my family crazy with my taping schedule.) i have taken over half of a bookshelf with a bunch of tapes--we call it my sci fi shrine. i joke to my mom that i'm going to sit by my shrine and light candles and meditate.

                  and now my mission was to turn all my friends into sg-1 geeks--it worked! well, first my little brother started watching, and he's obsessed. then i brought some dvds to a sleepover with my friend, and she was instantly hooked from the movie. and then before my vcr got fixed, i asked another friend to tape some episodes for me, and she started watching and is now a total geek as well. three down, several billion to go.


                    Of course, I saw the movie. I'm a scifi/fantasy junkie. I heard that SG1 as a series would be airing on Showtime. I've never had pay channels, so I thought I was SOL. Fast way forward to last October when I got laid off from my job. Since SciFi Channel was airing SG1 almost every day, I had ample opportunity to get to know the show. I'm a bad fan, I don't remember what my first episode was. However, I do remember that I loved the show quickly. I became a Sam/Jack shipper quickly, too.

                    I've converted my husband into a SG1 fan. He got me the first season DVD box set for my birthday and wanted to keep it for himself!


                      I saw the movie and wasn't impressed enough to watch the TV series, I thought it would be all military and gung ho.

                      Mr W watched the first series on C4, I didn't. But when the last ep of S1 aired it was a very cold day, and the television was in the only room in the house that was heated, and I couldn't help watching. It was a fantastic ep, with a brilliant cliffhanger. Come the start of s2 and Carter biting Jack, the embarrassed mention of the space shuttles, Daniel being all noble, and Jack's line, "that's a bad plan", I was totally hooked.

                      There are at least four shows I only watch because Mr W once watched them on a very cold day.



                        I didn't have Showtime for the first bit, but managed to see most of it anyway while visiting friends who watched. It was good, so I wasn't exactly resisting. Then I got showtime when the non-evil cable comany came to town and my housemates never, ever missed an episode. I was surprised how much I was drawn to the humor and how the show doesn't take itself too seriously. Before I really knew what was happening, I was a fan. And I swore that wasn't going to ever happen again after x-files. Oops.
                        *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                          When the show first aired, or near to the first airing in the UK (where I was living at the time) they showed the movie, I had heard of it but had never seen it. From the first Kawoosh I was reeled in.
                          How I'd write out Jonas:

                          Jack: Danny, good to have you back.
                          *Jonas starts to walk toward event-horizon, teary-eyed*
                          *Daniel notices*
                          Daniel: Hey Jonas!
                          Jonas: Y..yes?
                          *Daniel hands him his glasses and a 'rock'*
                          Daniel: Here, if for any reason i cannot fully complete my duties as team archeoligist we'll dial you up and you can be the new 'Daniel'.
                          Jonas: (excitedly) Really? wow, has it ever happened before?
                          Jonas: Oh boy! I have a dream!



                            well i watched the season premiere and i didnt like it. then late at night when nothing else was on i would watch stargate in syndication. this was going on for 5 some odd years i'm guessing. i really dont know how it started, but i believe it had to do with an article in tv guide about how everyone would throw jack and daniel into a relationship and then michael shanks saying something about how him and RDA would pretend to act like an old married couple.

                            needless to say i found this very entertaining. i was bored, went to this lovely video rental place that has all of stargate on dvd *that's available* and started renting like insane.

                            it took a while till i got into it though..

                            though i must say...i watched window of opportunity before reading that article, and i loved that was really really funny...and jack goes insane.

                            Daniel: No Jonas, I will NOT play pass the mustard with you.
                            Jonas: What about pass the mayo?
                            Daniel: ...okay, but dont tell Jack.


                              Years ago, a friend at uni was watching the movie on TV and I thought it was all a bit silly.

                              Couple years later I asked my girlfriend what she was up to that night. She said watching stargate. I laughed, but she told me to come over and watch it as the series was WAY better than the movie (and hilarious at that).

                              I now believe that there IS a stargate, and I am trying to get a transfer to the SGC. Oh yes, and I post here at GateWorld.


                                a friend of mine was talking to me over the phone and she suddenly told me to go to the sci fi channel saying i would love this program called Stargate... i did not go at the time but later on that night i went to see what she was talking about...instantly i loved it but it took me a long time to get the plot line.
                                "A general is only as good as the people he commands."

