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Proof that you can only have 1 gate per solar system.

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    Proof that you can only have 1 gate per solar system.

    Ive known this for years, as its pretty well established canon, but someone was posting on the SGU forum, that the gates limited distance in sgu meant you were just dialing within a solar system that Destiny was in, and in general that having more then 1 gate per solar system and dialing between them is perfectly viable, then I thought about it and came up with nothing, then I thought about it somemore, and once again came up with nothing, then one last time I really really thought about it and again came up with nothing, then BAM wake up in the middle of the night with this realization.

    Okay so we know that a gates PoO specifies a point in space, and that when a gate is moved from the location that its calibrated to then it needs to be recalibrated, what we didn't know though is how big of an area the PoO specifies, the size of a planet, or a star system, or a light year (well thats too much but you get the idea). So I thought, well lets put it in terms of our solar system,

    The Earth PoO needs to specify a 3 dimensional area that is large enough to encompass the entire orbit around the sun (Other wise the gate would need to be recalibrated very very reguarly, as would every other gate in every other solar system), which is a big area, which puts a minimum size on how big of an area the gates PoO specifies (Im too lazy to check it up, if someone could post that'd be great) and that a gate would have to be outside earths orbit of the sun to be dialled, this however would mean that if you were to place a gate on another planet, say mars for example, then that gates PoO would also have to cover its entire orbit of the sun, an area bigger then that of Earths orbit posing the problem we saw in SG1 Season 1 when Jack and Sam were sent to the south pole, and again in EATG when the wraith gate of a newer design took precident over the Earth gate.

    This is proof, absolute proof that you can only 1 functioning gate per solar system, and certainly rules out all possibilities of dialing to another gate within the same solar system. (This isn't taking into account binary and trinary systems but we've never seen these in stargate so its a moot point)

    Feel free to poke any holes... I think its solid but I was wrong once before... just once
    I dunno what to put in here now..

    I don't think there has ever been any doubt about one gate per solar system, as Touchstone and Watergate have shown that one gate works at a time.

    We've been told before that a gate without a DHD can only go so far (2001 I think) so it is possible that the Destiny has to be a few solar systems away in order for the gate to work. The only problem with SGU is the fact they tend to be in or near a solar system any time the gate activates. It's like the SGU gate is an over-glorified ring transporter



      Ive never had a doubt but I recently had quite a debate about this with another member of the forum, should it come up again for anyone else there'll at least be someplace that can be referred to, plus I was so proud of myself for coming up with that I just really wanted to post it lol
      I dunno what to put in here now..


        Originally posted by SaberBlade View Post
        I don't think there has ever been any doubt about one gate per solar system, as Touchstone and Watergate have shown that one gate works at a time.

        We've been told before that a gate without a DHD can only go so far (2001 I think) so it is possible that the Destiny has to be a few solar systems away in order for the gate to work. The only problem with SGU is the fact they tend to be in or near a solar system any time the gate activates. It's like the SGU gate is an over-glorified ring transporter
        exactly green!



          -look at the starmap
          -look at destiny's trajectory
          -look at the gates nearby.

          that should be enough said



            -look at the starmap
            -look at destiny's trajectory
            -look at the gates nearby.

            that should be enough said



              Exhibit A:
              BRA'TAC - That story is told among Jaffa. Is that Osiris hid on one of the planets of the Lac’na’ko?

              DANIEL - What’s that?

              TEAL'C - A group of planets that’s resources have been depleted by mining.
              Exhibit B:

              Conclusion: You can dial planets in the same system.


                Originally posted by escyos View Post

                Exhibit A:

                Exhibit B:

                Conclusion: You can dial planets in the same system.
                Just because a gate was placed on a planet with a group of habitable planets doesn't mean that all the planets have gates. It was never stated that Osiris gated to the planet or that there wasn't a ring system to go between planets.

                The same thing happened to O'Neill and Maybourne, who ended up being transported to another planet of a suspected Furling sanctuary. Since the Lac’na’ko were depleted through mining, it's more than likely that ships were used or a ring system instead of gates on all planets, since SG1 has clearly proven that you can't have two gates connected at the same time.



                  bra'tac points to these gate addresses and says "these are the planets of the loc'na'ko"


                    Then it's more than likely that the Lac’na’ko aren't part of a single system, but a name given to a series of planets. If they were within the same solar system, the addresses would be similar but they aren't in that screenshot. Oddly enough, for some reason the Abydos point of origin is part of an address.

                    But he could still point at one address as being the address for the planets, thus returning back to the idea of a single gate, within a group of planets and a transport system to go between them,.



                      Originally posted by SaberBlade View Post
                      Then it's more than likely that the Lac’na’ko aren't part of a single system, but a name given to a series of planets. If they were within the same solar system, the addresses would be similar but they aren't in that screenshot. Oddly enough, for some reason the Abydos point of origin is part of an address.

                      But he could still point at one address as being the address for the planets, thus returning back to the idea of a single gate, within a group of planets and a transport system to go between them,.
                      well then why were they all listed one after the other in the database? If their system catergorises the planets based on an alpha numerical designation then location would be part of that. If they were goa'uld worlds why would earth have them listed in such a way.


                        I think your concept of the 6 point navigational sytem is flawed. Ok, as you said, the planets are listed aplhanumerically, or so we would assume, right? The system takes 6 solar sytems, and creates 3 lines from we'll say first digit to second digit, third to fourth, and fifth to sixth, so the first planet is just going to be a random point that corresponds with the first line. It could be 2 light years away from the destination or 30 light years from the destination. It doesn't matter because the destination as described in the Stargate movies is the intersection of the 3 lines.

                        Obviously, you can figure that its not precise, and the coordinates indicated would point to a star, not a planet, with as was mentioned above a cube of orbit area where the destination stargate could be.

                        And one more thing you'd have to take into account here is that stars are slowly drifting apart, and the DHD's not this, and have programmed in them likely thousand or possibly millions of years of stellar drift. Which means that the points for the "3 lines" aren't going to truly create a destination anymore, but the DHD would probably simply associate the address with the location as it was when the anicents created it, compensating for stellar drift. In all reality, the lines today would almost definitely not touch each other.


                          Guys seriously read the OP, having more then 1 gate in a solar system means that the PoO HAVE TO overlap thus only one functional gate, unless you work in some sort of work around like McKay and carter did on the gate bridge, and even then the gates can't be activate at the same time, and certainly can't dial eachother
                          I dunno what to put in here now..


                            Far to much for me to read it all so I hope no one else has said this!

                            I think that the PoO is more like a checksum in a barcode rather than a unique part of an address...

                            ....At the end of the day, it isn't real! - they probably never looked this far in to it... If a story ever calls for several gates in a a system, they most likely will have them without giving this a second thought.


                              I disagree I find that the staff at Stargate has done an excellent job of explaining its mythology to the viewers, and in keeping a certain level of consistency. I'm not saying that they wouldn't consider writing it possible to have 2 gates per system, but that they would give it plenty of thought, and would come up with a detailed reason why it would be possible, or how the people in question alterred their stargates to make it work, before just throwing it in a plot.

