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How Did You Become Hooked?

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    Saw the movie, started watching the series from the time it first aired on Sky One. It was around season three really that I realised just how hooked I was - I was in front of the TV every Wednesday night at 8pm and NOTHING stopped me! Jonlinar's Memories made me go online to look for people to talk to about it. I was just so gobsmacked by seeing Aphophis again, and the next day at work I wanted to say 'did you see that!' but no-one else watched the show.


      I used to watch Deep space nine on sky 1, on sunday nights i think it was. And saw stargate advertised. having seen the film and liked it, i thought it might be worth watching the show (which was on a monday night if i'm not mistaken?)

      so.....7 years ago, monday night, 8pm.....i watched the pilot.....and the rest, as they say, is history. ds9 on sundays, sg-1 on mondays. lucky thing for me is that my dad liked it too, as it clashed with livefootball. but he watched sg1, then the football.


        When the movie was on TV for the first time, I *so* much regretted that I hadn't watched it in the theaters. Stargate was my favorite movie for several years.

        In 1998/99 I was an exchange student, and when I came home after 10 months, I had already missed the complete first season. I didn't even know that there was a TV series based on my favorite movie. But my brother and my sister were watching Serpent's Song (S2) one day and explained the concept of the Tok'ra to me. Next week we watched One False Step and I *really* liked that episode so I decided to also watch the next week, and the next week, and then they reran S1.

        I was so sad when S1 Politics left me with the feeling that this would be the last ep ever of Stargate, but fortunately it wasn't.

        I started with a little online reading in S3, began to download a few S4/S5 eps (Germany is about one year behind), and about a year ago I started reading in SG forums. Now I am seriously hooked on the show.
        Last edited by sgeureka; 04 May 2004, 12:05 PM. Reason: can't calculate
        No, 'Eureka' is Greek for 'This bath is too hot.'

        "Because only an extremely deranged individual would think of doing what we're doing."
        (LOST producer Damon Lindelof, May 2007)


          My grandad got me into Stargate about 3 years ago. I was at his house one night and he was watching Stargate, I'm not sure which episode it was because I seem to remember seeing two episodes while at Grandas house, one was COTG and the other was Enemies.
          I remember being interested straight away and I watched the whole episode with him, then I went home and forgot all about it. The second time, I asked him I watched it again and I knew that it was my kind of show so I asked him what it was called, he told me Stargate SG-1 then I went straight home and checked in the TV guide when it was on next and i've been watching it ever since
          Luckily for me the week after I found out about it Sky One started showing the whole series Starting from COTG all the way through to Season 5 so I got to see every episode in order

          Woah, I think thats the most i've ever wrote in one post

          @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

          ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


            The first season started airing on FOX, 5:00 pm Saturdays. At the time I was a loyal watcher of The New Yankee Workshop on PBS airing at the same time. PBS was running one of their telathons, so I started channel surfing and saw the opening credits to SG-1. I had no idea the movie was made into a TV show. I figured it would be another movie to tv make-over that would suck!

            The fact that Richard Dean Anderson starred in the show kept my attention. (I was a big MacGuyver fan.) So, I gave it a shot and have been a "GateGeak" ever since.


              The movie was okay, but when I saw that RDA was going to play the role of Jack O'Neill, I didn't need convincing to watch as I am a die hard RDA/MacGyver fan. It just so happens that from the 1st episode "Children of the Gods" that I loved it so much, there was just no turning back once I started watching the series.

              Originally posted by SaharaGate
              I've been watching since Children of the Gods...we actually got it in syndication in Australia very early, which was great. Too bad their scheduling has gone downhill since then. I mean splitting up a season midway for almost a year??? Blasphemy!
              Oh, and SaharaGate, I quite agree with you about Ch7 just cutting mid season. We are so way behind I don't think I can wait till rating season is over before they air it again
              If I were a Goddess - let it be that of Love & Beauty


                I saw the trailor for sg1 on Sky1. This was for COTG'S. I thought this looks good. So I decided to watch it when the ep came on. The momment I became hooked I can remember clearly . It was when SAM first walked into the briefing room. She struck me then as a special charactor.

                Then over the years i've become even more hooked. Getting online, making friends, gaining confidence (because of 'Gate) meeting the actors etc.
                I regard SG1 as a hobby. Not just a TV show. A expensive hobby


                  I First went to see the movie with my dad when it was released at the cinema's, i really loved the movie and i thought that this was one of the most interesting and original ideas in a long time, and thought it would be a great idea for a TV show, Then i found out i was on TV, the year was 2001 (i think), i saw season 5 eps on tv (I live in Australia).
                  my think first episode was The Fifth Man (which is probably why it caught my eye, because of John De Lancie (Q from star trek). but then after a couple of episodes it stopped for a mid season break (Aussie Network Tv playing Scifi is probably the most unreliable source for the genre, so i didn't see it on tv [or notice it anyway] for a long time). it eventually made it to cable from children of the gods onwards and i have been watching, loving and recording it ever since.I love all the characters, but my favourite became sam very quickly. For some reason my favourite characters always seem to be the Scientist type Characters


                    In my case, in a boring sunday i was flipping through the channel and I saw an episode(in Children of the gods), since I didn't have anything to watch, I just left the TV on and started to do something else. It caught my attention, and I haven't been able to stop watching since then . But the thing is that I thought it was a movie (because I knew there was a Stargate movie, but didn't know nothing about it).


                      I've always been a sci-fi/fantasy fan so I had seen the original movie numerous times. I was also a big RDA fan. So the two together made wanting to watch the show inevitable. However, until the show switched to the Sci-Fi channel, my viewing was very limited. I didn't have Showtime and the shows airing on Fox always seemed to get pre-empted. When the show moved to the Sci-Fi channel, I started seriously watching. I fell in love with the rest of the cast and now I can't get enough!


                        I become hooked by default. I saw the film when it came out and thought it was alright but not fantastic. Loved the Daniel Jackson caracter but found O'neill mildly irritating in the way he was portraied. I was vagely aware that it had become a tv series but the times were impossible for me to watch so never saw more than a few minutes at a time. When the x-files and Buffy finished I had this enormous sci-fi void in my life and purely by chance cought a repeat of Window of opportunity. Loved it and made sure I taped all of season 7 episodes.
                        I am now oficialy hooked, life revolves around 6 o'clock when I make sure I'm home to watch the repeats from previous seasons. I'm still overing about spending all that money on S1-4 DVDs but if Sky doesn't go back to S1 strait away that's it, my children will go without shoes


                          I needed something new to watch or do I can't remember what i did before Stargate, couldn't have been that important All i know is i was scouting the channels looking for something to watch. My first show i settled on was Andromeda but that was an embarrasment to a show that i found while flicking over to sky one It was the Enemy within episode although not a great one they eventually got better


                            I remember seeing 2010 when it was first on Showtime (which we had a free weekend of), but since we did not have premium channels regularly, I did not watch it anymore until it went over to Sci-Fi. When I got hooked------December of 2002. Our satellite had gone out, we could not pick up networks due to bad weather, and my husband had just found out he would need gall bladder surgery. Found the first two seasons on DVD at a great price at Best Buy. We watched every single episode that weekend and got hooked (our kids to). When the second half of season 6 came on, we were regular watchers and have been ever since.


                              I started watching after Deep Space 9 finished its run. I always watched DS9 on Sunday nights on the local NBC network. When it ended, the network picked up SG-1 when season 2 was in syndication so I never saw the first season until SciFi picked it up. I like scifi stuff so I started watching, and it didn't hurt that I was a big MacGyver fan. Never missed that show, and I never miss an episode of SG-1.
                              IMO always implied.


                                I lived with my good friend who loves the show, she'd turn it on and we;d of the first episodes I saw was Out of Mind (where Jack grabs Sam and doesn't let go for a LONG time) and it turned me into a shipper (after I asked my friend why I kept seeing something between those two and she finally stopped laughing at me and explained D&C and a couple others...)

                                "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                                describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                                <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                                Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!

