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Females---Who do you identify with!?

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    Females---Who do you identify with!?

    I have been pretty surprised about the amount of Chloe-hate out there. I must admit that on a post or two I joined in--because I'm jealous of her astonishing beauty. But I think that out of all the female characters that ever were......I identify with Chloe the most. Maybe its because I graduated college with a "soft major" and would love to have a military bf, or because she can not solve any problem in a minute. But.... really. Why hate Chloe?

    But this thread is not about Chloe. Which character do you identify with? I'd love to be a Carter or Vala or Keller...but it aint happening anytime soon
    Teal'c: "Appearances may be deceiving."
    O'Neill: "One man's ceiling is another man's floor."
    Daniel: "A fool's paradise is a wise man's hell."
    O'Neill: "Never run with...scissors?"

    My first name is Jennifer so its Keller. Except this I cannot find an other comparision ( i dont blow up suns or steal something when nobody is there )


      TJ, well i like her the most on sgu (female character wise), and shes very normal/down to earth. not a super-genius.


        Is this thread about women of SGU or about women of the whole franchise? Because if it's the latter this is a wrong place for it. You should ask the Mods to move it to the General Stargate Discussion folder.

        As to the question...I'm not sure I identify with anyone. I love Sam and she was one of my role models when I was growing up, but I'm not like her at all. I guess Lt Vanessa James would be the closest.
        There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
        awesome sig by Josiane


          on SGU? none of them.
          on SGA? none of them

          Sam is the one i most ID with

          and yes, if this thread is only about the ladies of SGU it can stay here, but if it's to be a general thread cross the 3 series, we need to move it.
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            I don't hate Chloe but yeah, sometimes the 'hate Chloe' crap gets pretty thick. For me, Chloe embodies the feeling of wonder in the show. I like quite a few of the female characters but I don't fully identify myself with any of the female characters so far, or if I do, it's a trait here and a trait there.

            I like Chloe, I like TJ, I like Park. Hell, I even like Wray



              Which character do you identify with?

              Always at the top of my list is Sam Carter.

              After her is Janet Frasier, a little bit Elizabeth Weir, and maybe Laura Cadman.

              Sorry ... I can't seem to identify with any of the women on SGU ... yet.


                I'd like to constrict this question to the SGU woman (I don't know enough about the other two SG series to make a decision there). But, SGU is not easy.

                Most of the woman are very young, e.g. Chloe has to learn a lot, and needs more experience with life in general (she's 23, that's pretty young), even if she's not bad for a girl this age, but she's definitely to young for me to think about.

                TJ and Lt James? Both of them are pretty nice gals, but I think a military career would be nothing for me (even if I could choose it now).

                Dr. Park, would be interesting, science is something I'm familiar with, but I think, I'm not this much in for her book club .

                Camile Wray with her bureaucrat career would not be my choice, I won't like to do what she does. Otherwise I don't have a bad impression about her. I just don't like her job.

                Dr. Perry is a very interesting character with a difficult life (does she count?).

                All in all it's not easy to choose one of the female characters, all of them have qualities, but none of them have all the qualities I'd like to choose for my life. And we don't have a lot to choose from, do we?


                  Out of the whole franchise, Carter. I'm a blonde, female physics student so how could I not?

                  Out of SGU, I don't think I really identify with anyone. Maybe TJ. There aren't any female scientists we know very well.


                    Age may be a difference. I know I really can't ID with a 20 something 'pretty young thing', cause i'm not one
                    Nor can i really ID with a woman who 'reads' a lot, because I don't.
                    That's also my issue with TJ. I can't ID with the choices she's made in her personal life. Same with James.
                    as to Wray, it's hard to ID with someone who's battling her personal morals with her ambition

                    on SGU, there's not a lot to choose from, simply because a lot of their flaws are flawed enough to have you dismiss them.
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      hmmm...taking another swipe at this:

                      I like Chloe's sense of wonder and her strong belief in what she is, that she tries even when she doesn't know what the hell she's doing. I like TJ's grace and her ability to be a good person in spite of everything she's going through. I like Park's positive attitude and, while I don't do the amount of reading I once did a long time ago, I admire that she's found something that's worked to keep her sane I like Wray's big brass balls. She may be naive about how the real world works but that woman is brave. Maybe stupidly brave, but she's still brave. I also like that she's willing to change a plan to try to make something work. These are all really strong traits in themselves, they're just not all in the same person so I can't choose,



                        i cant id myself completely with any female character in the stargte franchise. I really like Sam, shes my fave female character in the entire franchise, but i'm just not that smart. While i don't agree with all of TJ's personal choices, i can id with her the most regarding other things. And i just realized, if tj is the same age as the actress that plays her, we are also the same age, the actress is actually 6 mos older than me.


                          I think TJ, because she is very down to earth and caring.
                          But I don´t understand the anti Chloe comments, I like Chloe. I think she is very brave and rational for the situation she find herself in.


                            I love sam, I honestly do. But seeing as I am a male...its hard for me to identify myself with any of them


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                              I think age has something to do with it, interests and temperament, but the character I most identify with is Rush. I'm a scientist and a mathematician, and his loss of his wife is unfortunately something that resonates with me personally.

                              I don't really feel a strong identification with any of the female characters.
                              Goodbye and Good Travels, Destiny!

